BC Fan Resources

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Some things to read

This is an interesting look at bowl payouts vs. estimated expenses. The ACC pools its money, so no schools lose money, but you’d think with all these smart people running around some one would ask “why are we participating in so many lousy, expensive bowls?”

Once again BC distinguished itself with strong academic and graduation rankings. The article mentions future punishment for schools that don’t graduate their kids. That is a hollow threat and will just lead to more academic manipulation (ballroom dancing, anyone?).

The guys are saying all the right things about Boise.

While in Boise they’ll get to practice indoors a little. The cold might be a factor for many visitors, but I don’t expect it to impact BC much.

Here’s a nice profile on Tyrese Rice.

Finally, BC has a great hockey program. I rarely mention it here, since I am far from a hockey expert and see 0 college hockey in Atlanta. But I will give credit where it is due -- two BC players made the U.S. Junior Team.

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