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Monday, June 16, 2008

A BC preview and other links

College Football News produced their annual preview of BC. They stick to the looming narrative ("great D, questions on offense"). Included within is a deeper look at both sides of the ball and a projected depth chart. One fresh point that CFN makes and which I haven't gotten around to yet: the schedule. It sets up well. If we can pad the ledger with some early wins, the momentum might carry us a bit into the second half of the season.

The site of one of BC's greatest moments is now rubble. I like old stadiums as much as the next guy, but never felt like I was missing anything by not seeing the Orange Bowl.

More "Matt Ryan Explained" from KSK.


  1. Regardless of what some people say about the ACC - I think all of our 2008 games are tough. While I think we will have a pretty good year - and very good if we get some breaks and don't lose a lot of key players to injuries like last year - we are capable of beating every team on the schedule but also losing to some teams that some fans might expect us to beat.

    This is where I'm anxious to see Coach Jags and staff go to work. We lost to Wake Forest and N.C. State 2 years ago when we could have/should have won both. We lost to UNC in 2005 in the same way. TOB coached to have a chance to win late in the game. I'm hoping Coach Jags plays to have the game won before then. I understand that things don't always work out - but TOB was pretty well known for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory in some of these close games - that never should have been close in the first place. Sure, he won plenty of games, and I am very grateful. But we have been on the verge of some extra special seasons, except for those blips.

    1999 would have been a nice season if he had beaten Temple; 2001 if he had beaten Syracuse; 2002 - would have been great if he had (should have) beaten Virginia Tech and Pittsburgh; 2003 if he had beaten Wake Forest and Pittsburgh; 2004 would have been FANTASTIC except for Wake Forest and of course Syracuse; 2005 if he had beaten UNC; 2006 - NC State and Wake Forest; 2007 Florida State or Maryland - take your pick.

    I'd be wary of Georgia Tech, at NC State and at UNC. We BC fans always think about Virginia Tech, Clemson, Florida State, etc - and this year ND will probably be pretty darn good. Wake and Maryland - show me an easy game! We owe Maryland a big loss.

    We've got to be on our toes, BC - enthusiastic and let's be winners on and off the field. Go BC. Go Coaches - Jags, Logan, Spaziani, McGovern, Bicknell Jr., Day, Siravo, Comissiong, Sirmana, and Yanowsky. Let's score first, let's be ahead at the half, and after 3 quarters - let's not wait - score, score, score!!!! Let the D do its job. Knock em down and don't let them up.

    I've got to go - I'm getting psyched already!!

  2. And of course let's go Barry Gallop.

  3. Jack,

    I would argue that in 2006, it was the Miami game that was much more of game we could have/should have won.

    Wake won the ACC that year and it was an even game that could have gone either way. We had some bad turnovers late and it doomed us. At least Wake was good that year.

    Miami was bad that year and playing out the string with a lame duck coach (Like NC State who I agree with you we should have never lost to). That game also produced the infamous "We're winning" comment at half time from TOB that nearly killed ATL_Eagle. There is no way we should have lost that game (even if it was in the Orange Bowl).

    Back to your point though, for some reason I feel much better about Jags than I do about TOB. I am confident that Jags and the staff have the team pointed in the right direction.

    Also my prayers go out to the Russert family. I took my (then 6 month old) son to the BC-UMass football in Sept. 2007 and we got chance to ride the elevator with Tim. He gave my son a fist pump and a "Go BC" as we left the elevator. I think I will be telling him that story for years.

  4. Jags is going to ge the benefit of the doubt (from me at least) because he is only in Year 2. I took umbrage with TOB's Miami retort to Erin Andrews because it was Year 10 and he was being a jerk on national TV.

  5. Mike - you are absolutely right. How did I forget Miami in 2006? I was at the game and there were only about 25,000 fans in the Orange Bowl. We should have won that game by 2 or 3 touchdowns.

    When Tribble intercepted a pass and ran it in for a touchdown, I thought we would blow them out.

    It was a special year for Wake Forest and I'll give them their due. The two questionable losses that year were NC State and Miami.

    Bill - of course we will give Jags the benefit of the doubt. Go BC.

  6. This might be jumping the gun a bit, but I am also interested in seeing how things go NEXT year (2009). My instincts tell me that 2008 will be Logan's last year and so at the end of this season, regardless of how well we do, Jags will have to find a replacement or take over the OC position himself.


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