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Monday, November 10, 2008

Bowl musical chairs begins

By winning Saturday BC is now bowl eligible. Great news. Win out and we are in the ACC Championship game. Even better news.

However, an under the radar announcement this weekend could make things interesting if we don't run the table. Gene told Blaudschun that BC could not accept an invite to the EagleBank Bowl in D.C. because of conflicts with exams. While certainly not my first choice, I preferred this bowl as a fall back since it kept the team on the East Coast and we have plenty of fans in the D.C. area.

With DC out, the list of bowl destinations gets a bit limited. This is what we know:

-- We can win our way into the Orange Bowl
-- The Peach/ChickfilA, Gator, and Charlotte are all highly, highly unlikely. It helps that two of the best traveling ACC teams (NC State and Clemson) are almost eliminated and the best story in the ACC (Duke) is nearly eliminated. But those three bowls all would prefer other options due to our traveling reputation.
-- Champs/Citrus could happen. Florida State and Miami hovering though works against us.
-- EagleBank (DC) is not happening as mentioned above.
-- Music City is a possibility. By the time they select, the better traveling teams may be gone which helps. But I still think they will go elsewhere.
-- San Francisco/Nut bowl is our likely destination. Their organizers really want Cal or Stanford and are expecting BC or Miami from the ACC. It's not what you have in mind when you think college football, but this would not be a bad landing spot. We have a good alumni base in the Bay Area and the fans that went to our last Nut Bowl had good things to say. Oh, and it could be a lot worse, as in...
-- Boise. If the good people of San Francisco don't spare select us, we could be the final ACC team to participate in this bowl. I know...it's terrible. Let's hope we win out and eliminate any chance.


  1. I bet the Meineke people would love a BC-UConn game...

  2. ...personally, I'm holding out hope for a BC-Minnesota Champs Bowl - my second favorite team.

    I mean, I'd love to go to the Orange Bowl. But failing that, that would be my preference.

    Nut bowl wouldn't be so bad if we get to play Cal or Stanford. They could play up the academic angle.

  3. i don't know why gene came out and said that. first of all, finals run the 11th to the 18th and secondly why not let the other bowls think that they could snatch us up?

  4. Is GDF nuts? If necessary, let the players take the exams before or after the bowl game. How hard is that?

  5. EagleBank Bowl is the last selecting bowl I believe... so other bowls wouldn't think they could snatch us up before them. Plus a BC-Navy match up already happened 2 years ago..

    Bowling is a week long event... the team would head out to D.C. on the 15th or so...

  6. The DC bowl would do all they could to take UMD, UVA, or VT anyway.

    Maybe we could refuse Boise, and hope some league-independant bowl on Dec 10 would take us? Oh brother.

    The one silver lining of not making the Orange Bowl is that whichever ACC gets there will be slaughtered, unless they play the Big East winner.

  7. While I really really hope we make a better bowl (ie, either of the two possibilities in Florida), I do hope we end up in San Francisco. A match-up with Stanford (my hometown team) or Cal would be tremendously entertaining. The crowd five years ago was lively and there were tons of alums in town. Too bad the game isn't New Year's Eve again, because it was pretty cool to walk out of the park and watch the fireworks from the Embarcadero.

    Oh, and I'll already be out there visiting family. Sweet confluence, that.

  8. Just remembered... the Chick-fil-a people were at BC this weekend... they saw a good group at least...

  9. music city bowl- nashville would be an awesome city to spend a weekend in. i think we would get a good turnout there.

  10. Bummer about the DC bowl, even though it would be a rematch against Navy, I was hoping we would get this one, travel awesome to it and then Chic-Fila or Peach might take a chance on us in the future.

    Best case scenario, I see us winning 2 out of these last 3 games, which would put us exactly where I thought we'd finish. I never thought we'd lose to GT, but I actually banked on losing to Clemson, VT, UNC and FSU. So we swapped the VT loss for GT and let's hope we can beat at least Wake and if Chris Crane holds up probably Wake and Maryland. I am glass is half empty on FSU, too much speed. Even if our D plays as ferocious as they did against ND, Our O will probably not get things going against their D and then it will be a matter of time before one of FSU's speedsters busts a big one. ND almost did it, and then there's our kicking game, which we would need to win a close one in Tallahasse. Don't mean to be a naysayer, but I call it like I see it.

  11. grav -

    I think BC-UConn is a very unattractive matchup for the Meineke people. Two northeastern schools, one who has the reputation as a poor traveling fan base and another that hasn't been D1 long enough to have any sort of reputation whatsoever...

    I think that, like most of the ACC tie-ins, they want a southern school if they can get it.

  12. I think the entire state of Connecticut would attend that game, and it would get very big tv ratings.

  13. "The one silver lining of not making the Orange Bowl is that whichever ACC gets there will be slaughtered, unless they play the Big East winner."

    Well, it definitely looks like that right now, maybe, but I'm hoping we get an ACC victory in either FSU/Florida or Georgia/Georgia Tech. If we can get one of those, I think it will help a lot with our image. We desperately need a good bowl season.

    Hopefully that so many ACC are or are very near bowl eligible shows that the conference is strong rather than weak.


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