BC Fan Resources

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Broadcast team for Wake game and other links

Terry Gannon and David Norrie will call the BC game this Saturday.

This FSU blog has a good drive chart breakdown from our game.

BC and Stanford are both interested in 2010 recruit Troy Gloster.

Here is an interesting article on jock majors at certain schools. I know we have some majors that are more popular than others with BC athletes, but our core remains demanding regardless of which school you are in or which major you choose.

The BC women still play Holy Cross. They crushed the Crusaders Tuesday night.


  1. atl- I am glad you linked to the USA Today article. It really touched on something that is pretty sad. One thing that stood out to me during my time at BC was what it waste it was that so many athletes in the non-revenue sports (almost all with no prospect of every playing pro) took communications and then did their grad program in the school of extended studies. I dont think they are pushed to do it but I think they see everyone else doing it and they get swept along with the current. Basically they spin their wheels for 4 of 5 years going through a watered down curriculum and play some sports. Its a sad commentary on college sports and its something that is not right.
    BC's admissions standards even for athletes are higher than most schools but this acceptance of the status quo invariably dumbs people down. I can understand some people in FB, BB, or hockey picking certain majors- i get it, the time demands are extremely high, BC competes at a national level in these sports, and these sports produce more pro athletes than the others...but my peers that I admired most were the ones who bucked the trend and hit the books because they wanted to use the system, not for the system to use them. One thing I'll never forget is sitting in the training room icing and talking to a 1000 yard rusher (I wont use his name) about his information systems major in CSOM and I was blown away by the plan he had for himself and for after college. And this was a guy starting at RB on a damn good footbal team who also probably had thoughts somewhere in his mind about playing in the league. To borrow from our coaches, now THAT is a "bc guy".

  2. Communications and Sociology are the two go-to athlete majors at BC. Neither of them are rocket science, but it sure beats the athlete majors at most schools. My favorites are Athletic Coaching Education at West Virginia and Agricultural Journalism at Wisconsin.

  3. As a psych major, I encountered 2 football players in my classes. Both guys were top notch athletes on the field, and both were some of the smartest, most engaging students in my classes.

    I cannot say the same for the hockey players I encountered in some of my electives.

    Its always great to see an athlete using the system, rather than the other way around.

  4. One of our new rivals has a good one for football players - something like Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management.

    Meanwhile, it might be fun to catch a Women's basketball game soon. In fact 15th ranked Notre Dame comes to Conte on Sunday. We've got some top notch players on the women's team, and could have a nice season. Let's see what they can do against a ranked team.

    luch - I always quietly hope that we have many BC guys and gals on our teams who take advantage of their opportunities. There's no question that they have to be among the most disciplined students on campus. That's what makes me proud - so an so makes the tackle and he's a double major in Finance and Marketing, etc. I think the guy handing off to your Information Systems major was an Economics major - cool. That sets us apart. We are having a lively discussion about attendance on the previous thread, but we also have much for which to be proud.

    Go BC beat Wake Forest. I'll be there yelling as though I were a young fan - but I'm still passionate and crazy - just ask my wife :-) And I only yell "down in front" if the last 3 or 4 fans standing happen to be right in front of me. Otherwise, I might be the fan getting yelled at and I'm tall :-)

  5. I love this quote under the photograph:

    "Former Boise State safety Marty Tadman took the easiest classes when he was in school. 'You're going to school so you can stay in sports,' Tadman said. 'You're not going for a degree. ... It's a joke.'"

    You stay classy, Boise State.


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