BC Fan Resources

Friday, November 07, 2008

Dr. Lou and other links

In the second part of this Dr. Lou piece he answer's Mark Wahlberg's questions on BC.

HD knows this game is a rivalry.

The guys will spend some time at the Campus School today.

Jags is still juggling the kicking duties.

Here is more on that freshman from Arizona that BC is already recruiting.

Blackledge doesn't announce his "taste of the town" until gametime.

This Vegas guy likes Notre Dame this weekend.

The EagleBank Bowl (the new one in DC) would prefer one of the local ACC teams. They are expecting BC or Duke.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Just my two cents: the ND students know it's a rivalry. Is it ever going to replace USC or Michigan? Doubtful. But it's a fun, unique, spirited rivalry and I'm excited for the weekend.

  3. Lou Holthhhhz is such a joke...can't stand him on espn

  4. Does ESPN get a tax break for letting Lou have his own segment?

  5. Take it with a grain of salt (a la Holtz), but interesting to see Simmons do a complete 180 on Ryan, even addressing his anti-BC lean:

    "Maybe my B.C. bias played into it, but still, Ryan has turned out to be the most polished rookie quarterback I can remember watching since … since … I don't even know. Dan Marino? I might have to go with Marino...And that's why a Boston College graduate is my 2008 Halfway MVP."

    Hyperbole aside, nice to see Matty winning over his harshest critics.

  6. Did anyone watch that video?

    1. Wahlberg called him "Uncle" Lou.

    2. Lou never answers the question that Wahlberg asks.

    3. Wahlberg didn't, but should have, signed off with "Tell ya mutha I said hello, ok?"

    4. I got spit in my eye.

  7. Anyone else sick of the "Backup College" shirts that ND fans like to wear? Maybe it's just me, but I never considered applying to ND. It might be different if you grew up in the midwest, but still, who cares? I guess these guys need something to hang their hat on since they haven't won since Clinton was in the White House.

  8. Hey Will, don't sweat it, man. We call BU a safety school too and look down on Providence. It's all in fun. At least these kids went to ND unlike the other 99% of the people around the country who just love ND because they used to be good.


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