BC Fan Resources

Saturday, November 29, 2008

If I had told you...

-- That we would lose Alex Albright, Clarence Megwa, Brian Toal, James McCluskey, and Chris Crane to season ending injuries
-- That Chris Crane would lead the ACC in turnovers
-- That Montel Harris would be our leading rusher
-- That we would face elimination games in our final three regular season games
-- That Dominique Davis would lead a comeback at Wake Forest
-- That Dominique Davis would start a must win with the ACCCG on the line
-- That we'd allow non-offensive touchdowns against NC State, North Carolina, Wake Forest, and Virginia Tech
-- That we would play eight true freshmen
-- That Steve Aponavicius would only make 13 of 20 FG attempts

Would you believe that we would win the Atlantic and now be one game away from winning the ACC?

Hell of a job by Jags.


  1. No, I wouldn't have believed.

  2. Phenomenal job! There are some great coaches in the ACC. I thought Beamer, Jags, Johnson and TOB all did incredible jobs this season. It's hard to pick an All ACC coach but I'm biased and I say Jags did the best job. Plus, his style of football is so fun.

    I was on the Notre Dame blog and they mentioned making a run at both Jags and TOB. Let'shope we can keep our coach as he is building something special on the Heights.

  3. We need the Old Man ATL post now.

  4. I would call you crazy.
    But I'll absolutely take it!!

  5. something that has gone unmentioned thus far-- what did everyone thing of the wild cat offense?

    another wrinkle that i think makes our offense a little bit more difficult to prepare for and gives the potential for some big plays. it didnt necessarily materialize tonight vs maryland, but i really enjoyed seeing logan and jags give it a shot a few times tonight. i really enjoyed the gameplan.

    eagleboston-- where on the nd blogs did they mention this??? please, say it aint so.

  6. The ND fans are blaming the failure of the Weis experiment on his lack of experience. If ND fires Weis, they are going to do the reactionary thing and pursue someone with a lot more than 2 years experience as a head coach. I wouldn't worry about what their delusional fans are saying on message boards.

  7. Phenomenal game. Can't say enough about the coaching, the studs on defense and the poise (euphemism for lack of turnovers) by our redshirt freshman at QB.

    Celebrate tonight, but like the team, come tomorrow, all that matters is VT next Saturday.

  8. Btw, ND (to their detriment) would only consider a new HC with legitimate experience/name recognition, if not to live up to internal delusions about the status of their "program," to appease the even more backward looking boosters.

    Not to be that guy, but Jags as a flight risk is far from the first thing we should be discussing right now.

    I wouldn't worry too heavily unless we get to a certain fruit themed bowl AND "over" perform next season.

  9. I don't think Jags would go to much-hated ND. He might go somewhere else, but it definitely will not be to ND. He would want to leave with the goodwill he has been creating the past 2 years. Also, Weis might as well pack his bags. That was one brutal offensive performance with Weis calling the plays. 4 first downs in the entire game? Are you kidding? And 3 of those were in garbage time in the 4th quarter.

  10. Don't even get me started on Weis. The man had a top 5 recruiting class the past two seasons, and a strong class the year prior. This isn't TW's deal any longer: failure falls purely on Weis shoulders for ND's inadequacy.

    For the reasons Jags deserves praise today (making the most with what you have on the field), Weis (not ND the program) deserves scorn.

  11. wow BC got two plays in the sportscenter top 10 (the mclaughlin sack at 4 and Flutie fake fg at 10) - we don't get in there all that often but i have never seen us in there twice in one top ten

  12. Holy Buckets!!!!! We lost FIVE, count them boys five major starters this year. ALL of the so called "experts" picked up to finish 4th - 6th in our DIVISION this year... We won it!!!! In Jags and Logan I trust!!.. And screw all the media that tried to compare this to '04. This team is soooo much better than we were back then.. bottom line.. WE GOIN TO THE SHIP!! WE GOING TO THE SHIP!!

  13. I would have said "uh, Bill, stop drinking the Kool-Aid".

    Here's hoping Jags gets ACC coach of the year.

  14. Francois got a helmet sticker from ESPN on College Football Final.

  15. Does anyone know if Ron Brace is okay? He went down with what looked like some kind of leg injury in the 3rd quarter and never came back.

  16. Quick question - Anyone know why Paul Anderson was wearing #31 and not his usual #19?

  17. Big Guy - Anderson wore it to honor Jay McGillis, as most McGillis scholarship recipients do in their final home game.

  18. Anderson was wearing 31 in honor of Jay McGillis, he won the McGillis scholarship this year.


  19. He was the recipient of the Jay McGillis Award, the defensive back who died of leukemia in 1991 - and traditionally the award winner wears Jay's #31 for the final game.

  20. Bob Ryan, a guest on ESPN's The Sports Reporters this morning, shows a little love for Charlie Weis as the panel discusses his future at ND:

    "From BC's perspective, they should give him another 10 year extension."

  21. To paraphrase Jags, "guess who else those games were tough for? All those teams we played."

    Go BC! Get down to Tampa if you can.

  22. I wouldn't have believed it. It was all about one letter....."D"!!!! Defense won us a lot of games.

    Go to Tampa if you can! Remember the ONLY way BC will get the Bowl we deserve is by being the ACC Champs.

  23. Jags should be a shoo-in for ACC Coach of the Year....honestly, he ought to be top five in national COY voting.

  24. Why don't people respect us?
    What do we have to do to get respect?
    Why does a 6-6 ND team get more attention than a BCS-worthy BC team?

  25. anyone seen any cheap flights from boston to tampa? or has anyone made that drive? how long is it?

  26. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Great Victory but but....it means nothing if we lose to VTech next week. Two back-to-back defeats in the ACC Championship game are unacceptable. You can't sell recruits with "We have been to two ACC championships but lose". This game will define Jags. If he can get the team to a BCS game great but if we lose, we must question Gene's hiring of Jags.

  27. Really, Brookline? If BC *were* to lose against VT in the ACCCG, you would question GDF's hire of Jags? In a year where we were picked to finish in the middle of the pack?

    Why? Is there a long line of qualified coaches that want to come to BC? Were we supposed to go undefeated this year?

  28. Hello Brookline - we can question Gene about a lot of things for sure. His hiring of Jags is not one of them.

    I'm confident we can beat VT in Tampa - but don't forget the coaches have had to deal with the fact that we have lost 5 very important players to serious injury. We have a very talented, but inexperienced redshirt freshman quarterback now for the championship game, and an all freshman backfield. Jags and staff are to be commended for their leadership - and the players are to be admired for their hard work.

    We're going to Tampa to win this game, and the players will leave it all on the field. We're not thinking that we will lose the support of fans like you if we lose - that's for sure.

  29. Anonymous6:04 PM

    The point is that just getting to the game means nothing. Going to the game two years in a row with nothing to show for it raises serious issues about Jags. Why can't he get the team to "show up" for the "real big game" and not Notre Dame? This is the reality. If he can't get us to a BCS game, we need to part ways with him. Again this highlights Gene's problems as AD. He remains too loyal to his staff, not seeing their shortcomings and that it might be time for a change.

    Why after over 10 years at BC does Al Skinner's teams always have problems with depth after the starting five? With a deep bench we could probably go further in the tournament. But then again, Gene is God.

  30. Brookline you are delusional. I am all for diversity of opinion but your statements are just flat out incomprehensible. You are telling me, that after years of BC being a an alright but not great team under TOB, you would question the hiring of a coach who in his first two years gets us to a conference championship game?

    You sound like the moronic fans of teams like Clemson or UGA who start calling for their coaches head and demanding that their team be undefeated year after year. I love BC, and i support it to death, but to in any way criticize or question Jags or Gene D after managing to get to the ACCCG after losing our top running backs, o-linemen, qb, safety, mlb, etc. etc. and being picked to finish 5th is pure lunacy. Jags brings an excitement and enthusiasm to our program that is refreshing and, win or lose this saturday, has done a fantastic job.

    I don't know if the "12" in your name means you're a sophomore in class of 2012, but if it does it means you weren't there when we had TOB or Henning as coaches. believe me in Jags we have a heck of a coach who loves the school and who we should hang on to as long as we can.

  31. Anonymous6:34 PM


    First, I am not a sophmore. I graduated in 1998 so I am quite familiar with Henning and TOB.

    Second, Your post highlights the problems with BC athletics. We are at a cross roads. We can be a middle of the pack school that every 8 or 10 years has a memorable season like Oregon State or Mississippi State or we can "think big" every year. Anything less than an ACC Championship is a dissapointment. THis mentality rubs off on the recruits.

    This is the reason why I think my last two posts were seen as "un-BC". I am not afraid to question the current status quo at BC. If we all want to pretend that everything is ok on the surface, we become average and a middle of the road school with great academics.

    If that is how we want it then ok but why not shoot for the moon. If you lose to Florida in a BCS game it is not that big of a disappointment. If you lose to a middle of the road SEC Big 10 school in the Wyoming bowl, you are crushed.

    BC can easily become a bigger draw than the Celtics or Bruins. It just take marketing and a changes attitue.

  32. brookline, you sound like a notre dame fan. dont lose sight of the job that jags and company have done this year after losing the best qb in the country along with several other key pieces from last year's top 10 ranked team. its very impressive. i am sure that jags will have our team completely prepared for virginia tech on saturday. let jags run this program. he is doing a fantastic job.

  33. BC can easily become a bigger draw than the Celtics or Bruins.

    Why think small? Let's make everyone forget about the Sox and Pats too.

    (rolls eyes)

  34. Brookline,
    So were you questining the hiring of Jerry York after he took us to the National Championship game in 1998, then to the the frozen four again in 1999, then to the national championship game again in 2000?

  35. johnoatesforthree-
    Airtran and USairways from BOS - Tampa are $274. Use www.kayak.com to find some good deals. If you really want to save some dough, fly down on a 6:00 am flight, tailgate your ass off, enjoy the game, and fly back in the evening and you don't have to waste money on a hotel. I did this last year and it was a blast.

  36. Anonymous7:07 PM

    When we get blown out by 40 points on Saturday, you will understand my point.

    Until then, I will remain silent and not try to convert you.

  37. I admire Brookline's optimism.

    "Just win, baby" was a famous saying by a famous Brookline ex, Al Davis.

    I'd like to see us win of course, but I also understand this was a bonus year. At least from the media's take on us in the preseason. So hell maybe its not a bonus year, maybe we ARE this good. Maybe the experts were flat wrong and we have the makings of a dynomite team?

    I would love to shed the skin of an average school that strikes it lucky every so often, like Oregon State or Texas Tech. I want to elevate to become a traditional power like Michigan, USC, Ohio State, Florida State, Miami, Nebraska need I go on? And yes that list includes Notre Dame.

    Miami only became a power since 1980. Florida only became a power since 1990. You don't need to have 100s of years of a history to become a power. ND does it and their smaller than us. So why the hell can't we do it? I'm all for it!

  38. "Why can't he get the team to "show up" for the "real big game" and not Notre Dame?"

    I think the team just showed up for 3 real big games in a row. Win or lose next week Jags has done a phenomenal job. The guy cares about his players, the school, and the game -- he will have the team fired up and ready to play next saturday. I haven't seen any sign from him that he's content with this program just being good. And, you can bet if we lose he won't be throwing the fans, admissions, and the cold northeast weather under the bus like his predecessor.

  39. We just recieved an e mail from BC. Every BC has been offered a free ticket to the ACC Championship. I hope this motivates some more students to go. I know I will. Im taking the 6 AM flight to Tampa and returning on the 6 30 PM flight. $274 dollars well spent.

  40. Jags has done just fine. Winning the ACCCG would be great and I will be in Tampa cheering for the eagles as I was in Jacksonville last year.

    If VT wins I still think JAGS is off to a promising start. Sure BC isn't a frequent top 10 powerhouse, but neither is ND, Duke, GT, Vandy, Wake and a whole host of other like minded schools.

    Go Eagles

  41. We cannot compete year in year out with Texas, Ohio State, Florida, USC. With the exception of USC, these are large (and by large, I mean over 30,000 students) state schools with enormous alumni bases and very deep pockets. They also willingly lower their academic standards in recruiting players. We cannot compete with that. Nor should we.

    The goal for BC should be to compete for the ACC on a regular basis, which they have done the past few years. Once in a blue moon, you hope BC can make it to a BCS game and perhaps finish in the Top 10. To expect BC, a school in a pro sports town with a ridiculously small stadium, to compete for national championships is insane. I am not saying it is impossible, but it is highly improbable for the reasons mentioned above.

    I know, the response is going to be "Notre Dame has won championships." Yes, but not in the modern era (1988 was 20 years ago). They have the support of the nation's Catholics(most Catholics don't even realize BC is a Catholic school) their own TV contract, rich tradition, 2 movies featuring their football program, and a massive stadium that is impressive to recruits. And yet, they cannot win national titles.

    I am very happy with BC football right now. Watching the games is fun and exciting and I think we can be competitive in the ACC. Will I be crushed if BC is once again denied a major bowl? Yes, but I will lick my wounds and be back next year hoping for an ACC Championship.

  42. I'm a BC alum (class of 78) who lives in the Tampa Bay area and has been attending gamewatches in this area for quite some time. I'm sure you can picture how thrilled we are to be the host almuni chapter for this event.

    If anyone is staying over and is looking for a good place to go out, I can recommend two: The Champps Sports Bar where we held our gamewatches and Bahama Breeze (more of an outdoors feel).

    If any of you need more info, please feel free to contact me at LH162003@yahoo.com.

    Looking forward to a fantastic championship weekend.


  43. Eagleboston - excellent post. Not to be unkind, but I think that Brookline 12 is nuts.

    My husband and I have been following BC football since our freshman year there in 1970; except for the Flutie era, it has never been such fun. I am so impressed that we are to be taken seriously, and are a real contender for a championship in a historically tough conference; never did we imagine such a thing when we were students.

    Anyone who doesn't think Jags worked magic after losing Ryan to the NFL and so many starters to injuries isn't rational.
    I think we'll win in Tampa, but if not...we'll win the championship one day soon.

  44. brookline12

    you are an idiot

  45. lol brookline12 needs some meds

  46. Brookline

    I apologize for guessing you were a '12 student, i just saw the number and the questioning of jags and thought that might be it. I certainly appreciate that we all see things a little differently I just didn't expect, after getting to the ACCCG this year, to hear anyone questioning jags like that and thinking this season had been a bad one. Plus, I am sorry, but predicting we lose by 40 confirms your delusions (i hope). This va tech team beat virginia 17-14, and we beat them by 5 having turned it over 5 times. You certainly are a VERY demanding and depressed fan if you are disappointed in this season and so positive of a blowout loss this weekend

  47. Virginia Tech hasn't scored 40 points in a game this year.
    Thanks for the insights, though, Brookline12.

  48. Yeah, I'm not so sure that Brookline understands how differently the athletic departments at football factories are run as opposed to BC... we are much closer to Vanderbilt in scheme (which has no athletic department) than we are to Texas, Florida, etc.

    In the end, it really comes down to the fact that university will not allow the athletic department lower its standards.

    Notre Dame did not become the Notre Dame we know (unless we have some WWII vets on this board) overnight. It took years of building a program attractive to the best student-athletes to attain their position on the college football landscape... and honestly, they haven't lived up to their reputation since the '80s (and some folks even believe those teams were tainted due to lax admissions and academic standards).

    Bob Stoops is the only guy I can think of who vanquished a decade of mediocrity in one of two seasons by winning a title. Everyone else (Carroll, Brown, Butch) spent 5 years picking up the pieces of wayward programs, changing the mindset, then finally getting back into the title picture. People see what Urban Meyer did and Nick Saban is currently in position to do, but those schools were football powers and contenders long before those two walked in the door. But honestly, comparing BC to them is apples and oranges; do you really think the Florida or Alabama AD gives a crap about 57% grad rate vs a 75% grad rate? Of course not.

    Can BC become an icon like Notre Dame did? No... too much competition with 120 some division 1-A (FBS stands for f*ck!n bullsh!t in my book) teams, more TV, more athletes with their eyes on $$$ than going to class and practice. Schools like BC, Stanford, Vandy, Duke, UVA, etc, thrive on the student-athlete pool; Matt Ryan wasn't remotely a pro prospect coming out of high school.

    Can BC become a top 25 mainstay, such as Duke has become in basketball (or, well, BC has become in hockey)? It takes time, and it takes stability. Gene gave TOB 9 and half years to get to that point, and finally, when it clearly was not going to happen and all parties were unhappy, pulled the plug. It's only fair to give Jags at least half that time to see where he can get BC.

    Two shots at the BCS is a good start, and losing those games is not optimal, but it builds the reputation with recruits and in the media. Remember, the media picks the title contenders, and preseason ranking has much more to do with that than the results on the field. Following up last year (and last year's talent drain to the NFL) with a better season will build confidence that BC is already reloaded and doesn't need "rebuilding years".

    Once again, there is no instant gratification... it all takes time, and this season has been a huge step in the right direction, unlike Maryland who jumped striaght to the BCS in the Fridge's early seasons, and have since staggered around .500, with no title game shots.


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