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Saturday, November 01, 2008

In-game comments post: Clemson

Do we get back on track or continue our fall? The last three Clemson games have been classics and tough on the heart. Let's hope this one is more of a carefree BC win.

I will not be online during the game. Leave your comments below.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. anybody got a link to watch the game?

  3. Somebody please start recruiting kids off the soccer team. This is ridiculous. Crane also looks pathetic rushing every damned pass. The game is on ESPNU Jeff. It might be on ESPN360.com as well.

  4. yea, got cablevision= no espnu and espn360 doesn't work...

  5. Anonymous3:57 PM

    what the fuck with the high snaps!?! several times last week watched in person at UNC. glad to see we fixed it!

  6. Although I'm very happy for him with the Falcons and watching him every week there, I miss Matt Ryan sooo much...meaning, I miss the days where I could watch BC football and not have a sinking feeling every single time my quarterback took the field...

  7. This is one heck of a defensive performance.

  8. Yeah, same here for no ESPNU with Comcast and Verizon has the illegal, very anit-trust like monopoly on ESPN360 . However, from what I can see from the Gamecast, I am glad I was not tempted to buy this game on the Gameplan, looks like it would have been another $22 down the Chris Crane Drain. The worst thing he ever could have done was that NCState game where he gave us hope of actually competing. Is the glass half empty? You bet, 'cause Crane "turned it over" and emptied the good half.

  9. ATT and Cox have ESPN360 as well. Maybe it's just a west coast thing.

  10. This is a goddamned shitshow. Nothing has changed over the past week. Crappy kicker, crappy snaps from Center, no punt coverage (worst I've ever seen), defense is awful (Francois getting schooled), and a non-existent offense. Unfrigging believable.

    One "bright" spot: Jags and Logan aren't getting hired away by any other school anytime soon.

  11. Don't forget about the kick returns either. Dude fields the ball at the 10 and can't get it past the 20.

  12. I get ESPN 360 and the game is not on there. I am forced to listen to the WEEI radio feed.

    The injuries on the defensive unit are clearly taking their toll. You just can't lose 3 starters, including a player the caliber of Toal, and be the same team.

    I hate to say this, but I think the only 2 games we have a shot at winning are Notre Dame and Wake. Thus, it might make sense to start playing the younger players and build for next year.

  13. This is not just a Crane implode. We don't look sharp on pass D-- we're getting out matched and they're beating us deep by alot. Clemson has speed and we look slow. The coaches didn't seem to plan for this quickness. We need to run Crane often and let him take a beating putting yards up on broken plays. He can play fullback better then he's throwing, anyway. The turnovers are gonna be big for both teams. Drink some brews and get set for a tough wacky friggin' day, y'all.

  14. Oh, Jesus Frigging Christ. Another missed field goal. The announcers: "His teammates call him Sid Vicicous." They should call him "Sid the F-Down." Anything is better than this kid. Enough is enough. He has his scholarship. Let a D-Lineman kick fieldgoals.

  15. We have left 6 points on the field due to terrible field goal kicking. Ouch!

    I realize the 2nd string QB is the most popular player on the field, but BC needs an injection of energy and Crane is just not providing it. You are down 2 TD's and the starter has produced zero points. Why not give Davis a shot to see what he can do?

  16. It doesn't help either that Bennett is suspended (BC and its kickers, how fun). It looks like BC is stuck with this clown unless a soccer player walks on (which is highly unlikely).

  17. As horrible as things seem, we score a TD here and we are only down 14-7

  18. Spaz still does not blitz on third and long. WTF? It's at least a 10 yard completion every damn time.

  19. This is some of the worst tackling I have ever seen.

  20. Long time reader. First time writer.

    Anyone else losing a little faith in Jags/Logan? We never seem to make the right adjustments.

    I agree with eagleboston. Time for a QB change.....even if it's just for a couple of series.

    This team is flat right now.

  21. Does anyone think the team really cares right now? They have seemed so flat that past two weeks and I don't get the impression they have any self confidence anymore.

  22. They just need something good to happen. There has been nothing to cheer about since the first half of the UNC game.

  23. And there it is....

  24. Tubetracker,

    I think the team cares. They are still in the hunt for the Atlantic due to the wacky ACC. The defense has been decimated by injuries and the offense just can't seem to get rolling.

    Like I said before, the team needs an infusion of energy and I think the insertion of Davis might be the answer. Although not all Crane's fault, zero points in 2.5 quarters is not getting it done.

  25. Crane has not been as awful as the past 2 weeks, but he has not been good at all this today. Most of his throws are off target, and he seems to have fallen in love with throwing the ball up while falling backward.

  26. Where is the offense, people? This is just pathetic play calling on both sides of the ball. Our O line should have worn these dudes out by now, and our defense could maybe tackle a few people--these YAC's are a killer!

  27. Crane is simply notmoving this offense. You are down by 10 with little time left. The only time the offense scored was when the defense gave them the ball on the 5. Why not try Davis? What have you got to lose? I thought Jags said he was going to give Davis 20 snaps a game.

  28. Got the big play when they needed it. Since when did BC become a big kick block school?

  29. Unbeleivable!

    I can't see this game but there has been a lot of criticism of the defense and yet they have played a key role in the 14 points BC scored. Further, they have held Clemson scoreless in the 2nd half.

  30. Only criticism of the putrid tackling really.

  31. OK, scratch what I said about Crane earlier.

    Now we need the defense to hold them.

  32. This is a sloppy game. I cannot believe we are leading.

  33. I need a drink.

    BTW - Kudos to the cougars in the Bender Ball commercials.

  34. WEEI just shut off the BC feed. What the hell????

  35. You have got to be f'ing kidding me?!?!??!?! I can't believe they cut away from the game...for some NASCAR crap. Ahhhh

  36. You can lisen to the game on WZBC. Not as good as WEEI. But, at least we get the game live.

  37. Only missed a kick return to the 15 damn yard line on basically a pooch kick.

  38. Notre Dame and Pitt in the 4th OT!

  39. Pitt wins. Notre Dame is going to be fighting mad next week.

  40. What kind of shit playcalling was that? WTF was Logan thinking. Way to go idiot.

  41. I don't take anything back about Crane. Last time I checked you need 10 yards for a first down.

  42. Gross. Can we play Davis a bit next week or what?

  43. Crushing loss. Missed field goals by Apo were the difference score-wise in the game.

    Folks, this goes down as a WTF. O'Brien was heavily ridiculed for this and yet new coaching staff, same result.

    And I do blame the BC coaching staff for this loss. Continuing to ride the Crane horse is killing them. And yet, even with 3 ACC losses, they are still in the hunt for the Atlantic so Jags has absolutely not cover to start Davis. But, in my opinion, we don't have a shot tis year, so let's build for next year and get Davis some ACC experience.

  44. Such an incredibly painful loss. And the most heart I saw from any of our players was from the one being carted off the field.

  45. Crane has lost whatever "confidence" he may have had after the NC State game. Its time for the hook. He's had his chance to lead this team.

  46. Kick returns killed us, too. Their return team made our guys look like wimps...no tackling whatsoever...and they popped alot of big returns. Our guys, on the other hand, rarely broke the 30 yardline. The coaches didn't have much of a game plan, did they? Jags can't live on the big play QB on every series--we never ran the option (again) and Crane didn't convert on 3rd down--he was like 4-16 on third!
    This sucked...how can we not have a kicker after two years of this crap? They call it FOOTball for a reason.

  47. Aponavicious has regressed. I bet his numbers would confirm that he's worse this year than last. Almost 5,000 male students, and not one can come out of the woodwork whose sole job is to kick a ball into the endzone? Unfrigging believable.

  48. Is it my imagination, or don't we have a no huddle offense? There is NO sense of urgency on that side of the ball. Just very deliberate, time consuming, predictable play calling.

  49. Why was Ryan Quigley, the punter, kicking off? He is not a kickoff guy. He was recruited as a punter, which he is getting better at

    What is this about Bennett being suspended?

    Why no "Sid Vicious" on the kickoff.

    That "pooch" kickoff to the 30 yard line, with a hug runback did us in.

  50. Apon probably couldn't kick the ball past the 30 in the air either, so there isn't really much to choose from.


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