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Saturday, November 22, 2008

In-game comments post: Wake Forest

Consider this the second round of the unofficial ACC tournament. Winston-Salem has been a tough place for us to play. Let's hope we turn it around today.

I will not be online during the game. Leave your comments below.


  1. The Hen had a huge victory against NC today. I have no doubt he will turn that program around.

  2. The men's basketball team is having one hell of a performance against a team that scored 20 points last year in an entire game.

  3. Has any one player had more turnovers in a season than Chris Crane?

    As usual, the defense is going to have to win it for us.

  4. Oh great, another Crane fumble. The guy needs to cover the ball with both arms when he gets hit. This is ridiculous.

  5. Bummer. BC basketball goes down to St. Louis. It's gonna be another looooooong season for the hoops squad.

  6. OK BC, let's score on this drive. I think if we can get a lead our defense will shut down Wake.

  7. Now I feel guilty for being critical of Crane for the turnover. He offers us the best opportunity to win the Atlantic so I hope his injury is not serious.

  8. Who needs Chris Crane and his 3 TOs a game. I'm pretty sure that Davis can run this inside option just as well and probably even better considering he is much quicker than Crane.

  9. Opportunity knocks Davis, here's your chance to make us all forget the name of Crane in a hurry.

    Hoops team was looking ahead to Purdue. Explain again why there are games sprinkled in between the Pre-NIT.

  10. Let's hope the hoops team got caught looking ahead and the loss was not a reflection of how bad BC really is.

    On the football note, Davis seems too scared to throw the football and he seems like he's slower than Crane for some reason as well.

  11. This will be a coming out party for Davis...Great blog just stumpled across it...BC alumni who recently relocated to Atlanta

  12. I think we now see why Davis has been on the bench for so long. Crane, despite his turnovers, is clearly the beter game manager.

    The good news is we are moving the ball and I think we are wearing down the Wake defense. Davis is going to have to show he is a threat to throw the ball or Wake is going to put 9 in the box.

    Never a dull moment with BC football!

  13. We eed to finish...Do not let this team hang around...I recently found your blog, great stuff..BC alumni who recently relocated to Atlanta

  14. Herzyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

    This is what I like to see. Build a lead and let your D shut them down!

  15. God, I hope Herzy stays another year.

  16. If Herzlich does not win one of those LB awards, then the fix is in.

    Pretty bogus personal foul penalty, but they still could not do anything.... except cover a great punt, damn it!

  17. Gunnell should probably have fielded that punt considering there were about 3 Wake guys behind him waiting to field the punt inside the 5.

  18. OK, I'm new here...why does Mark Herzlich have 98 emblazoned on his Bat-mask? Google does not know...

  19. The cameraman keep getting fooled by all the play action and trickeration.

  20. God, I hope Crane gets better fast.

  21. Guess we know why Crane starts....

  22. Wow... Davis isn't much of a runner, is he.

  23. Why the hell does nobody no how to protect the ball while running? It's basic football fundamentals that Crane and now Davis obviously have not mastered yet.

  24. 98 is Alex Albright's number.

  25. Well, Davis is clearly not the man. I hope Tuggle is being red-shirted for a reason.

  26. Here's hoping this game finishes 13-7, or our D has to not only stop WF, but score too.

  27. Man, BC needs to just run the wildcat offense and have Haden and Harris back there taking the snap, forget Davis for today.

  28. That's actually a pretty good idea Andrew. At least BC would have two rushing threats and would avoid putting the ball on the ground.

  29. Boy, I don't know how the offense scores any more points this game. It's asking lot for the BC defense to pitch a shutout. We BC fans just never get a break from the football gods.

    Mmason, we need you man. Start slurping those margaritas.

  30. Herzy is a god......

  31. It's sad when you're more comfortable having Apon kick a 30 yard FG than you are going for a TD.

  32. Wow, Sid Vicious has been competent today.

  33. I realized the only qualifications to be our current QB are
    1. be able to run around for a little bit and then
    2. throw the ball at least 15 yards out of bounds

  34. tow2nd2none,

    To be fair to Jags, the Hen left the QB cupboard bare and I don't think Jags wanted Davis to play much this year as a freshman.

    One thing I am wondering is what about Codi Boek? He has more game time experience as a QB, he is older and it might make sense to give him a shot. However, I'm guessing he has just not had any reps running this offense in practice.

  35. Awesome start to the second half! No.

  36. Logan, why the hell are you throwing the ball backed in your own territory!!

  37. Secure the damned ball! It's not f#^king rocket science.

  38. At 4:16 PM, Blogger Bravesbill said...

    Who needs Chris Crane and his 3 TOs a game. I'm pretty sure that Davis can run this inside option just as well and probably even better considering he is much quicker than Crane.

  39. I wasn't trying to call Davis or Jags out. Just making an observation. And now 3 fumbles by our QBs... If you combined how many points we score for our team AND give the other team, we would probably be the highest scoring offense in the country. Mmason, get the damn margarita mix out now!!!

  40. Rob, obviously I was severely wrong. Davis wasn't nearly as incompetent when he played earlier this season. Seems like Davis lost about a full second off his 40 time since then.

  41. And while I'm at it, why doesn't BC line up in an I formation and just pound the ball instead of running the same play out of the shotgun. It's pretty obvious now that Davis will not be carrying the ball again any time soon.

  42. Looks like Crane is out for the season...

    Too bad this now means bad news for BC...

  43. This reminds me of when BC was in the hunt in Matt Ryan's freshman year. Syracuse was horrific that year and all we needed to do was win the game at home and we earned a BCS slot. Unfortunately, right before the game, starting QB Paul Petersen was injured and the young Ryan was thrust into the game. BC lost and yet another BCS hope was dashed.

  44. eagleinboston, why bring that up? Why? We're already depressed enough tonight! I was at the game and still having nightmares about it.

    And Braves, you're right. He does look slower. He also looks shellshocked.

  45. Wow, horrible call.

  46. Way to go, asshole ref. It hit the side of his right foot.

  47. Tobacco road refs, they should all be fired. That was not even close. We're never going to win in NC if this continues, I mean, come on, that was clear as day!

  48. Rob, what's depressing is we are a Sam Swank field goal away from losing this game.

    But, enough gloom. I just have a weird feeling we are going to escape with a win tonight.

  49. Ugh, Davis looks absolutely clueless. At least throw the ball away.

  50. Boy, Roderick Rollins is having a great game.

  51. unfortunately it has become painfully obvious why davis didn't play earlier in the season.

    Question: If you have a shot at winning the ACC Championship with 2 regular season games left, do you burn a redshirt if you think that will give you the best chance to win?

  52. I wouldn't burn a redshirt. He will have even less experience than Davis which is scary. Although, by burning the redshirt, he's pretty much going to be the starter from next game until the end of his career.

  53. Whose redshirt are you going to burn? Tuggle? We have no idea if he can play at this level yet.

    I really wish Boeck was not moved away from QB. Oh great, blocked punt.

  54. Why the hell does BC have 3 back blockers which consistently causes confusion? Line every body up like normal!

  55. Not worth burning a redshirt in the blind hope he is better.

    Meanwhile, our terrible special teams continue to screw us.

  56. Welcome to Boise.

  57. Well, it's gonna take a miracle now cowpokes.

  58. More likely San Francisco. Hey I'd be able to go to the game if I deemed it worthy enough to throw $50+ at.

  59. That's why I specifically said "if you think he gives you the best chance to win" and not "in the hope that he might be better than what we've got."

  60. Just throw the ball deep to Momah and hope for an interference penalty.

  61. That blown call on the punt hitting the Wake Forest player REALLY screwed us. Epically screwed us.

    Our receivers are not helping Davis at ALL with these drops

  62. Well, tow2nd2none, since we really don't know if he gives us a better chance to win, but it's probably not worth losing the red shirt, there's your likely answer.

  63. Notre Dame goes down and they will still go to a better bowl than BC. Depressing.

  64. On the bright side, BC probably has a better kicking game than ND (which is hardly saying much).

  65. Wake's offense is as bad as ours today, and they at least still have their starter.

  66. Who is up for an 84 yard drive for the win?

  67. Can Herzlich play QB?

  68. Throw the damn ball!

  69. Loga, pound the football!

  70. I would like to take this time to apologize to Chris Crane.

  71. Why not throw a screen pass at any point here and hope Harris/Haden can make something happen?

  72. Rob I agree, WE really don't know. However, the coaches probably do. This hypothetical requires you to put yourself in the decision-maker's shoes.

  73. This is worse than a root canal. If they get to the 40, Swank can ice the game.

  74. I'd love hear Jagz or Logan answer that question post-game. Seems like an obvious play to have tried considering how bad Davis has looked.

  75. BC football season 2008....time of death....5:29PM CST.

  76. I believe in miracles.

  77. let's not announce the time of death, thats bullshit. have faith in your freaking team. if you want to announce it after the game is over, fine. be bitter.

    And I'm sure the coaches are about 10 levels smarter than anyone posting on this message board, myself included, so I don't think we qualify as play callers.

  78. Wake is a terrible team. All their scores are because of BC blunders, not Wake actually being good. However, Wake's staff is good enough to realize how bad Davis is, so they just have to play field position.

    I never thought that all our hopes would hinge on Chris Crane, but it seems that Jags and company were right on for not playing Davis.

    We have one drive here for the win and then we're done unless we get a crazy special teams play, and Davis will not be able to get it done against Maryland, who recruited this guy, he is really no good at all

  79. Damn Matthew. Seems like you are the only bitter or angry one on here. Even I won't hit that point after this game.

  80. im bitter against shitty fans, not our team.

  81. Look, not performing amazingly as a rookie quarterback in a game you didn't expect to play in is hardly cause to write the guy off.

  82. Matthew,

    I'm using reverse karma. I called time of death against Va Tech last year and then Ryan threw 2 TD's. If it worked last year, it might work this year.

  83. I'm not looking to call the plays, Matthew, just curious about what they're thinking.

  84. yeah, I remember being pissed off at you last year, too.

  85. that's fair rob, i was mostly angry at the giving up comment. but enough bickering, im sorry for starting it... let's do this!

  86. Matthew must have been one of those TOB blowhards who doesn't like to hear anyone criticize anything about his team. Holy Shit!


    Davis just needed some adversity

  88. Great concentration by B-Rob after the tip.

  89. Pound this in. Go for 2. Play some D.

  90. Come on BC!!!

    Ball security

  91. bravesbill... where is all your bitching about spaz? that was your identity. seems like you don't have one now.

  92. i shouldnt have even said that, as i dont want to hear our response.

    let's make this a 3 point game right now.

  93. You're an absolute tool Matthew. I criticized Spaz when he deserved to be criticized, which was a lot last year and in previous years. However, he has done remarkably well this year so why would I criticize him?

  94. Reverse karma works again!!!!!!

  95. Nice eagleboston. Keep it coming.

  96. Props to Davis on this drive. Criticize when appropriate, recognize game when appropriate.

  97. Get this 2. Get this 2. Get this 2.
    Everyone altogether!

  98. Ok, the defense needs a huge hold. Let's not let this game into OT.

  99. Harris is an absolute beastmonstertruck.


  100. That boy has pistons for legs

  101. Why the hell would you go into a prevent defense? Are you kidding?

  102. Harris also got helped by literally being pulled into the end zone by the O-line.

  103. Hey, if it worked for Bush, you might as well employ it yourself.

  104. Wow, that pass made my heart flutter.

  105. Our secondary is sick.

    Way to sneak out the win baby!

  106. Victory formation! Great comeback boys. I love it! Now, let's beat those Terps!

  107. Eagleboston--maybe the football gods are firmly behind BC now.

  108. All the people who bad mouthed Davis should be ashamed of themselves.... He is a Freshman in his first real game action....It took the kid some time,but he found his groove..... He did it in the face of advertsity...That is the true test of a WINNER....GO BC

  109. Will we get a good home crowd next week with the kids away for Thanksgiving?

  110. One more win and we r going to the 'ship!

  111. G laro--Davis deserved all the criticism he got today. And even on that last drive, Davis hardly deserves the credit. All the credit in the world goes the BC receivers. All Davis did was throw the ball up for grabs that Gunnell miraculously pulled in and then threw a duck that was tipped that BRob was also able to pull in.

  112. Bravesbill, we still have a long road ahead of us, but I think perhaps the gods are shifting the Eagles way. To win, with a redhsirt freshman is remarkable. And hats off to the defense. They absolutely shut down the Deacons. Looking at the stats, BC deserved this win and I am happy we are still in contention. I think early in the 3rd quarter I mentioned a weird feeling about an escape and then I was forced to pull out the reverse karma which I only use once per season, but a win is a win!

  113. ALWAYS BELIEVE IN BC!!!!!!!

  114. Okay, props to Davis for coming through in the clutch. But even the biggest fan has to admit the Orange Bowl bid looks iffy with such an inexperienced QB.

    Hope is alive, though. Go Eagles!

  115. Yeah ok g laro, and if he doesn't play great on the last drive you never post that either. Very courageous of you.

    Davis played very poorly until the final drive. Of course much of it has to do with nerves and rust, I don't think anyone was overlooking or denying that. But with a berth in the ACC Championship game on the line, you can expect us fans to have our quarterback on a shorter leash than early in the season.

    I expect the coaches to re-format the offense a bit to reflect his strengths now going into next week. Next week is gonna be a hell of a game.

  116. Killer comeback, I have no idea where those downfield passes came from! Hopefully there's enough mojo or juju or whatever voodoo this team was using last night to last for about 3 more games.

    Davis and the WR's deserve a lot of credit for making it happen when the game (and season) were on the line.


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