BC Fan Resources

Friday, June 19, 2009

NYT's previews and other links

The New York Times has been pumping out their team-by-team previews for a few weeks now. I thought it was a good time to check in on some of our opponents they've covered. Here are their thoughts on Virginia and Kent State.

HD says that if Herzy were healthy, he would have been No. 2 in her ACC player rankings.

Brian Toal and Dejuan Tribble were part of the inaugural UFL Draft. It will be interesting to see if the league ever plays again or if our two alums get on the field. Last word was Toal's shoulder was a major problem with every NFL physical he took.

Not sports related, but BC won the city's approval on the expansion plans.


  1. read hd's comment again. i think she was saying herzlich would be both number 1 and number 2 in her ranking. in other words he would easily be the best player in the acc.

  2. Yeah, HD said the top two spots. She's right.

    Congrats to BC on getting the go-ahead to expand. Been a long time coming. Looking forward to not recognizing the place.

  3. Great news about the Ok'd expansion plan: great news for current students and alumni alike. If the plans are any indication, the campus should look phenomenal. Town be damned for raining on the parade.

  4. Note to GDF and Spaz - make arrangements immediately to bring Brian Toal onto the football coaching staff to jump start his college coaching career.

  5. As effective as it was, I never liked the "first and Toal" play. The way he threw his body around on D, it just seemed like a bad idea to use him as a battering ram, and an obvious one at that. His shoulders took a career's worth of brutal shots in a single season. It was dumb, and it cost him a career.


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