BC Fan Resources

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Notre Dame-UConn at Fenway!?! Red Sox have some explaining to do

Rumors are floating that Notre Dame might play UConn at Fenway in 2014. If this is true, our new conference brethren and our marketing arm owe BC a big explanation.

I've long been an advocate or playing a game at Fenway. As concerts and hockey games have shown, the gimmick of watching an event in Boston's most famous stadium creates an added demand and sense of excitement. A bowl game would be perfect, but a one-off regular season game would be as effective. BC, given our location, our history of playing at Fenway and our partnership with the Red Sox, should be the first college team to return to the historic park.

The other problem is allowing UConn and Notre Dame into our backyard. If the Irish play a game in Boston on years when they don't play BC, it lessons the demand of their future games at Alumni with BC. And UConn is doing anything it can to be relevant throughout New England. Gillette is not an option because of UMass, so it is not surprising they would try Fenway. We can't let them. Would Rutgers let them play in the Meadowlands?

I am sure BC doesn't want to play at Fenway because we would miss out on a home game. But I imagine the net revenue would be as good if not better at Fenway. Plus we could play there on a Thursday night without any local obstacles. But if BC really wants to protect our territory, we should finally push for a Fenway Bowl. That would satisfy the Red Sox, give us a close bowl game and keep our rivals out.


  1. The Red Sox don't really have any explaining to do -- BC does. No doubt the Red Sox would have gladly hosted a BC game - they'll whore out Fenway to whoever offers to rent the place out. We could have played UMass or Army or something at Fenway and it would have sold out without cutting back too much on our gate. Hell we could have given UMass one of their "home" games in the series against us there. I'm sure gene said no, because why promote the team in Boston?

  2. Syracuse played a home game at the Meadowlands and will be for the next 30 years or so!

  3. i hope the new AD will re-evaluate our partnership with Fenway. i am not sure what they have delivered to BC in terms of value, and would love to hear if someone knows about how BC has gained from the partnership.

    can we get a new AD already? we need someone with a vision and a plan instead of just deferring to some totally overrated marketing team.

  4. Sounds like a complicated situation . . . Notre Dame, UCONN and the Red Sox organization.

    After this Red Sox season I could care less about any of those three.

    As our football season is going poorly to date, I am more concerned with getting a plan in place to re-build the program than I am with making money or worrying about what other programs are doing.

  5. I agree with El Miz - when we get our new AD, s/he must sever ties with FSG.

    BC has gained very little, if anything from this "partnership".

    Knuckle - I agree with you as well - let's get our own house in order and become competitive again.

    Joe - the only game at Fenway that MIGHT make sense is UMass (as their home game) - but the Krafts probably woudn't allow it. I'd much rather a BC home game at Alumni.

    Aren't the Red Sox for sale? They're desperate.

    Brian - if Syracuse is going to play in the Meadowlands, they had better attract more than 30K for USC.

  6. I would rather see BC play at Suffolk Downs than Fenway.

  7. If this is true and not some trumped up Boston media nonsense, another interesting question is what is ND angle/interest? (who cares about Yukon)

    Recall, last week ND's Fr. Jenkins said: "We have more fans in Massachusetts and New York and Ohio than in Indiana"

    I suppose that ND seeking to enhance its New England base is an overall plus for the ACC, and thus a plus for BC. But the idea of ND trying to move into BC's turf is troubling. We don't go near South Bend, they should leave Boston to BC! (I am kidding about the comparison)

    This should be a wake up call for BC. ND is being aggreesive in advancing their intersts, BC should do likewise.

  8. I am guessing this news article is bogus. Here is the take from YuKON hack Des Conner:

    "By DESMOND CONNER, dconner@courant.com

    8:52 a.m. EDT, September 18, 2012
    The Red Sox are interested in hosting a game between Notre Dame and UConn at Fenway Park in 2014, The Boston Globe reported Monday.

    UConn sources confirmed Monday night that preliminary discussions have been held, but said discussions haven't been as frequent since Notre Dame's recent deal to join the Atlantic Coast Conference."

  9. Notre Dame is more popular in Boston than BC. Since the ACC deal limits them to playing at BC once every 6 years, it's very logical for ND to look for other options that can put them in Boston more consistently. effectively the ACC deal screwed us.

  10. No reason for BC to play football at Fenway and give up home field & tailgating.

    Alumni holds 44,500 who are right on the field and load...

    Fenway holds 32,000, horrible sight lines, and the upper deck is a country mile from the outlines of the football field.

    Alumni is free plus we get all the revenue from parking, concessions, plus bookstore.

    At Fenway we'd pay a steep rent, split concessions, Lise parking, and on campus sales/fund raising.

  11. Things are not automatically cooler because they are held at Fenway Park.

    If UConn and ND want to play there, that's their problem.

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