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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Syracuse Win: the morning after

There was lots of good publicity in the aftermath of the game.

Here is a clip of some students greeting the team when they arrived back on campus.

ESPN and Yahoo both posted stories that related to Dick Kelley.


  1. Great win.

    Maybe now we can stop all the #firedonahue buzz, and realize we have a good, improving classy coach. You don't knock off #1 at home by luck.

    Congrats Coach D, you got your signature win!

    I think Bates will be prudent, and give Coach D the time needed to develop an actual "program" not just a more Ws than Ls in a given season.

    you can't buy class.

  2. eagle, we were all wondering where you and your nonsense were this whole time.

    The win merely proves how good this team could have been despite not having Clifford and having the #1/#2/#25 toughest schedule.

  3. Obviously, this puts a crimp in the firing solution. I don't have any idea how they could have won at the Carrier Dome against an undefeated squad. I watched BC play earlier in the season and they had a 5 man weave at the top of the 3 point line with no inside presence. They looked like a junior high team and they played no defense. Miracles do happen and lightning does hit. We shall see what happens the rest of the season. It looks like Donohue "lived to fight another day".

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. SaturdaysonMrsShea,

    you prove my point, and in your own words: "The win . . . proves how good this team could have been despite not having Clifford"

    And that goodness is from a good coach. No coach can lose a 7 footer and expect to win. Even Coach Wooden would not have fielded a winner without Lew Alcindah.

  6. Eagle's absolutely right. Kenny Heitz saw 58 other guys get drafted before him. Lynn Shackelford only played one season in the ABA. And Lucius Allen was a 10-year disappointment in the NBA. It was worse in Alcindor's senior season, when he was stuck with Steve Patterson, Sidney Wicks and Curtis Rowe. Patterson washed out of the NBA after only five seasons. Wicks and Rowe, on the other hand, brought ruination to various NBA franchises across 18 seasons combined--with their efforts culminating in the abysmal 1978-79 Boston Celtics season.

    Yet ultimately, how we remember Lew Alcindor or rate John Wooden is just trivia. What matters is the tragedy that happened last night. The ACC officials went AWOL, derelict in their duty to protect the conference. You simply cannot allow a team like BC to ruin your chance at two 1-seeds in the Tournament. I understand kids wanna get paid and point shaving's not throwing and don't hate the player hate the game and whatnot, but at some point you have to be the grown-up and step in to protect them from themselves. Where were the over-the-back calls on Anderson? Where were the push-off fouls you needed to call on Hanlan? The Syracuse kids are 18-20 years old; you have a responsibility to protect them and their reputation. I'm sure the officials will be suspended and the Commissioner will try to make things right, but in this age of Google you can't whitewash that game away.

  7. JBQ--The sad thing is that BC still ran the 5 man weave at the top of the 3 point line in the last 5 or so minutes of the game...and still managed to pull the game out.

  8. 5 stages of dealing with a historic upset:

    Step 1. Bask in the rosy glow of a historic upset.

    Step 2: Reflect on the life and inspiration of DK.

    Step 3: Be grateful that yesterday's win brought DK's story to a national platform.

    Step 4: Pinch yourself to make sure that last night was not a dream.

    Step 5: Resume calling for -onohue's head. He is still not the answer.

  9. Can we stop with this euphoria? Since when have we forgotten that we are, and have been, a major conference participant? It's one thing to celebrate and crash conte if we had an important victory like the va tech Matt Ryan comeback in '07.... But last night's win is meaningless in the grand scheme.

    All this press makes me feel like our program is below the mid major caliber. And to be honest, the way our team is built and plays reflects that.

    It's a shame.

    You are right, you cannot teach class. Donahue seems like a person of great character. I wish his product was representative of his personality. I really do. It just hasn't worked out that way, and we need to shake the Ivy League perception of our ACC basketball program. ASAP.

  10. Completely agree with JERZ.

    The fact that it's an historic upset is telling.

    Coach is nice. He's classy. He whistles like a champ.

    He recruits poorly. You need San Antonio players to run this system, but even they had the best PF ever. With all due respect Eagle, even if you are Donahue's agent, the gig is up. The program has regressed.

    Great win. Horrendous season.

  11. Okay. I get it. Eagle is, as the Brits say, taking the piss out of us. Now it makes sense. My bad for it taking so long, Eagle.

  12. Thanks for giving me a great laugh, OC.

  13. Eagle

    The wizard won 11 titles. 8 w/o Lou. 6 w/ no one on the team bigger than Ryan Anderson. You are comparing Clifford to the greatest college player of all time.
    I think you are a little off base here, but u can dream on.

  14. Eagle

    The wizard won 11 titles. 8 w/o Lou. 6 w/ no one on the team bigger than Ryan Anderson. You are comparing Clifford to the greatest college player of all time.
    I think you are a little off base here, but u can dream on.


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