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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Football roster update

Although Spring Practice began weeks ago, BC did not rush the public updates to the Football roster. Now it is finally up to date. The new roster confirms most of the gossip and speculation that has been out there for weeks. Notable departures include Spiffy Evans, Marcus Grant, Brian Miller, Dominic Appiah, Win Homer, Tahj Kimble, and Victor Nelson. 

Aside from Evans, none of those players were significant contributors last season. But it does hurt our depth among pass catchers and along the lines. Other items of note include Bordner officially being listed as a Wide Receiver and all the early enrollees getting numbers and official measurements. 

All the attrition is natural. There will probably be more departures after spring and summer. As long as we don't lose key players, this won't set BC back. In fact the scholarship churn just enables Addazio to bring in that many more recruits in this next class. 


  1. Remember how excited we were about Win Homer once upon a time?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wow. Dazz is shaking thing up.

    What's the story with Spiffy? Obviously, he had big limitations, but had a lot of experiece too. Why is he gone? His name was a favorite of announcers too!

    Too bad about Tajh.. we now have 2ok RBs but no one close to an Andre to pound the ball... New Frosh RBs coming?

    Marcus Grant, Miller, Winslow Homer .... all never lived up to promise ... too bad.... I guess Miller's injuries were too much.

    Appiah seems to be a blow too. He was on last years's depth chart often as a #2. He seemed to be able to contribute. We need lots of DLs to spell guys. A gassed DL is lethal to defense.

  4. Speaking of the loss of promise, SUNTRUP is gone..

    (don;t tell JBQ)

  5. I tried to find out how badly Miller was injured last fall, but I was never able to do so.

    Did he decide to drop football because of his knee? I feel badly for him, and wish him the best.

    I have no clue about Win Homer. Kimble's heart seemed to be elsewhere, Appiah will graduate - Grant? who knows? Spiffy probably just wants to graduate and get back to the warm weather - can't blame him.

    How about Borcich? Gone due to medical reasons?

  6. I think Grant had personal/family issues. I believe that was originally his reason for leaving Iowa.

    Someone suggested Miller may not be on the roster because he will be sitting out next year due to injury ? It seems to me that even if he was injured and coulndt play this year, he would still be listed.

    Spiffy, Kimble, Suntrup and Grant were all names that I had heard in the past, however Homer, Nelson and Miller (assuming hes gone) are all news to me.

  7. Wasn't there speculation of CJ Jones leaving too? -- he is still listed on the roster.

  8. If Miller hurt the same knee that he hurt badly (horrible injury) in high school, I really feel bad for him.

    He may be faced with a lifetime of pain.

    I never heard anything about the extent of it, or if it were the same knee/leg.

    Good luck, Mr. Miller - I think you would have been a great asset for our team in your last 2 years.

    Thee players risk very serious injuries every day they're on the field.

    This union ruling will have an impact on private schools like ours. Workmen's compensation, etc.

  9. @mod34b: Suntrup is from St. Louis Chaminade and his father is a big name in foreign car sales. I was able to talk with a young lady on the plane from NY who goes to a Catholic school near Chaminade. She stated that her brother played with Suntrup in HS. She heard her brother say that he was going to either Duke or Butler. He may not be gone from the BC sphere. By the way, the girl's brother is graduating from DePauw (Ind) and is getting free agent feelers from the NFL. His other choice is to go to Med School. Which path do you think that he should choose? Interesting comments as usual from BJK especially in the area of workman's comp.

  10. @mod34b: Suntrup is from St. Louis Chaminade and his father is a big name in foreign car sales. I was able to talk with a young lady on the plane from NY who goes to a Catholic school near Chaminade. She stated that her brother played with Suntrup in HS. She heard her brother say that he was going to either Duke or Butler. He may not be gone from the BC sphere. By the way, the girl's brother is graduating from DePauw (Ind) and is getting free agent feelers from the NFL. His other choice is to go to Med School. Which path do you think that he should choose? Interesting comments as usual from BJK especially in the area of workman's comp.

  11. Suntrip is still taking classes at BC and is on a medical hardship scholarship

  12. ATL is a joke. Departures are just a yawn. All is well. Depth takes a little hit. No big deal. Blah, blah, blah.

  13. ccw - this happens literally every year. you couldn't pick most of these kids out of a lineup.

  14. @brog33: I wonder if Suntrup will graduate early and then go and play elsewhere.


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