BC Fan Resources

Monday, June 16, 2014

Feeling better about Ty-Meer Brown's neck

When Ty-Meer Brown announced he would play his fifth year at BC, it seemed too good to be true. We need DB help and he was familiar with Don Brown's system. Of course the catch was UConn had declared him medically ineligible. Many questioned why BC would take on the liability of a player with a potential serious neck issue. It turns out that multiple doctors have cleared Brown to play.  In fact, UConn was the only program that felt he shouldn't play again.

There is risk to any player that steps on the field. Brown faces risk, but his risk is not that much greater than his fellow BC teammates. Maybe it is better this way. When he takes the field, Brown won't think about injury. He also brings a dedication. Many players would opt out when given the change. Brown wants to be here and still dreams of the NFL. I am glad he decided to finish his career with us.

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