BC Fan Resources

Thursday, May 05, 2016

Reminder: Frates number retired this weekend

BC Baseball doesn't draw big crowds, but this weekend might be a good time for the casual or curious BC fan to attend. The team has a critical series against Wake to keep ACC Tourney hopes alive. But most importantly the team will honor Pete Frates by retiring his number.

At this point Frates' story is well known and global due to the ice bucket challenge. But BC is still an important part of who he is and BC Baseball owes a lot of who they are to his passion for the team.

BC Baseball games are different from a day at Fenway and even different from our Football, Hockey and Basketball experiences, but it is still a fun time. This weekend, because of Frates, it should be fun and special.

1 comment:

  1. Wish I could be there. Pete's father-in-law and I went to high school together. Good folks.


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