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Saturday, May 20, 2017

Lax headed to Final Four

Big congrats to the Lacrosse team. They are headed to the Final Four after knocking off USC 20-14. BC established the lead with a strong defensive performance in the first half. The second half was more back and forth, but BC did enough to hold off the Trojans.

BC has a bit of a home field advantage in the semis, as the Final Four is being held at Gillette. They face Navy for a chance to get to the Championship game. As the saying goes, "you gotta take 'em one step at a time..." but this is a huge opportunity for BC sports. Winning a national championship in a growing sport like Lacrosse would be a great moment for the school and athletic department. Lacrosse is one of those sports that is huge in traditional ACC county AND New England. It is the type of sport where our conference and geography come together and can support a champion. Let's see the women keep going!


  1. Congrats to the ladies!

    Remind me why we don't have a men's team again?

  2. Title IX and dont start with the drop baseball which has shown to be our most competitive mens team in the acc as well as the best team on new england. And all of our rivals still have teams

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yes, despite female enrollment at BC currently being 54%, they should just be grateful they are even allowed to major in anything other than nursing and education. Are we really having a title IX conversation 45 years after it was first passed? It's time to move on.

    3. Its not a title IX conversation it is just the fact. They cant add another mens sport without dropping 2 lesser men sport or 1 major or adding another womans sport. BC has so many sports it is difficult, even if they wanted to spend the money, to have another major womans sport to add. It is what it is.

  3. The season ending sweep of nd was amazing. Wish all of our teams showed as much grit and determination

  4. Congratulations, Ladies Lax. Keep it going1

    Haven't read about the baseball sweep yet. Fantastic.

  5. Congrats, Ladies lax! Beat Navy!

    Any time I hear "sweep of Notre Dame" it makes me happy. The baseball team is scrappy and has been very competitive the latter part of the season, despite subpar facilities, etc.

  6. It is simple. Drop baseball. The ACC must have mandated BC play baseball or something to the affect essentially precluding us from mens lacrosse because of the equity rules.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Yeah drop baseball so we can stink in lacrosse
    You really think it is that easy to build a competitive lax team. The "prepies" that everyone says are at BC are not the elite lax players. It the same powers every year.

  9. That is a completely erroneous comment. It is not the same every year. It goes in cycles(I played at BC). I am not going to get into the sociology of the preppie comment - it is ridiculous in todays lacrosse "world."

    Notre Dame came out of nowhere, Duke came out of no where, Loyola-MD came out of nowhere. Schools like Georgetown and Villanova have very good consistent programs and aren't "powers" in the game.

    A lot of the lacrosse kids want to go to a good school(BC provides that) and they want a good coach. Coaches would be knocking BC's door down if it restarted its program.

    From a business(don't need a stadium or are staying out of town for the first two months of the season)and academic perspective(not sure how/when baseball goes to classes when they are out of town for 2 months) Lacrosse makes more sense than baseball as well.

    Completely disagree you.

  10. I'm with Knucklehead. BC is a natural for lacrosse, whereas college baseball is predominantly a southern and left coast sport.

  11. Knucklehead is correct - BC would excel at Lacrosse . It is a growing and popular sport in Massachusetts. BC has to continually postpone baseball games or play them at facilities in Rhode Island etc. Have any on this board EVEN attended a few games - NO ONE IS THERE !!!! Lacrosse would draw many fans !!! How about the lacrosse "Final Four " at BC instead of making Robert Kraft rich ??? This event would fill Alumni Stadium. Why even discuss it - the die is cast - build a very small baseball field - WASTE SPACE and RESOURCES !!!! I will take a poll next year at the games and interview the 50 fans that show up for the games when the NORTHEAST weather permits it. BC has broken this "Old Man". And who cares if Harvard, UMASS , Northeastern play the sport ??? Is that one of the reasons why BC should retain baseball.At BC, that foolish logic would qualify . I give up !!!!

  12. Before BC adds any sports they should probably appropriately fund the current sports that they do offer.

  13. Men's Lacrosse is probably a good fit for BC but they do have too many sports right now so they would need to drop an existing Men's sport. Tennis or Golf might be potential candidates.

  14. Knucklehead the teams that came out of nowhere 2 have teams since 1938 nd since 81. Same with Villanova and Georgetown kit is not an easy sport to establish competitively
    Lets get our house on order in the sports we have before we add another one to struggle on the acc. Baseball has been our most competitive mens sport for the past 2 years and the future look bright

  15. If we see the logic in upgrading lacrosse at the expense of baseball, why don't the powers-to-be see it? Answer: look at our football and basketball programs.

  16. Baseball is a revenue sport for many ACC schools so maybe they'd prefer BC play baseball instead of lacrosse?

  17. Not sure what your point is; yes the programs may have started in the 80's but they did not become highly successful until the sport gained in popularity(amongst public school "preppies" and people who aren't preppies) and became an acceptable alternative for high end high school athletes("preppies"/non-preppies) who couldn't play college football and didn't want to run track.

    Lacrosse has expanded/matured since the 80's.

  18. A nice piece of news re women's lacrosse. Acacia Walker heads up an extremely capable coaching staff and proves what hard work, talented coaching and solid recruiting can accomplish.

  19. We dropped Men's Lacrosse and Wrestling in the big Title IX purge of '98. Lax was kept as a club sport. As more Big 5 teams adopt hockey and women's hockey grows, it will help level the playing field.

    Still, baseball is tricky. We don't have the facilities, the weather, or the local talent base to draw a consistent winning program. It would be political suicide to drop a big 4 sport, but many middling programs have axed football and rebounded.

  20. And congrats... women advance to the Finals!

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