BC Fan Resources

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

More on TOB to NC State

Tobacco Road insider David Glenn is reporting that TOB is NC State's No. 1 choice. I think this might be it. Stay tuned.


  1. This doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. NC State just pushed out Herb Sendek as their basketball coach...and now is going to hire his clone as their football coach?

    Too bad the C. Michigan coach just signed with Cincinatti.

    Also, I have heard from a number of people that after the Washington flirtation Leahy told TO'B that next time he openly goes after a job, he better get it because he won't have one at BC. So, maybe this is it.

  2. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Ohmigod this would be awesome. We would finally rid ourselves of that fucking idiot and his cherished third tier bowl streak. Just give me one shot at his stupid mug, one shot before he goes.

  3. Looks like it's official!

    This, undoubteldy, is what both BC and O'Brien needed: a fresh start. Yet another opportunity for this Athletic Department.

    I do not overstate when I say that the next hire as BC football coach will be the second most important decision in the history of BC athletics (behind the switch to the ACC). I hope Gene D is up to the task.

    And, not that I'm expecting this...but next year's team will be our best in 13 years. Wouldn't it be ironic if they won a conference championship?

  4. Anonymous9:34 PM

    God I hope he's outta here, I can't stand looking at his dopey fuckin face any more. I'd just like to kick him in the nose Karate Kid-style.

  5. Anonymous9:47 PM

    As frustrated as I am with TOB mediocrity, I worry about his potential replacement. Also, if he pursued NC State, it makes BC look bad. The only way I wanted to see TOB go was fired.

  6. Anonymous10:02 PM

    NCST picked TOB over Paul Johnson of Navy. First off, TOB should not be allowed to coach that bowl game. Number two, if he did coach, wouldn't it be poetic justice for Paul Johnson to whoop the shit out of TOB and BC and then have BC turn around and hire Johnson. That would shove it in the face of TOB and would reveal TOB's idiocy that BC fans know all too much. It would show NCST that it made a huge mistake in hiring that moron. And to top it off, BC would get the much superior coach. Wins all around!

  7. Ok, it's obviously real early, but who's on the short list of possible replacements? Anyone have any insight on this? God, it would be nice if Charlie Weis were still pining for a coaching job right about now, huh?

  8. I honestly think TOB will find any reason to not coach that game against Navy. I think he'll sit by the radio listening for the gory details like Mel Gibson in Gallipoli. He is just stone cold terrified of playing his alma mater. Pathetic.


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