BC Fan Resources

Monday, February 05, 2007

New chat with Gene

Gene is holding another online chat on Tuesday. I submitted the following questions. I highly recommend submitting your own as Gene has become increasingly candid with each of these chats.

1. How many ACC teams do you think will make the NCAA Tournament? Who from the ACC is lobbying on behalf of the conference as it seemed the Mid-Majors were overly represented the past few years?

2. The gold uniforms were a nice improvement. Is there any chance we will move away from the italicized numbers and lettering? Also will we be incorporating the profile eagle logo in place of the head-on eagle logo?

3. Can you clarify how donations to the BC Fund impact one’s donor based seating?

4. Is the ACC going to press ESPN to get more Internet Service Providers to carry ESPN 360? The number of participating ISPs was very limited last football season.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks. Asked a bunch hopefully one or two he will answer.


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