BC Fan Resources

Friday, April 27, 2007

Mamula, Bicknell and other links

I planned on posting something on Mike Mamula today, but the Phillyburbs.com beat me to it (thanks to HJS for finding). Mamula was a combine freak and a slight reach at the No. 7 slot, so he is constantly used as an example of bust. The reality is very different. While not an all-pro, he was a very productive NFL player.

The local papers provided some good coverage of the Bicknell move. The Herald had quotes from Jags and the Globe posted his salary. The salary thing is interesting in two different ways. TOB claimed that BC wouldn't pay coaches. We know that Dana Bible is making $220,000 at NC State (state employee salaries are public record). If the Bicknell $200,000 number is accurate than that means BC is paying a position coach only $20,000 less than an NC State coordinator. This confirms that BC does and will pay for good talent. Finally from a coverage standpoint, the salary number is just one of the first examples in the change in tone under Blaudschun. I doubt Gene wants the salary out there (for a variety of reasons). I also doubt Vega ever would have published it and crossed BC. With Blaudschun on the Globe's BC beat full-time, the relationship and coverage could take a turn for the worse.

A look around the ACC from ESPN.

Sean Williams finally got around to declaring for the draft. (Thank Tim K. for the link.)

A few draft links for those of you who didn't see them on the message boards. Taylor Sele turned heads at our Pro Day. He did a great job as a special teamer, but was certainly under used by the old staff. Here's a Beekman feature in the Herald.

Finally, bceagles.com held a Q&A with Cherilus.

1 comment:

  1. If Bicknell is making $200k his first year as a position coach, I think it's safe to say Jags is making, what, at least $750k with substantial increases if he succeeds? Do we have any numbers on his salary?


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