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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Morning links

Be sure to check out they Ryan for Heisman blog throughout the day for their Bandwagon Wednesday update. Their photoshop work is impressive.

In the notes section of this article there is blurb on the foundraiser being held for former linebacker Ron Perryman. He is suffering from ALS. Give if you can.

Another feature on Aponavicius. He's easily the most interviewed kicker in the ACC.

Half way down this article, Kiper comes out strong in favor of Matt Ryan and has some nice things to say about AC.

In this post about NFL coaches in college, SMQ hits the nail on the head regarding the ACC:

I think Wake Forest and Georgia Tech adequately proved this last year, with their horrid offenses and opportunism: in the ACC, it's not always about being good. It's just about hanging around.
That might not be inspiring, but it is accurate. Regardless of the BCS or Thursday night, BC can win the conference this year. Let's not lose sight of that.

Aside from some typos on player names, this is a decent preview of Thursday's game.


  1. Here's a nice piece from si.com today.


  2. Interesting that both Va Tech bloggers have us scoring fewer than 14 points. I just don't see that happening as I believe the BC offense will score at least 20 points and I think we definitely win if we score 27 points.

    The bloggers make valid points about our weak schedule and the quality of teams we have played. I have said all along I don't believe we are the 2nd best team in the country. I also know this will be our toughest challenge of the year. This team lit up 41 points on Clemson!! That should scare the crap out of Eagle Nation. But, I think we will squeak out a victory tomorrow. If we lose, we are out of the spotlight and our season can go downhill very fast, but I'm going to think positive and say we win 27-24.

  3. They do a good job at previewing their upcoming opponents, very concise and not too much homerism. That said, I don't agree that BC is overrated on run defense. Tashard Choice was supposed to be one of the best backs in the country right?

    Any back and forth at this point is pretty meaningless anyways. My bet is that it'll be a nerve wracking game.

  4. The preview from a VT source you linked provides some interesting analysis of BC as a team, but totally fails to connect the dots between BC and Va Tech. It does not perform any sort of matchup analysis, but rather presents a series of facts about BC then, when it comes time to use those facts to support an opinion about who's going to win, we end up with intangible BS like this:

    "However, I do know that the Hokies have yet to play a complete game this season, and what better opportunity than on a national stage? Thursday night, under the lights, Lane Stadium, ESPN. It doesn't get much better than that.

    Perhaps more importantly, I don't think the Tech fan base has had a chance to let loose this year either."

    1) What makes you think the Hokies will put together a complete game tomorrow, if they have not yet this whole season?

    2) The fans are not the ones playing the game, although apparently bloggers, TV pundits, and national sportswriters across the country seem to be confused about this fact.

    "But I've got a vibe going here. I think things are going to go right for the Hokies, and I don't mean in a foaming-at-the-mouth, ten-thousand-people-in-the-street, Enter-Sandman kind of way. It's more of a quiet confidence. Those of you who have read my stuff all season long know that I haven't felt very confident in these Hokies, even as they were defying me by fashioning a 6-1 record. But I feel confident about this game."

    This, I don't even know where to start. Clearly, deeply insightful, critical analysis.

  5. Every Hokie analysis I've seen had ended with:

    "This will be the game our O Line comes together... and Ore gets going... and it's at a loud home stadium... and we have a great record on Thursdays... and amazing special teams... Hokies win."

    Not saying they have no shot - they have a very good shot - but their reasons for success are a) predicated on things that have yet to happen finally happening for them b) overvaluing home-field advantage against a senior-laden team with a great road record and c) relying on ST and D to score a bunch of point.

    While this preview seemed to know more about BC's style and personell (I'd wager they've actually seen a BC game this year), it falls into the same trap.

  6. I can't believe not one of them has mentioned weather being a factor as I have seen reports itll be in the 40s and wet. I never thought I would see the day where bad weather might be the better for the opposing team.

    I honestly think the key to this game will be the tight ends and running backs in the passing game. Tech's corners are very physical and our smallish receivers might have a hard time creating separation. If the TEs and RBs can get open and make some plays in the passing game, I will feel very confident.

    Go Eagles

  7. SI.com is all over the Boston sports scene/BC today.


  8. The first article is very well done by Kevin Armstrong... I always enjoyed reading his column when he was the sports editor of the heights.

    nice to have one of our own working at SI and giving us publicity

  9. And even more - Ivan Maisel at ESPN features BC prominently. Though this is the first time that I have seen an article that seems to imply having 5th year seniors who actually graduated is a huge advantage (as opposed to having 1st through 4th year players who never go to calss on the team).

  10. The forecast in Blacksburg calls for temps in the high 50's and an 80% chance of rain. Not sure who that favors, but these BC players have played well in utter monsoons (Wake 2 years ago and Buffalo last year). My guess is it has little if any effect on the outcome (unless it really pours and this becomes a turnover game).


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