BC Fan Resources

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A Notre Dame student takes a stand and other links

Not every ND fan disrespects BC. This guy takes a stand on the the ND name calling. Good stuff.

A Matt Ryan article on Rivals. I believe Ryan when he says the Heisman hype is not getting to him.

Catching up with Barry Gallup Jr.

Nice story about a new BC basketball walk-on.

An ACC midseason report card on ESPN. Ryan gets top honors.


  1. An actual question from ESPN.com chat with Beano Cook. I can't believe this was serious.

    Donald D (Eugene, OR): Do ND fans have unreasonable expectations? I mean, with their strict academics, how can Notre Dame recruit the caliber of athlete to compete with the likes of Boston College?

  2. Similar article in The Heights also: http://tinyurl.com/2freqt

  3. From Yahoo! Sports:

    "Wise Guys"

    The kind of stuff that makes you even more proud to be an Eagle.

  4. Hello b

    I don't usually give a hoot about Beano Cook's opinion - but I'm curious to know what his answer was to that question.

  5. I work with a guy who went to ND when they were still academically and scholastically relevant. He informed me that the shirt ND people will be wearing is "Backup College."

    Is there any word on shirts BC people will be wearing, or did we not even waste our time on them this year?

  6. Willis -

    I hope our fans wear their Superfan shirts and our school colors. ND fans will look petty and desparate with their little t shirt insult and I want our fans to look like they're better than that.

    Not everyone wanted to go to college in a cornfield.

  7. @ gordon:

    Dan Wetzel's yahoo sports article is tremendous- a ringing endorsement of what BC athletics are about: highly competitive Hockey, Basketball and Football with some of the highest academic standards in the nation. Any true eagles fan should check it out.

  8. Big Jack - here is his response...

    Beano Cook : Academics have nothing to do with any problems Notre Dame has. At Stanford and Duke, that might be the case, but not in South Bend.

  9. While I don't know if they will be worn out there, I've seen several shirts around campus. I'll put the worst one last, I hope to God I don't see it out there...

    a) White Superfan shirt with the last 4 games scores on the back

    b) Pep Rally Tshirt - Gold with several eagles on the front with a ND Irishman hat in its talons - says BC vs ND and the date...

    C) Blue shirt with gold writing... says Notre Do*****ags on the front

    I've packed 2 superfan shirts, a BC Sweatshirt and a jersey for teh trip, nothing but BC

  10. a.) and b.) are prevalent.

    I've never personally seen c.), can't imagine it to be ubiquitous at all.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. There have also been the BC- better chicks with "Eagles Get Action" on the back. And there was the Boston College Super Drunk shirt with "Let's Get Wasted, Notre Dame Blows" on the back. I personally will be just wearing a Superfan shirt to the game. I hate the fact that Notre Dame thinks were classless and I for one do not want to add to that

  13. where do I get one of those white superfan shirts?

  14. I have every expectation that the vast majority of ND students will be wearing the green 2007 Shirt. I'll be disappointed if I see any other colors in our sections. Can't speak to what the rest of the stadium will sport, although there's usually a fair percentage of Shirt-wearers among the non-student fans.

  15. I should say, I'll be disappointed if I see significant quantities of other colors in our sections, particularly colors other than navy blue.


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