Saturday, November 10, 2007

Defensive deja vu

We keep making bad QBs look great. Terrible. I am sure there will be complaints about too much passing or Ryan's picks or Steve Aponavicius, but in my opinion the real problem is the defense. We cannot get to the QB. I don't have much to say now...hopefully a good night sleep and watching it again will provide some sort of insightful commentary.

The only silver lining is that we still control our destiny, but do you think Clemson is worried right now?

I'll have my second viewing thoughts and grades up late Sunday.


Eagle0407 said...

I cannot believe (1) that we didn't go for it on 4th and 15 with around 5 minutes left which, given that we'd have to burn all our timeouts on their next possession no matter what, made an onside kick a foregone conclusion, and (2) that Tribble fair caught that last punt.

Eagle93 said...

I couldn't watch the game, and had spotty cell coverage so was hard to get updates. But, I got that final score and can't believe it. Truly unbelievabke. Wait a minute ... this is BC. They do the same thing every year in every sport. On the bright side, when BC finds itself dropping from #2 and in the national title hunt to the San Fran bowl, it will be easier for me to get to the game. Assuming I want to punish myself some more.

sammie said...
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ATL_eagle said...

Sammie, please stop posting here.

eagleboston said...

To paraphrase Tim Russert, it all comes down to Clemson, Clemson, Clemson.

Write it in red on the white board. Clemson.

Mark said...

They cannot run the ball. Its been evident since the first game. What really happened with Turner leaving? Can’t help but think the zone blocking scheme has really hurt this team. It may turn out to be a great but getting the players to switch schemes months before their opener may have been too much to ask. Will BC ever regain their reputation as Offensive Line U? Have to admit lack of creativity on offense is troubling. Instead of Flutie throwing on the reverse, how about Jeff Smith, since he was a qb in high school? And whatever happened to Jeff Smith? He looked so good against Clemson last year. He actually got into the game for a few plays under TOB. Earlier this year I felt good that we would at least not be out coached. Don’t think that way anymore.

ClassO10 said...

Justin Jarvis and Paul Anderson should not be allowed on the field.

Andrew said...

I know we couldn't stop them anyway, but I still believe if that wide open catch on the one was made (Jarvis?), putting us up 28-21, it's a different game. That ball was right in his hands. Instead, he misses the field goal and it's a huge swing.

Eagle in Somerville said...


Jeff Smith has missed most of the season after sustaining a very serious concussion. They decided against medical reshirting him and he is back now but being used very sparingly.
I think that Bicknell was oing a great job with the O-line an I was very happy with the results an the time that Ryan was getting, right up until the loss of a very important part of that line, Ryan Poles. Since Poles got hurt a few weeks ago, the line has not been the same.
Clearly the injuries to Poles, Dunbarr, and Pruitt have hurt a lot. But I wouldn't blame the coaches. They're doing a great job and the zone blocking scheme will work better over the next few years when Jags and Bicknell can recruit the faster, more agile athletes they want.
Next year we'll have Toal and Raji back, and it will be exciting to see what Logan comes up with for Crane, a faster, more mobile QB who could run the option.
But this year they are alreay in a great position to go to a BCS bowl. They just have to beat Clemson next week and then head to the ACC championship game.
Go Eagles!

Deacon Drake said...

Honestly, Dunbar means so much more to the success of that team than anyone gave him credit for... 62 point in the six quarters he has missed.

beantownman60 said...

Just imagine what the Clemson RBs and QB are going to do against the weak BC defense. Not to mention the speed factor. Clemson at home playing great for a spot in the ACC title game...ouch. A season with so much promise goes up in smoke. Or was it all smoke and mirrors? Elite teams do not loose to a terrible FSU team at home and depleted UM team. It seems we go down this path too many seasons. If anyone needs tixs to the Humanitarian(formally MPC Computers) Bowl in Boise let me know since I live here. I hold out hope for next week but it is a faint hope.

kennedij said...

the one stat that has really concerned me is the lack of forced turnovers. after leading the ncaa in turnover differential after the first few games they have stopped forcing turnovers. in both the florida st. and maryland games our turnovers and their lack of turnovers seemed to make the difference.

eagleboston said...

I have said it before and I will say it again. BC the past few years is probably at the highest level it is capable of achieving. Most schools would kill to have a team that consistently wins 7-10 games per year even if they don't make it to the BCS.

You have to look at reality. People call this making excuses, but I'm sorry, facts are facts. Boston is simply not a college football destination. Just look at the rest of the ACC. Their stadiums (with the exception of Duke and Wake) are twice as large and absolutely electric. When we compete for recruits, they go to Blacksburg or Death Valley, then they go to Chestnut Hill and see a tiny stadium of 42,000 that is barely half-full at kick-off. The big time players want to play in big time environments. Thus, we are forced to recruit lower caliber players and coach them up.
We also have to recruit academically qualified players while all of the elite BCS teams go after athletes even if they cannot write a complete sentence. Have you watched the post game interviews of some of these stars? My 13 year old is smarter than most of these dud heads.

We have blamed TOB actually believing a change of scenery would get us to the next level. All TOB was guilty of was turning around a completely inept team and winning more games than any other BC coach. But, he was boring and
lost too many WTF games. Now, we have an enthusiastic, energetic coach and we still lose 1-2 WTF games. It's not the coaches' fault. They only have so much to work with. Maybe Jags can somehow get the better players, but if not, I will be more than happy if he simply continues TOB's success.

I think we have to be content that 7-10 wins and a BCS every few years is probably the best we can hope for. I know we don't want to believe that. Hell, I'm only now coming to terms with that. But, look at history. We won a national title in the 40's, had one great season in the 70's, finished in the Top 5 once in the 80's and that is it for greatness. It just does not happen at BC. But, at least we consistently win 7-10 games a season in the vicious ACC. What more do we want? This has been a very good season and while I was briefly sucked into the #2 ranking, I knew deep down that was a facade.

Sr.Atlanta said...

Tough loss. Why did we lose? Simple no Jolonn Dunbar. I'll be at the game at Clemson but I am very concerned!

eagleboston said...

Cubicle Jockey: I was at the Bowling Green game and I was utterly embarrased. BC was a Top 10 team on a beautiful Saturday and when the BC players came through the tunnel, the stands were half-full. If you think that is a big time college football atmosphere, you need to travel out of Boston every once in awhile.

I attended 2 other college games this year. Both were mediocre teams and yet their stadium atmospheres were better than a Top 10 BC team. This is why BC cannot attract big time players.

Brian said...

BC is what it is. Atmosphere is different everywhere you go. I will say though that I have fun wherever I watch a game. I've been to @ VTech, @ Maryland and @ Clemson this weekend (also went in 2005), and each experience is different.

BC is still a fun place to tailgate and watch a game.