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Saturday, November 17, 2007

In-game comments post: Clemson

This is that game. It is the last chance for Ryan and his fellow seniors to win that one game that has kept them from bigger things. It will be tough, but BC can do it.

I'll be at the game, so I will not be online. Leave your comments and thoughts below.


  1. Here's hoping that BC will finally have a touchdown from the special teams.

    I don't care if it comes from Jeff Smith on a kickoff return, or someone on a blocked punt.

    THAT would be a big boost of energy.

  2. Matt Ryan and the offense need to score every time they touch the ball. Our defense is simply too decimated by injuries and cannot stop anyone.

  3. Blah blah blah...injuries is not the reason why BC cannot stop anyone. BC was giving up 300 yard games to mediocre QBs (Wake, NCST, BGSU) even before the injuries occurred. What needs to go is Spaz and his 1 unimaginative defensive scheme.

  4. OK, so Hall pancakes a guy and somehow that is holding? Terrible call.

    Guess it does not matter as we got the 1st dwn.

  5. Ryan looks impatient out there. I think he could have held onto the ball a second or two longer and waited for a clear passing lane.

    Of course, it would have been nice to get 3 points on that drive but we don't have a reliable kicker.

    If Clemson scores here we are are deep, deep trouble. Let's go defense!

  6. This is going to be a long night...

  7. Bravesbill-
    for how much you complain about Spaz being predictable, isn't it ironic that everyone knows exactly what you are going to say every time you post? things are not going well for BC these days, the last thing us depressed fans is to see you typing the same pessimistic stuff week after week after week

  8. And it'll keep coming until that clown finally makes an adjustment. And in reference, I only brought Spaz up today in response to someone trying to blame BC's putrid defense on injuries, which is just not the case. Injuries have hurt BC's run defense but not pass defense.

  9. whitworth is showing some life....nice to see...

    we really need that big reciever out of miami asap...

  10. I agree with Christopher, Bravesbill. We need to be positive. If we lose, we're not out anything as we're just back to where we've been the past few years. But, if we win, BC has a chance to go to a higher level. There is no way you can take out 3 starters and not have it effect the defense. They're fighting hard and at least they have only given up 7 points. Let's think positive here.

  11. ryan needs to start moving side-to-side in the pocket...

  12. In that comment eagleboston, you're resigning yourself to accept mediocrity from BC. The whole objective of this new beginning was to shun the cloak of mediocrity that characterized TOB's reign and reach the next level. Why settle with being right back where we were when BC has yet another chance to take it to the next level? BC has failed in the past in these situations (2004 v. Syracuse, last year). It will never change if BC continues to not show up in huge games.

  13. Bravesbill, I want BC to go to the BCS but I'm realistic. We are a small academic school in the baseball bastion of New England. We simply don't have the resources of large state schools with no academic standards. For us to go to the elite level would be incredible. But, I'm not going to whine and complain about every bad play and bemoan mediocrity. I'm old enough to remember the end of the Bicknell era and the Henning era. I'll take mediocrity over that any day of the year.

  14. See, Bravesbill, the karma may be going our way. For the first time in 3 weeks, a Ryan INT leads to zero points. Think positive.

  15. Yes a Ryan TO leads to 0 points but BC still has 0 points on the scoreboard. Mediocrity might be acceptable if BC did not flirt with the next level the past few years, only to lay an egg and come up extremely short.

  16. Nice to get some points. And let's hear it for the highly criticized defense only giving up 7 points so far.

    I know Logan does not like to do this, but he needs to consider keeping the running back in to assist Costanzo. We can't keep allowing drive killing sacks in the redzone.

  17. give credit where it's due if we are always going to rip the kicker -- that was a beautiful FG by stevie. Tough spot, after virtually no confidence shown in him.

    And another note, this Clemson QB is awful. I don't care what his numbers say... they are all a product of that offense. If Matt Ryan ran that offense his efficiency would by ridiculous.

  18. was that a SACK????

    by MIKE herzlich haha

  19. The pressure is all on Clemson. No one expects us to win and Clemson has the same "get over the hump" issues as BC. I think that if we can score 17 points in the second half, we will win.

  20. i really hope that between the freshman haden and a healthy jeff smith our running game is better next year....ryan hasnt played too well these last few games but it really must be tough when they dont even have to consider the run. Our guys are doing a better job tonight though. if we can just score the next points i will be really happy about where we are

  21. Confident comments from Jags at halftime..... let's see if he can come through, unlike TOB v Miami

  22. no excuses - matty has to take us to a touchdown here

  23. Great goal-line stance by the Defense. It's a totally different D with Dunbar in there

  24. It's a totally different defense because Clemson persists in throwing screens and short dumpoffs. When Clemson has thrown it down field, they've been successful. Have they not looked at game film from BC's last 3 games? BC's run defense looks much better however with Dunbar in the game.

  25. Matt Ryan looks like a freshman QB trying to elude the rush. Running backwards will not get it done. He needs to move his feet, move sideline to sideline, and throw the ball away. This is ridiculous.

  26. Frustrating. Another drive-killing penalty in the redzone.

    I still think Logan needs to get Costanzo some help.

  27. Always good when the announcer has to stop near the end of the third quarterand check what the name of the team playing Clemson is on his sheet of paper.
    "You couldn;t have scripte this any better, the winner of this game between Clemson and uh, uhh... Boston College gets to play in the ACC championship game"

  28. I like that adjustment Logan made last game putting McCluksey in on the goal line situations. Much more effective than running Callender to the outside.

  29. this is why i love and hate bc sports....they have a little part of me believing in them again - in the past few years that has only led to bad things in all the sports

  30. I like how that squib kick set-up the interception. Great call by Jags and Company.

  31. With all this practice kicking balls into the ground, remind me again how Apon managed to kick an onside kick only 6 yards.

  32. Is there no one on this team who can kick the ball deeper on the kickoff?

  33. They are kicking it short because they are afraid of the runback. I don't agree with the logic and it may cost us the game.

  34. They're kicking it short because Apon can't kick. All these idiotic penalties are killing BC again. Nice one Akins. Jags needs to drive some discipline into this team.

  35. Well, we have one more shot a it. Will we take it to the next level? Or will we see another crappytoilet.com bowl? I'm praying to God, Allah and Buddha just to cover my bases.

  36. History-in-the-making-drive?

  37. Logan, please, please listen to Bob Davie. Keep a back in to help Costanzo

  38. Thank you God!

    Thank you Allah!

    Thank you Buddha!

  39. Borderline video-game throw for a touchdown, and damn if that isn't nice placement.

  40. OMG!!!! let's go DEFENSE.

  41. Oh crap they scored too quickly! Oh crap Aponavicius still has to kick off!

  42. Uh, why didn't Aponavicius do that all night long?

  43. I absolutely hate you Spaz. What in the hell are you thinking?! Send some pressure!

  44. Oh my Lord, Spaz blitzed and good things happened! He makes an adjustment and they win!

  45. "Matt Who?"


  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. A great game. Now we can rest Dunbar and Pruit against Miami so they'll be ready for the ACC championship game.
    I like our chances.
    Then, God willing, we'll have Tribble back for the Orange Bowl

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Just booked plane tix!

  50. it feels nice to be on the other side, finally.... We can all relate to Clemson fans so easily right now, but let's enjoy!

    Good call eagleboston -- 17 points in the second half and we got the W.

    And Jags was right, we won the darn game... barely, but we did.

  51. Thank you God! And St. Ignatious!

  52. Awesome! I know everyone thinks it is meaningless, but I sure do want to beat Miami after years of pain and frustration.

    By the way, I think it was Rollins and not Gause with the sack, but I may be wrong about that.

  53. The pressure is all on Clemson. No one expects us to win and Clemson has the same "get over the hump" issues as BC. I think that if we can score 17 points in the second half, we will win.

    And eagleboston wins the thread! Nice call, man.


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