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Saturday, November 10, 2007

In-game comments post: Maryland

Time to get back on track. BC still controls its own destiny. Let's go!

Since the game is on TV, I will not be online during the broadcast. Leave your comments and thoughts below.


  1. Wake gets crushed by Clemson! First order of business, beat Maryland. Then, it's deja vu all over again. How many times has BC needed a victory late in November to secure a BCS bowl? How many times have our dreams been crushed? Many have talked about the next level. We can get there by beating Maryland tonight and then upsetting Clemson on the road next week. It's going to be a tremendous challenge but let's hope this is the year we turn it around. Go BC!

  2. It looks like tonight's game is also on ESPN 360.

  3. Just got back from the basketball game. As sloppy as the win was(embarrassing traveling calls, poor shooting from the charity stripe)I am much more optimistic about the season than I was going into the game. Rakim Sanders and Biko Paris were both great, and Josh Southern and Corey Raji showed flashes of talent and upside.
    I am now confident that they'll be able to make some stuff happen when teams start double-teaming Tyrese Rice

  4. If BC wins tonight and loses to Clemson next week, what's the tiebreaker?

  5. If Clemson wins next week then Clemson goes to the ACC title game. The tie-breaker would be the head-to-head record, which would be won by Clemson.

  6. What a beautiful game plan by Spaz. Why does it seem familiar? Have I seen it every game for the past 2 months?

  7. Key change of events there for BC. 0 to 7.

  8. Oh my Lord, even the announcers have recognized that BC needs to put pressure on Turner so "he can't play pitch and catch." If clueless announcers can recognize this, what the heck is Spaz doing?

  9. Look what happens when they blitz! It's not rocket science Spaz.

  10. I'm watching this on ESPN 360 so it's hard to see. Are the Eagles wearing gold pants? Don't they usually wear white pants on the road?

  11. One of the announcers was about to get into a thing about recruiting Catholic schools, and then his train went terribly off-track.

    At least we know Silva is a master scavenger.

  12. Herzlich was awesome on that last series. It will be fun to see Mike lined up with Toal next season.

  13. The ABC quality isn't much better-- I had a hard time telling if the pants were gold or just shiny white.

    But the pants are gold.

  14. That clown seriously needs to be booted from the team. I'm starting to miss the days of Ryan Ohliger and Sandro Sciortino. I thought they were the worst BC could get. I guess I was wrong.

  15. Is the BC soccer season over yet? We might want to hold open tryouts for a kicker.

    Jarvis has got to hang on to the ball. Ryan threw that pass right to him.

  16. I'm glad that Logan has abandoned the run already in the 2nd quarter...

  17. Slice and dice all night long. Spaz has to abandon the drop zone defense sometime right? Maybe a decent coach would but not that idiot. How many third and longs can be converted before you get a clue?!

  18. Bravesbill, it sounds like the color commentator agrees with you about the drop zone coverage.

  19. Can we give bravesbill his own section where he can just talk to himself? All he does is type the same 2 posts about Spaz and Aponavicious. I'm not saying it's wrong, but the same posts over and over again get really annoying.

  20. I missed the first 10 minutes. Does BC get the 2nd half kick-off?

  21. Yes, they get the ball.

  22. Watching the same garbage from those 2 people gets really annoying as well. Maybe Spaz should look at this blog and get so annoyed with my comments that he finally adjusts his defense. By the way, BC gets the ball to start the second half. And can anyone tell me why BC didn't call a timeout to stop the clock to get the ball with 45 or so seconds?

  23. Looks like Friedgen is on the Weiss-Mangino diet plan. He might have twins in that belly.

  24. OK, could be a lot worse. We're only down one score and we get the ball first. I would like to see us run the ball a little more. I can't believe how our running situation has changed in just a few years. What I would give to have Derrick Knight on this team.

    Can't really fault the defense. It's hard to replace 2 starting linebackers. They were starters for a reason and no matter what, the guys you bring in to replace them just are not as good.

    Adjustment time. Let's hope we leave College Park smiling.

  25. This has all the makings of the typical BC "WTF" game. While we (myself included) always used to blame TOB for these letdowns, I don't think it's entirely true anymore. BC just doesn't have the players/athletes to dominate or consistently make plays on a week to week basis. The drop by Jarvis is the perfect example. Give Matt Ryan USC's 2nd and 3rd string receivers and they catch that ball. And not trying to harp on a point that bravesbill keeps getting crap about, how can a BCS team not have a legimate FG kicker? Yes, Sid Vicious was a great story and all, but it's sad we're still relying on this guy. I've invested so much of my time, attention, passion, etc into this season that I'm sick to my stomach right now.

  26. The BC pass defense was not good when Dunbar et. al. were playing, so that is not an excuse at all. If the zone defense does not work when they play, why would it magically work when they don't?

  27. John, I basically said the same thing last week and got blasted. BC fans have utterly unrealistic expectations. We are a small, Catholic school in the college football backwater of Boston with strict academic standards. The TOB-haters blamed TOB for the fact we never went to a BCS bowl, even though he was the winningest coach in BC history. I really believe a very good season for BC is 8-9 wins. A great season is 10 wins. Anything above that and we are talking a once in a generation deal.

    I predicted in August that BC would go 8-4. It looks to me like the worst case is we will go 9-3. Thus, under my above criteria, that is a very good season. If you all expect BCS every year, you're going to be disappointed. BCS schools just don't graduate their players. Academics are not a priority to them.

  28. I was a TOB hater and I would still take Jags over TOB even if BC loses 3 or 4 games this year. At least Jags employs an exciting brand of football. A majority of those TOB games were just flat out unwatchable.

  29. That was a great throw to Challenger at the back of the endzone. I love that Logan granted my wish and ran the ball more. Now let's hope the defense also adjusted.

  30. I in no way want to say I prefer TOB over Jags. I agree that Jags is a definite upgrade over TOB, and his style of football is much more exciting. But I also don't think it is realistic to expect Jags to get BC in the BCS every year.

  31. Defense get adjusted? That's hilarious. Spaz couldn't make a halftime adjustment to save his life. Look at that long pass play, 3 people rushed and no one got in the vicinity of Turner.

  32. Come on guys, we lose a tough game last week (which ATL correctly identified as a game we played terribly in but STILL could have won) and are struggling a bit here, and you're already talking about tempering your expectations under Jags? Let's not get too reactionary here. Are you guys gonna get all sour when we do start making some BCS games?

  33. B, I am actually very satisfied with where we are now. I'm tickled to death we only have one loss, but a lot of BC nation is upset right now and I think that is unrealistic. Ohio State, LSU, Oklahoma, Oregon all have 1 loss. We're in pretty good company. As I said above, even if we only win 9 games, that is a very good season in my mind.

    I'm hopeful we can get to a BCS game, but I also realize that only 8-10 teams have that honor each season.

  34. As long as we continue to employ Spaz, BC will never make a BCS game. Maryland is picking apart the BC defense. Imagine what a real offense like Clemson would do. That thought scares the crap out of me.

  35. I would like to add to my comment as well as eagleboston's comment: I am not saying BC should lower expectations. At the beginning of the season (and I think you can refer to Bill's post on what he thought WOULD happen this season) we all thought BC had the talent, experience, and coaching to go to the ACC championship game. But before the season we all knew the team had flaws, would struggle at times, and lose a game here and there. I'm not saying we were duped, but the 8-0 start gave us ideas of granduer and heights that we at BC are not used to. Thus, it's deal with reality when are struggling against a VERY mediocre team like Maryland. That, my BC breathren, is the point of my previous post as well as eagleboston and bravesbill.

  36. The Fighting Manginos look awseome tonight. But, they still have to play Missouri and then if they get by that, they have to play Oklahoma in the Big 12 title game. Still, if they win out, I think they have a very good case to play in the national title game.

  37. eagleboston, that's a much fairer assessment. While I agree with you that it's just dumb to expect BCS or bust every year, I also think it's wrong to have a defeatist attitude about our chances to do so, and make excuses for it (academics, small catholic school, pro sports town, etc.).

  38. 34 points and counting for a weak Maryland team. Clemson might put a 50 spot up on BC.

  39. the defense has stopped maryland ONCE this entire game. this is ridiculous. definitely a WTF game. clemson might score 80 points if the defense plays like this next week.

  40. Another 300 yard passer on BC. That makes about 6 on the season. Only Spaz can make a bad QB look Heisman-esque.

  41. This is a disaster but I'm not surprised. When was the last time we played a good game for 4 quaters?

  42. When it rains, it pours.

    But I'm sure they'll have the ship righted for Clemson. What's the # of teams that have followed a heart-breaking loss with a caught-off-guard loss--- 9 teams in the top 10?

  43. You've really got to be an eternal optimist Sebastien. Clemson has a much better offense than Maryland and Maryland has put up 34 points in 3 quarters! Who actually has heard of Turner before this game? He has over 300 yards and only 5 incompletions! Spaz couldn't coach his way out of a paper bag. I'm kind of hoping Clemson puts up 80 points just so Spaz gets the axe.

  44. I watched the Clemson game today. That is a hot team right now. It will take a miracle for us to win that game, but hopefully the pressure of it being for the Atlantic Championship will even things up a bit.

  45. Bravesbill, my guess is you are not inviting Spaz over for Thanksgiving dinner?

  46. Tlivac: The Jeopardy answer to your question is "Who is Bowling Green?"

  47. What an embarrassment. Spaz is a bona fide moron. Need I say more? Might as well kiss the rest of the season goodbye. Season high point total for Maryland.......Nice.

  48. How far will we drop? 15, 18?

  49. Well, I may be slightly optimistic, but Clemson is just a school I categorize under "perennially overrated." Hell I don't know, Clemson might mop the floor with BC, but something in the back of my mind keeps telling me that Clemson will find a way to screw things up.

  50. When was the last time BC got an ass-whuppin like this? I'm guessing it was 2005 vs. Va Tech?
    OK, if we comeback from this, Ryan seals the Heisman in my book.

  51. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Spaz WILL be fired after the season.

  52. I think since the Va Tech game we all know we have been playing on borrowed time. We cannot defend the pass and we cannot consistently run the ball. I am almost looking forward to graduating 3/4 or our secondary (if only Paul Anderson could leave the team after this year too). Ryan is a good QB but does not have any receiver who consistently catches the ball above 5'10". I think everyone is being a bit hard on Spaz, yes he isn't blitzing, but NO ONE on defense has done anything to get pressure or even close to play good defense. Unfortunately, I think we are going to be headed to Nashville or Boise for a bowl game because there is no way we beat Clemson playing like we have and even Miami (even though they got killed today) could potentially light us up.

  53. Well, on the bright side, at least I can go to the Iowa Caucus (January 3rd) and not worry about missing the BC bowl game.

  54. I'd drop them out of the rankings. Getting killed by Maryland is awful This is clearly not a Top 25 team. Any honest person could see this coming all year long. Spaz has been outcoached most of the games this year.

  55. Matt, I would hope we beat Miami and don't go "No for November."

    Looks like Detroit Rock City in December!

  56. Matt--There is no possible way a 3 man rush will generate any pressure whatsoever. When BC actually does blitz they get to the QB or at least makes him rush his throws. Asking your DBs to cover receivers for 6-7 seconds iwhile the QB sits in the pocket reading a freaking novel is impossible. Of course a receiver will shed a defender and get open. Not to mention, that there are hole and seams in any zone coverage that receivers can just sit in.

  57. I'd say they drop to the 20s

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. I would like to see BC come back and win this game, but let's get some perspective here- this is a meaningless game. The goal is to get to the orange bowl, and losing this game doesn't set us back on that quest at all.

    Next week against Clemson is a must win game.
    If we win next week against Clemson and then the following week against Miami, then we go to the ACC championship game and the winner of that game goes to the Orange Bowl, regardless of whether or not we lose this game.

  60. "The Terrapins are stuggling just to get to 500." What the announcer just said with 10min left and BC down by 21.

  61. Maybe he's talking about Maryland struggling to get to 500 passing yards this game....I'm personally looking forward to seeing the blue turf again.

  62. Touche bravesbill, touche...

  63. logan just ran the ball down 21 points with 8 minutes left in the game. and to prove my previous point, how about that drop by our WR?

  64. That run call was a mystery. I'm more befuddled as to why Logan doesn't utilize Purvis more. Purvis always goes long stretches of the game without seeing the ball. And when Ryan does pass it to him, look what happens.

  65. Like I said earlier, if we comeback in this game, Ryan seals the Heisman. I just wish we had about 3 extra minutes as I don't know if we will get two more cracks at it.

  66. if we beat clemson we don't have to beat miami the next week. a loss to miami would leave us with 3 losses in the conference with tie breakers over clemson, wake and nc state (the only other teams that have either 3 or in clemsons case would have 3 if we beat them). its going to be a stretch to beat clemson, but beat them and you are in the acc championship game.

  67. We have no chance. We can not stop them. To think we were #2 last week.

  68. I believe if we get Dunbar back we have a shot against Clemson. If not, I just don't see how we can stop them. He is the heart and soul of our defense.

    But, Mr. President, you are correct, win next week and we go to the ACC Championship, even if we lose to Miami.

  69. Any chance of getting any injured players back for the Clemson game?

  70. The BC pass defense was awful when Dunbar played, what makes you guys think it will magically get better when he returns. The run defense will get much better, but the pass defense will not. And why is BC punting with 4:30 left?

  71. Bravesbill, I believe in a town called Hope. When you are a BC football fan, you have to have hope. Did Flutie give up when he only had 6 seconds to cover 50 yards? Did Foley give up when Touchdown Jesus was staring him down in '93? Hell no. Dunbar can help us beat Clemson. If you don't believe that in your heart, than there is no point watching the game next week.

  72. bravesbill, do you even like this team? i understand you're frustrated, as are most of us, but it sounds like you actively dislike the coaches and team. they beat a good vatech team in blacksburg with a subpar performance. if they play like this, they will get killed, but if they play good football like they are capable off, they can pull the upset.

  73. If we score, do you think that the announcers will go back and show the Maryland fumble that we recovered that was ruled a Maryland Touchdown?

  74. I think Jags and Logan are good. I like Logan's playcalling (even though there are many gripes about not enough runs). I think that Logan knows BC is a passing team and calls plays based on that belief. As for Spaz, I actively hate him. He cannot coach. He cannot make a game-to-game adjustment and he cannot make an in-game adjustment. I mean look at this game. Maryland tore up BC's defense in the second half and Spaz made 0 adjustments. That's just lazy, pathetic coaching. Does he even scout other teams? And yes, I do hope he gets canned at the end of the season.

  75. Are you really kidding me right now? Aponavicius has been practicing kicking the ball into the ground the entire year! And he still can't do it correctly. That is sad.

  76. I can't wait until we have a healthy Billy Bennett next year. Sid Vicious is just embarrassing. My whole life, BC has never had a good kicker(and no, Gordon was not a good kicker)

  77. I don't want to acquire a negative BC rep., I have been a Steve Appon. fan from the beginning but he has to go, his kickoffs rarely go past the 10, he can't hit a field goal consistently beyond 25 yards, and that last onside attempt was pathetic. He has a great story and everything, but Ohliger was booed off campus for the same type of effort.

  78. i agree on the kicker, and i don't think thats being negative about bc, its just the truth. its a nice story, but they have been killed all year by inconsistent kicking. get billy healthy and hopefully next year we'll have a descent, reliable kicker

  79. Aponavicius has left me desiring the days Ohliger trolled the BC campus.

  80. This was nothing short of atrocious. I'm starting to believe that Logan is entirely unfamiliar with the concept of time of possession. Mr. Logan, if you're going to pass on every single down, please remind yourself that Challenger not Fagg will be on the receiving end.

    P.S.-Our tight ends are the most under-utilized resource in college football. If we utilize Purvis more frequently, we win the ACC. It's that simple.

    P.P.S.-Go for two...

  81. Just to disagree with the above...time of possession had nothing to do with it. Without running we still had basically an equal time of possession. The main problems were the 2 interceptions...especially the one on our own 25 yard line, and the fact that our defense forced them to punt, what, twice? Worst defensive game of the year, which makes sense since we had a couple of key guys injured, but still. Blame Ryan for a couple of bad decisions and the D for not ever stopping them, but running or not running had nothing to do with it.

  82. Interceptions are linked to a lack of establishing the runs. When a defense knows it doesn't need to play the run it sits in coverage and makes INTs easier. I mean, I thought this was football 101 - a balanced offense it critical to success.

  83. Sitting in coverage does not make INTs easier for the defense. Just look at BC who has about 8 defenders in coverage every play. They still got shredded. Getting pressure on the QB forces him into committing TOs. If Ryan had played within himself, he would not have thrown any INTs.


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