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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Is the Tommy Bowden meltdown real?

Many programs and coaches have stereotypes. Tommy Bowden is very straight forward -- he's always on the hot seat. The storyline is he either starts off slow putting himself in trouble, only to then close strong or he starts off strong and then falters down the stretch, making him very unpopular in Tigerland. If you talk to enough Clemson fans, you find that they are pretty patient and intelligent football fans and that the Hot Seat is never as hot as the media portrays it. I don't care if Bowden is loved or hated. What I am praying for is another late season meltdown. But is it a real phenomenon or college football myth? Take a look:

19999 (His first year at Clemson.)
Started: 4-4
Down the stretch: 2-2 once the calender hit November.
Meltdown meter: pretty low. This was a good first season.

Started: 8-0
Down the stretch: went 1-3.
Meltdown meter: high. This is how reputations start.

Started: 5-2
Down the stretch: went 2-3 with the two wins coming at Duke and in a Boise bowl.
Meltdown meter: high. Not as bad as 2000, but caused concern.

Started: 4-4
Down the stretch: went 3-2 and rallied the Tigers past South Carolina and into a bowl.
Meltdown meter: luke warm. Not a romp at the end, but showed that he could keep things on an even keel after the rough start.

Started: 5-3
Down the stretch: 4-1. One of Bowden's best runs.
Meltdown meter: cold. He beat his dad and Tennessee in the Peach Bowl.

Started: 3-4
Down the stretch: 3-1. He really pulled it out of the fire with this end of the season.
Meltdown meter: cold. The 1-4 start fired up the hot seat talk, but Bowden silenced it with a nice run as the weather got cold.

Started: 4-4
Down the stretch: 4-0.
Meltdown meter: ice cold. Beating FSU, South Carolina and winning your bowl doesn't give your detractors much ammunition.

Started: 7-1
Down the stretch: 1-4
Meltdown meter: hot, hot, hot. I remember how dominant Clemson looked last year. Their only loss was to us on the road in OT. Yet somehow it all fell apart. Can it happen two years in a row?

I don't know if the meltdown is real, but there is a real pattern here: when things are going good, the teams slips up and when things are stormy Bowden rallies. Pray that the pattern holds up this Saturday.


  1. It is pretty well known that last year, the Clemson seniors we're looking at staying healthy for the NFL as opposed to laying on the line for another above average as opposed to a medoicre record.

    The Tigers have never laid down for BC. BC has never just given it away like you did last week to Clemson.

    This is going to be one heck of a game.

  2. Funny how the rumor got started. 8-0 in 2000 beating teams like NC State, UNC, Duke, The Citadel. Then dropped two to Georgia Tech and FSU and the sky is falling. He even beat SC in 2000, only to get beat down in the bowl game to VTech.

    Regardless, hoping BC hasn't used up all their karma against Clemson from consecutive OT victories the past two years. Go BC!

  3. you say used up karma.

    i say clemson just missed the opportunity to beat us.

    this is BC's year

  4. Touche, LA, touche. Let's do this! Go BC!

  5. We took a ride over to Beaufort, SC and surrounding area today (Hunting State Park, etc)from HHI - just beautiful 74 degrees, abundant sunshine.

    I ducked into a barbershop in Beaufort, and the gentleman who cut my hair was a Clemson Fan. There are a bunch of them who travel to the games from this area. He had a lot of respect for BC and understands that when opposing coaches get to see the film when you are missing some key players, you are in deep trouble.

    Anyhow, he and his friends fully expect to win their last 5 games - Wake Forest, Boston College, South Carolina, "Whoever we play in Jacksonville" and "Whoever we play in the Bowl Game". I found it interesting that he couldn't care less about the rankings - just win the games.

    Okay Boston College - it's time to stop feeling low and go in there at Death Valley like we did 2 years ago and come out with a victory. "The only ones we have to fear are ourselves!".

    We can't knock the hell out of them with our line play, perhaps, but we can score on them.

    Let's go defense - figure out a way!!!!!

  6. We took a ride over to Beaufort, SC and surrounding area today (Hunting State Park, etc)from HHI - just beautiful 74 degrees, abundant sunshine.

    I ducked into a barbershop in Beaufort, and the gentleman who cut my hair was a Clemson Fan. There are a bunch of them who travel to the games from this area. He had a lot of respect for BC and understands that when opposing coaches get to see the film when you are missing some key players, you are in deep trouble.

    Anyhow, he and his friends fully expect to win their last 5 games - Wake Forest, Boston College, South Carolina, "Whoever we play in Jacksonville" and "Whoever we play in the Bowl Game". I found it interesting that he couldn't care less about the rankings - just win the games.

    Okay Boston College - it's time to stop feeling low and go in there at Death Valley like we did 2 years ago and come out with a victory. "The only ones we have to fear are ourselves!".

    We can't knock the hell out of them with our line play, perhaps, but we can score on them.

    Let's go defense - figure out a way!!!!!

  7. Nice article, I'm not sure if any of us down here in Clemson land have really looked at the "meltdowns" on paper, at one time. I would say your right though. Most Clemson fans are fairly level headed (Most of the crazies are not CU grads, how is that different from any other school) Bottom line I want this to be a close, I didn't want BC to lose to Maryland, and I do want to win. I think BC's biggest battle on Saturday will be two fold. The last time you played here it was daylight, this will be an entirely different environment. Under the lights in Death Valley = DOOM and GLOOM for the visiting team. Just ask the #15ranked GT jackets from last year. Saturday's game is hyped up more with much more at stake for CU. Second, BC is a passing team, Matt Ryan apparently loves to throw the ball to anyone not in a gold jersey, and Clemson is the #2 passing defense in the nation. There are not too many statistics here worth milling over before anyone can see this could get real ugly for BC, real quick.


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