BC Fan Resources

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

More videos of Clemson

The first one is the latest Ryan for Heisman spot.

These two are from Cubicle Jockey.

The ACC also put up a video of the game and has great footage of Jags in the locker room after the game.


  1. Cubicle Jockey - was that you in the big gold cowboy hat?

    Did anyone notice on TV if they showed Jags throw his hat in the stands after we won?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Nice (albeit brief) shoutout in TMQ over at ESPN about Boston College athletic graduation rates, which is nicely lumped in along with Standford as the handful of institutions actually educating their players rather than amounting to nothing more than football factories.

    It may sound preachy, but that really is a great asset for an athletic program, and university, to have.


  4. No, though I wish I could find out where to get one of those. Despite atl_eagle's belief that I had better seats, the reality is that I just bulled my way to the bottom when there was something I wanted to get a picture of.


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