Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Tuesday links

Jared Dudley made the most of his garbage time Tuesday night. Hopefully he gets more minutes because of it.

Here is a good basketball preview.

A lot of hubbub about the scoreboard and fans on Saturday night. I am not concerned with the flashy lights of the jumbortron. I don't think it would have much of an impact. The trash does bother me. There is never any justification for it.

Silva is a Thorpe semi-finalist for the Thorpe award.

The Ryan for Heisman guys have not lost hope. Their arguments are completely logical. College football is not. The Heisman is all about peeking at the right time. Ryan had his chance. If we win out he may be back in the mix.


flutie22phelan20 said...

That letter from the Heights that you posted...via Fanblogs...is complete and total garbage. I sat in Section D throughout the game on Saturday--right next to the student section--and saw none of the crap that the author claims happened. Also, the scoreboard being distracting? Are you kidding? NOTHING happened on Saturday that doesn't happen every single home game on the scoreboard. What next, the "make some noise" Eagle will be distracting because he looks like he's taking a crap on the middle of the field.

Nothing I hate more than holier-than-thou people. Fans get frustrated. Nobody acted irresponsibly. At Georgia Tech, hundreds of people were throwing garbage on the field. On Saturday, the number was in the single digits. Which, incidentally, you'll find at every single stadium in the country. There are idiots everywhere.

Also, the stuff about BYU that he brought up. I have never heard it before, ever. And I was sitting in Section D for that game too. I'm sorry some too drunk and too loud kid sat next to that guy and shot his mouth off on Saturday; but one person does not make the reputation of the school.

I have never had a visiting fan complain about treatment at BC to me. And the tailgate that I'm a part of actively encourages visiting fans to stop by...everybody around us also does the same thing. Baseless suggestions to the contrary certainly don't belong in the school's own newspaper.

LAEagle said...

its not worth responding to, as that will just lend legitimacy to the reporting...i second flutie...I dont recall observing any of what was reported. oh well. the fact that the author of the letter can be quoted as saying how overated BC has been since it's inception, it's hard to take any of his arguments seriously.


Brian said...

I can see where the scoreboard thing could have been a little distracting. It's probably been used before in home games, but having the game at night made the scoreboard very prominent. I'm sure this stuff happens at every stadium in the country though.

I, too, attended last Saturday's game and didn't see any of this fan behavior. Not sure where the Heights reporter was sitting.

Go Eagles! Beat the Terps!

GordonsLeftFoot said...

I did notice the scoreboard thing during the game, and was very surprised see it going on while FSU was driving. It is something that should be addressed and turned off when the game is in play.

As far as the garbage incident(s), I only noticed a few of those pompoms thrown to the sideline after the egregious non-pass interference call on Gunnell during the final drive. While the officiating was atrocious, BC got beat fair and square. If what was written in that letter is true, that is too bad. These chumps gave the rest of the 38,000+ BC fans there bad name.

With regards to Clemson and BYU, I was at both of those games. The BYU fans were nothing but gracious, and the majority of the Clemson fans I met were, for the most part, just as nice. There were a few in my section that were rather obnoxious (and drunk). They would rub it in whenever Clemson scored to the point where, once Clemson was up by 10 points, they were pointing to the scoreboard and laughing. Oh well, I would say that Jeff Smith and BC got the last laugh in that game.

Eagle0407 said...

I sat in the aisle between the student section and the Clemson section in the end zone at the game last year, and observed at least 5 hot dogs being thrown by bc students into the clemson section. Nevermind the idiocy of throwing $20 worth of hot dogs, it was pretty embarassing for anyone associated with BC to treat opposing fans like this. Sprinkled in were various chants calling them southern hicks -- ironic considering they were mostly over 50 year old alumni with degrees being taunted as uneducated by freshmen in college. I don't blame them at all for not wanting to come back. It was only a small group of kids who were involved in it, but I do think the willingness of others to laugh plays into it, and at the time there was no response whatsoever from security. It seems like bc has increased the security presence, which is probably the only way to deal with the fact that there are always going to be a few bad apples. Its never fair to take these things out of context to malign an entire fan base. The only thing you can fault a school for is if it doesn't adequately respond to the isolated incidents of bad behavior, and it seems like BC is now doing a decent job of that.

Last saturday I encountered a whole new type of disgraceful fans: other supposed bc fans who spent 3/4 of the game swearing at and trying to provoke other bc fans in our section to stand up and cheer. These guys never once actually cheered for the team and haven't been seen in our section all year, and spent the whole time berating everyone else for apparently not standing enough. At one point, unhappy that they were being ignored, one of them started chanting "BC Sucks" for 5 minutes and then got in the face of an elderly man who nicely asked them to stop. You can imagine the level of frustration having to watch the way we were playing and listen to these idiots go on and on. Most of the people in our section are regulars who cheer loudly, and no one who showed up for this game in the awful weather needed to prove anything to anyone. Thankfully security eventually came and kicked them out. Judging by their disdain for us all and lack of respect for women, children and the elderly, I don't think they were BC alums, which makes this my first sighting of real bandwagon bc fans. It was like the fenway bleachers were invading Alumni.

CHI_Eagle said...

I graduated in the spring, but I do remember hearing the "F-ing mormon" comments during the BYU game. It's always just a couple idiots giving thousands a bad name.

eagleboston said...

I attend one game each year in Chestnut Hill and my only complaint is that the fans act like they are at an opera. I've never seen a more unenthused fan base.

This year, at the Bowling Green game, I was utterly embarassed. BC was a Top 10 team and the stadium was half-empty at kick-off. I could not help but think that Jags must have been wondering what he was doing in this college football backwater. I also prayed that no recruits were attending this game. It was pathetic.

I live in Iowa and even lowly Iowa State packs its stadium with 52,000 fans. Meawhile, across the state, Iowa has 70,000 fans. BC barely hits 42,000. A city of 3 million cannot even get as many fans into a stadium as a state with 3 million. College football is just not that big of a deal in Boston.

Nonetheless, I am passionate about BC football and I'll do whatever I can to support the team from afar.