BC Fan Resources

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

More on Rice and a Cleveland link

The Herald published a good follow up on Rice's day. Encouragingly, Rice professes that he wants to return for his Senior year. I hope he does. Outside of his family considerations (which were discussed in the comments section of Saturday's post), I don't see the benefit of leaving early. If he left now, Rice would be viewed as a small, score first guard by the NBA. A strong Senior season with improved defensive effort will help his stock.

Here is the latest on our game against Kent State next year in Cleveland. I think the attendance goals are optimistic especially with the Indians having an afternoon home game a few miles away.


  1. Call me crazy, but I cannot wait until next year, when a team of Rice, Southern, Trapani, Sanders and another (Paris or Raji, most likely, or a freshman stepping up) take the floor. I think we will be back in the ACC mix.

    On another note, I wonder what it means that the Dolphins just signed Josh McCown?

  2. The goal is to attract 30,000 fans (optimistic) to a professional stadium with a capacity of 73,200? Who comes up with this stuff? Where do they get these guys?

    We have all seen what that looked like in Jacksonville.

    And the bad news is that the actual attendance might be more like 20,000. Oh well, it's out of my hands. I don't think the Central Michigan Stadium was sold out on Opening Day 2006 - and that only seated about 30,000 if I remember correctly.


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