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Saturday, September 20, 2008

In-game comments post: Central Florida

Is this the game where we get back on track or fall of the rails? We'll find out shortly.

I will not be online during the game but feel free to leave your comments and thoughts below.


  1. From The Seattle Times ...

    "When Washington sought a football coach late in 2004, it had serious talks with Boston College's Tom O'Brien. He stayed put and eventually moved down to North Carolina State before last season.

    Right now, he might be wishing he had gone to the UW, or stayed at BC — or anywhere but N.C. State. The place that not very long ago had Philip Rivers at quarterback has run 208 plays against Football Bowl Subdivision teams since last November without a touchdown, covering more than three games. At the same time, just down the road is resurgent North Carolina."


    Good stuff

  2. For the love of God, why is that clown still kicking? What an absolute waste of space.

  3. keep Davis in - he handled himself well in his first series. We need a good FG kicker, what about Bennet?

  4. This is quite the kicking performance today.

  5. Our defense can only bail out the offense/special teams so many times.

    They should probably play out the game with Davis... Crane has really managed to regress from the GT game.

  6. Crane looks horrible. What is he doing throwing lollipops on the run? The only time they moved the ball was when Davis was in as QB.

  7. Seriously... wtf Crane? Somebody teach this guy to throw the ball away.

  8. Horrendous play selection from the 5 yard line... that one is on Logan. He should know better.

  9. The good so far: Davis and Harris look good. These kids are exciting and Harris has been our best offensive player in the first half. And, except for one play, the defense has been great.

    The bad: Crane is awful. The man has no clue what to do when he drops back. Apon should not be kicking field goals. The 44 yard run by Greco (on 3rd and long?) is inexcusable and is the reason we're losing.

  10. On the interception Crane was about three yards downfield. Should have been a flag. It makes it all the more egregious because he was already halfway to the first down if he had just pulled it down and run for it.

  11. That's the typical BC defense on third down. It's not surprising that BC gives up huge plays in 3rd and long situations simply because Spaz refuses to allow his defense to be aggressive. Dropping 7 people into pass coverage is idiotic. Be aggressive and go after the QB.

  12. Finally! That was a nice drive. Great return from Jeff and Crane definitely looked calmer, more collected in the pocket. And Harris looks like our best back.

  13. Finally! Nice drive. That was a great return by Jeff and Crane look calmer in the pocket. Good decision tucking it in to get the score. Harris is our best back right now.

    I think it's worse that the defense isn't spying Greco. He's UCF's leading rusher. Put a spy on him and we don't give up any points.

  14. Comment fail? How did that happen.

  15. Blitzing wouldn't have prevented the long run, because it puts the DBs into man coverage and often their back to the ball. The fault is keeping 3-4 LBs on the field in long yardage situations- there isn't enough speed to pursue the ball in the open field.

    Great sell by Toal on the TD run.

  16. I love the hands that our secondary is showing in this game. The D has played really well today.

  17. Robinson has really bailed out Crane today. This could be much worse.

    And that could have been the worst looking screen pass ever.

  18. It was nice seeing Crane stare his receiver down on that last INT. This clown is awful. How many almost INTs has this guy thrown today?

  19. Another nice rushing TD from Crane. And that catch by Momah was great.

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  21. OK... enough is enough. Got to lean on Harris, McCluskey and the running game. Crane cannot be trusted. What a horrible pick!

    Davis has to get the start against URI.

  22. If Crane does remain starter, can we go with his Sioux name "Late Across the Middle".

  23. Hey...I'm an old man... been rooting for BC for 50 years +. I' ve seen the great and the not so. For all those years I've NEVER gotten down on one kid. But I have NEVER seen a BC team where ONE position player was so much inferior to the rest of his team-mates. Crane is not a D1 quarterback decision-maker. Bring on Davis.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. On the computer it looks like they just threw two straight passes off the goal line, the second of which turned into Crane's third pick of the day. Harris is averaging 10 yds per carry and you are throwing off the goal line?? With Crane?? I know he's not playing well but the staff needs to help him out.

  26. Agreed, the playcalling has not played to our strengths.

    Somebody give Robinson a game ball... not the best decision by Crane on the TD pass, but he stuck with it in 2x coverage and turned it into 6.

  27. The coaches cannot make on-field decisions for this poor kid. He simply cannot execute in the clutch...
    having said that we have really found a running back in Harris...we're OK today...stand-by tho' for the ACC schedule...

  28. Harris can flat out play. Good vision and lateral movement. We should look good at the rb position moving forward. If Crane can just not try to force things and MANAGE, we can be a decent team this season.


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