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Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Saturday's loss explained

Do you guys remember Ghostbusters? Before the final showdown, the midday sky turned dark and gloomy. Foreboding clouds covered Manhattan. Then Gozer demands that the Ghostbuster choose its next form. Despite trying to keep their brains clear, the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man appears set to destroy the heroes. So my question for BC fans is when the Ghostbuster-like clouds appeared, which one of you choose "terrible QB play" as Gozer's latest form of destruction?

Next time weather is a factor, I hope it is just good old-fashioned wind and rain. (Thanks to Sean H. and Brian for the pics.)

Is the Baldwin the Keymaster?


  1. If Baldwin is the keymaster, I'm not sure I want to know who the gatekeeper is.

  2. "There is no Baldwin, only Zhul"

  3. It's all my fault.

    Right before the safety, someone asked me if I was a God and I said I didn't know (should have said, "Yes.")...we all know what happened after that.

  4. I blame my roommate. Last year he and I wore Ryan for Heisman shirts during the FSU and Maryland loss. During the Miami game I had on the shirt for the 1st half when things were not going so well. I gave the shirt away at half time and they preceded to dominate.

    Well my roommate didn't learn a lesson. No instead he wore a Matt Ryan jersey during the GTech game and what happened they lost.

  5. Any word on the recruits that visited this weekend?

  6. Believe it or not, I just saw something worse than Crane's performance: The new FOX show "Hole In the Wall." I just stabbed my eye out.

  7. I think I jinxed them. I superstitiously wore the BC t-shirt I always wear during the games and was careless enough to tell someone that I thought it was lucky. Dough!

  8. I'm willing to bet a ChiChi Dog that we lost last Saturday because Bill in ATL wasn't wearing his BC Whale Pants.

  9. I'm pretty sure I heard Steve Logan respond to a question about his play calling by saying, "Back off man, I'm a scientist."

  10. Raf, I was wearing the pants. Maybe I need new gameday attire.


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