BC Fan Resources

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Road ready and other links

The team is treating this game as a road game.

Here is an article on the Snee-Coughlin relationship.

Is BC the surprise team of the ACC basketball season? This ESPN writer thinks so. (Thanks to Charles for the link.)

Stewart Mandel thinks we will win.


  1. I wouldn't get too excited over anything Dana O'Neil says. I've been to a couple games this year and BC isn't very good. They show flashes, but very inconsistent. Typical Skinner teams with little discipline.

  2. I hope Dominique Davis watched with horror as the Miami quarterback gave the game to California last night. He should remember vividly his own performances in Winston Salem and Tampa and vow never to let that happen again.

    I'm really worried about Davis' propensity to fumble for an easy opponent touchdown or touchdowns! We need this young man to play a bowl-worthy game to keep our streak going. He should be carrying a football everywhere he goes, with teammates taking swipes at it while he walks the hallways, etc.


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