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Tuesday, January 06, 2009

End of the Day Coaching Standoff Recap: Day 2

This blog could use Ted Koppel right now.

Although this post is becoming BC's version of Nightline** I am pretty sure this will be resolved publicly by late Wednesday morning. I cannot confirm if BC will make an announcement on a replacement, but I think Gene will bring some official closure to Jags' status.

What we do know
-- Jags met with the Jets.
-- Multiple sources say BC will fire Jags.
-- BC Guy Kevin Armstrong, who has better BC sources than most national writers, leaves a sliver of hope that Jags could be retained.
-- Speculation is that if Jags doesn't get the Jets job, he'll have a safe landing as the Offensive Coordinator in Seattle.

What we don't know
-- If a new coach will be introduced Wednesday. The prevailing rumor is Spaz. I am holding out hope for other candidates.
-- If there is a chance Gene and Jags can make up. I think it is highly unlikely and would mean one side backs down.

**For those to young to remember, Nightline started as a nightly update show during the Iran hostage situation.


  1. If it's true that Jags is actively out there putting his name in the ring for coordinator positions, and interviewing for the Jets job, without even getting Gene's permission first, then good riddance. He signed a 5-year contract, and while they are broken all the time in college football, he should have given Gene the basic courtesy of telling him he was interviewing.

    And what's so wrong with Spaz as a head coach? With all the question marks at quarterback in the next couple years, what would be the problem with a defensive minded head coach, who wants to pound the ball with the great depth at RB that BC has?

  2. http://www.boston.com/sports/colleges/extras/colleges_blog/2009/01/bc_fires_jagodz.html

    Boston College football coach Jeff Jagodzinski and athletic director Gene DeFilippo will have a meeting this morning in which Jagodzinski to finalize the details in which Jagodzinski will be fired as the Eagles coach according to sources close to the program.

    After meeting with the New York Jets in New Jersey yesterday, Jagodzinski called DeFilippo last night, setting up a face to face meeting for this morning. A press conference is expected to be scheduled sometime later today.

    BC officials are expected to move swiftly to replace Jagodzinski. Boston College defensive coordinator Frank Spaziani is the leading candidate to replace Jagodzinski, although BC officials will conduct a search outside the program as well for possible candidates.

  3. Hearing that Jags has put out feelers for OC jobs in the NFL was the most disheartening part for me. I don't have a problem with a coach listening to a head coaching offer - it's good for BC to be associated with high-level coaching.

    However, the more that comes out, it sounds like Jags was actively looking to leave, and if that's the case, then BC has to look for someone who wants to be here.

    My question just goes back to why, for someone who professed a love of BC and a desire to be here, what caused him to want to leave so soon?


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