BC Fan Resources

Monday, January 05, 2009

Thank you Jeff Jagodzinski

As I did when TOB left, let me say thanks to Jags. Regardless of how this plays out, he did an excellent job over two years. He provided a boost of energy and passion we all desired and he clearly bought into what BC was about. I wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors.


  1. Here here. I agree. Loved Jags's passion. Afraid he may end up with no job in the short term!

  2. Yea yea best of luck blah blah. If this costs us Herzlich i will be pissed.

  3. So, now that it's nearly certain that Logan is our head coach, I thought it might be time to discuss this. Logan has publicly stated that he wasn't interested in being a head coach again, after his experiences at ECU and in NFL Europe. He did have some very good teams at ECU (2 that finished 9-3, 1 that was 8-3, one 8-4), but the impression is that his teams were inconsistent.

    At the same time, it was rather well-known that Logan was only at BC as a favor to Jags, to whom Logan gave an initial coaching opportunity. So it's strange to me (and others, who have mentioned this) that he would stay on after Jags leaves. It seems that this is a stop-gap and Logan is doing a (HUGE) favor to Gene, with the understanding that this is just a short-term fix. This is all just my impression of the situation. In any case, I'm already girding myself for another coaching search next fall because the pieces really don't seem to fit. Turner Gill, anyone?

  4. thank you dan. you're the only one who seems to get the implications of this mess: if jags goes, herzlich aint stickin around for the fallout. he's a smart boy, and the smart boy will most definitely peace out before the poop hits the fan.


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