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Monday, January 05, 2009

Ultimatums, contract provisions, leaks and what no news means

Instead of responding over and over in the comments, I thought I would just address the pressing issues from the earlier post.

It doesn't matter if Jags was going to get the Jets job or if it was a negotiation ploy on his part. If it rubbed Gene the wrong way, you fire him on the spot and call Al Golden or Mike London or Brian Kelly before Jags can get up out of the chair. The ultimatum made the situation ten times worse.

The leak
I don't know who leaked the ultimatum but I can tell you it wasn't Jags. To say his camp was caught off guard with the public pronouncement would be an understatement. I am not a reporter. I am a fan and alum with a blog. I am not here to break news. Trust me if you choose, but I can assure you it did not come from Jags. Does that mean it came from Gene? I don't know. You can read the tea leaves and people playing connect the dots on the message boards.

Contract provisions
I am obviously not privy to the contract, but I don't buy the no NFL job for three years rumor that is out there. All reports when signed and all behavior regarding the Auburn and Iowa State interest in Jags seem to reflect standard buyout provisions and what not. Also Peter King had this to say regarding a potential clause [I bolded the part of interest]:

That's a ridiculous demand by Boston College, unless there's a clause in his contract that the coach cannot interview for NFL jobs, which I don't believe exists.

Jags still hasn't been publicly fired yet
The longer this situation goes on the weirder it gets. All reports say Jags is meeting with the Jets today. Will the ultimatum be enforced? The longer BC is silent may indicate that there will be some face saving all around.


  1. ATL: I'll take your word for it, but are we including the other coaches as part of the "not coming from Jags" angle? The original report said that he had told his staff. It seems unlikely that Logan, a Jags guy, would go off-message, but what about Spaz? I just don't see what Gene gains from making this public. It hurts his chances of getting a new coach, it hurts his reputation, and it makes it look like we're unreasonable. I don't see any upside.

  2. Anonymous11:16 AM

    "If it rubbed Gene the wrong way, you fire him on the spot and call Al Golden or Mike London or Brian Kelly before Jags can get up out of the chair. The ultimatum made the situation ten times worse."

    Let's assume for now the contract had the NFL 3 year provision in it. You can't fire him on the spot for thinking about talking to the Jets. You can't fire him on the spot for his agent fielding a call from the Jets. It is a legal contract. Gene is doing his job, and doing it correctly.

    I will be surprised but not shocked if Gene was the source of the leak.

    I was very critical of Gene and the move to the ACC. He has learned from his mistakes, is doing the right thing for his institution.

    When Peter King gets a law degree and a copy of the contract, then you caan add him in here. For now, it is not relevant to Jags situation at BC.

  3. Anonymous11:24 AM

    By the way, we are forgetting that Peter King and Brett Favre are great friends to the point that they text each other quite often.

    I'm sensing that Favre is now using his media connections to make BC look like the bad guy when the blame is surely on Jags. I think that Peter King has fallen into this elaborate trap that Favre and Woody Johnson have created.

  4. It wouldn't surprise me at all if there was a 3 year lock up on that contract. TOB drove GDF nuts by throwing his hat in every ring he could.

    This is still all rumor and conjecture. One thing is certain is that someone close to either Jags or GDF is leaking this and making BOTH look bad. I cannot believe Jags would leak about the interview and that GDF would leak an ultimatum. It may also not be an ultimatum but simply a statement that if Jags has clause in his contract it would be grounds for dismissal.

    You are quick to condemn GDF here and I think you are jumping the gun. It is possible that Jags was dishonest with BC or its possible that he was not, lets let this play out.

  5. http://www.bostonscore.com/featured/these-boots-are-made-for-walking/10019528.html

    That's Mike Giardi's sports blog, the sports reporter for the NECN news network.

    "NECN has learned that there’s a clause in Jags contract that said he could not leave for an NFL job until completing three seasons with the school."

    I don't care if Peter King thinks that's ridiculous or not, Jags agreed to it in his contract and he should honor that.

  6. Adam: Leaving for an NFL job and interviewing for an NFL job are entirely different things. It is not uncommon to take a few interviews for jobs you're a long shot for so that when the right opportunity does present itself, you're prepared. Any way you cut it, this is an overreaction by Gene unless and until Jags gets offered the Jets HC position.

  7. Chairman - the difference is that interviewing for a new coaching job puts doubt into the minds of recruits and can hurt the school as a result. It isn't quite a victimless crime...

  8. Bill - thanks for hosting this lively discussion.

    This reminds me of when Jerry Jones canned Tom Landry. Yes, it was JJ's right to do so....however, he handled it poorly.

    I think it might have been better for Gene to determine what works best for both sides instead of immediately throwing down the gauntlet.

  9. So Chairman, you're telling me that if Jags is offered the job (even if it is a longshot, which it might not be considering his relationship with Favre), he's not going to take it? He's going to say "thanks, but no thanks"? Isn't that a little naive? If he's not going to take the job, why would he interview for it if it would lead to him losing his job? I don't think Gene would have put this ultimatum on Jags if he had told Gene he had no intention of taking the job. There's nothing that specifically says something about interviewing, but the fact that he's interviewing for the job shows that he has intentions of leaving before his third year at BC. Seems to me like he is dishonoring his contract and the school.

  10. I clause that says he can't leave for an NFL job before three seasons at BC makes no sense. If he's under contract to stay at BC, he can't take another job anywhere without breaching the contract. It seems more likely that the clause would prevent him from INTERVIEWING with an NFL team. That would also explain why Gene made the brash move of issuing the ultimatum. If it's a clear clause in Jags' contract, it makes a lot more sense. I wish NECN and other news outlets would be more clear on the taking/interviewing for distinction.

  11. ATL -- great work so far on the give and take today and yesterday. It has been an interesting few days.

    I have no idea what's going on here, and the problem is that one party (and maybe both) clearly acted irrationally in all this. We can look at incentives all day -- and it won't explain the behavior of either Jags or Gene D unless one of them acted irrationally and out of emotion.

    Now, as to the three year no interview clause. I believe that does exist, and I believe that can be explained quite simply. Say you're BC in the winter of 2006, and you know you have a great team coming back with a phenomenal QB, and a strong D waiting in the wings for the next two years. You know the program will hit some rough waters beyond that. And you know, that given those circumstances, the job is an attractive one that, any semi-competent coach will have success at. What do you do? You damn well ensure that you hire a coach who will be around past those first two years, and not use the great circumstances he's walking into as a springboard to his next stop.

    What do you do if you're Jags and presented with that contract? You take it. You know the circumstances; you know your job with Green Bay is not exactly the safest position in the world (they were pretty, pretty awful his lone year as OC); and you know you're being plucked from obscurity.

    Frankly, it'd be borderline unconscionable if Gene didn't include such a clause in the contract. Especially after O'Brien openly dabled in every single college vacancy for six or seven straight years.

  12. Anonymous12:32 PM

    To: The BC Faithful

    From: Jeff Jagodzinski

    Re: The New York Jets
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    On the way to Logan this morning to catch my flight to Laguardia, I listened to the Who’s “Won’t Get Fooled Again.” I think that this song really caught the mood as I thought about all of the BC Faithful that I let down.

    I know that you are upset but for one minute did you really think that I was going to stay at BC for more than 4 years? My whole plan from the start was to get a head coaching gig in the NFL, whether it was Green Bay or Seattle, I was going back.

    Yeah, I put on a good show. Don’t you think? I was really positive and upbeat about my intentions to build a great program. Did I lie? Of course I did but wouldn’t you if you were in my shoes? You have to lie to be good in this business. Do you Carroll School of Management Graduates get that job at Goldman Sachs and house in the Hamptons from being nice? No!!!! You pissed a few people off along the way. No big deal. Life is about being used and abused. It is a two way street. Quit your whining Newton Freshmen!

    A clause in my contract….Does it exist??? Who cares??? Whether there is or there isn’t I’m leaving! Suppose there is a clause that says I cannot leave until after my 3rd year, who is going to enforce it? Are you going to take me to court for breach of contract? Sure go ahead….if you want that type of reputation. Otherwise, the Jets will pay off my legal fees and give me the “hush money” to give to you guys.

    Could I have done this in a better way? Of course, but when Brett Favre wants something or someone he goes right for it. He is a HOFer but he is also a narcissistic trainwreck. I’ll get the most out of him for one or two seasons in NY, but this is NY so I will probably be fired into 2 to 3 seasons because that is what happens with NY Jet coaches…ask Bill Parcells.

    On Gene, Gene is Gene. Just give Cathy and TOB a call to get the scoop on him.

    Life will go on for everyone.

    One last thing…..Thanks to TOB for making me look like a genius for the past two seasons!

    Yours Truly,


  13. On a lighter note, it appears that BC's win over UNC has caught the attention of the pollsters as the Coaches Poll has them at #24. The AP Poll doesn't seem to be out yet. I had hoped they might sneak in the Top 20 after the high of the win but all and all having this team in the Top 25 of at least one poll is a welcome addition.

  14. ATL:

    Word to the wise: Don't ever rely on Peter King for anything. The guy only is good at (1) drinking coffee, (2) constantly talking about his daughter, (3) boring me to death, and (4) being obese. Beyond that, the guy is useless. What's next, a quote from Mayor Menino on how to get tough with unions?

  15. Here's the link to the latest Globe update (as of approximately 1:15 PM) it generally says BC has had no contact with Jags today and no press conferences are scheduled:


  16. It's incredibly unfortunate that on a day that we should be relishing an enormous hoops win we are talking endlessly about this bullshit instead. I feel for the guys who played a hell of a game yesterday only to be pushed out of the limelight by a pissing contest between two tremendous egos.

  17. Following up on what Ry said....
    if I had told you that an unranked BC bball team would beat the #1 UNC team in the Dean Dome and it NOT be the top BC sports story of the day...would you have believed me??? Loco crazy!

    Check out Bob Ryan's article today about the bball game. Good stuff.

    Go Eagles!

  18. BC Hoops!

    First, I'd like to thank Coach Jags and our Athletic Director for overshadowing a huge win by the basketball team yesterday. Nice work all around. Selfless play there fellas, with your impeccable timing.

    I've heard a rumor that Jags got a raise after his first year and in return GD got the "No NFL" clause extended to the first four years of the contract.

    I love rumors. They massacred any chance I had of possessing self-esteem in high school.

    Whether true or not, the inability to handle this differently, aside from the program ramifications, is the most disappointing aspect in all of this.

    I blame Jags if he lied about his intentions...in which case I, contrary to my emotions of the past two years, don't want him around (SEC schools can abide liars, but we shouldn't stoop). I blame GD if he leaked it, knowing that even if Jags turned down the interview, the chance of him coming back was slim to none.

    Most of all, I love speculating on other people's lives. Even when none, some, or all of it may be true. Here's to gossip!

  19. Jags and GDF should both be fired for taking the damn Vandy bowl game in the first place! What losers! We take a game vs. a team in which we have nothing to gain and everything to lose? Fire both these bozos and give ATL Bill the coaching job--(see ya 'Lanta!), Let Doug Flutie take the AD gig and sit back and watch our Eagle Hoopsters raise hell'n havoc in the ACC.
    Why not let Tyrese QB on the football team, too? Hell, he's the first leader we've had 'round here since Matt left for 'Lanta?

    Thanks for letting me get that outta my system, Bill.
    Go Eagles!Let's enjoy the big hoops win--NESN has to rebroadcast the BC/NCU game tonite at 8 EST to save face. How cool is that?
    Everything else is just more BS we don't need.

  20. What other AD in the country takes part in such idiocy? Did LSU fire Les Miles for openly flirting with Michigan right before the fricking SEC Championship Game? No, they got to work on extending him. Typically it is a good idea to keep good coaches, not send them away because of pissing contests that don't need to be fought.


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