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Monday, January 05, 2009

What others have to say

As we all await for the smoke signals from the Heights, the media world and blogosphere is weighing in on the pissing match. Some of them reference back to this blog, but here are a few of the takes.

-- Dr. Saturday reminds us that this interview/flirtation process is standard when ever you have a winning coach.
-- Fanhouse thinks that Gene's record of showdowns with TOB and Jags speaks to a bigger problem.
-- Ray Ratto thinks both are childish and hurting the players and fans.
-- The Interruption guys feel like kids caught in a divorce.
-- ESPN muses that Jags just may have faith in himself that he'll get the Jets job.
-- Fanblogs equates BC to a scorned lover.


  1. I have to side with Gene on this one. He had a crappy choice to make, but I think he made the right one. It would have been better if it hadn't been leaked, but I still agree with it.

    Look at what ND did when they were threatened with the same thing. They threw tons of money at Wies and now they're stuck with a lousy coach. In this case, Gene said no way. Maybe it'll prove to be wrong. But at this point in time with what we know, I have to agree with him.

  2. Look at it this way. He either leaves this year or next year. Lets cut our losses now and rebuild with someone who wants to be there and can add some recruiting help. This coming year is going to be a tough year anyway. How hard is he going to work in recruiting if hes already got one foot out the door?

  3. I can’t tell who’s more hard-headed or has the bigger ego, Jags or Gene. Why the heck would Jags push for an interview for a job he has only a long-shot of getting and jeopardize his job at BC? Why would Gene throw the ultimatum out in the public instead of working it out privately with Jags after the interview?

    It wouldn't have been so bad if Jags hadn't professed his desire to be at BC for years to come when he wowed 'em during the interview process. While I can't fault a guy for climbing the job ladder, 2 years isn't much of a commitment after all of the hoopla he put forth about BC being a place he could see himself at for the long term.

  4. Anonymous3:34 PM

    They need to just go to one of the gyms in Atlanta, work out and get back into shape.

  5. This could be stupid thinking, but is there any chance Jags wants out this year because he thinks his stock might plummet next year if BC is 5-7? If his recruits for 2009 are "meh" right now, and the quarterback situation is unsettled, and we lose some key defensive players to graduation/NFL draft, I would think Jags might try his hand at an NFL job now rather than next year because he thinks he may not have as good an opportunity.

    Now, that doesn't speak to his own impression of how he thinks he can coach, and I think Jags is a good coach, but it just occurred to me there might be a reach by him because he wants to cash in on what he has right now rather than see what his marketability is next year.

    I'm in no way excusing what he's doing, or what Gene did, just merely postulating on the fact that Jags might be selling (relatively) high for himself.

  6. DeFilippo talks a little..


  7. The Star Ledger of New Jersey is citing a WFAN Report from NY that Jags is not in the top tier of Jets CEO Woody Johnson's top picks for the job. The news isn't shocking but it might serve to highlight how much of a limb Jags is going out on here:


    You have to wonder what, if any, contact Favre is having with Jags and if Favre is even just trying to help Jags get out of his contract by getting him an interview. That might be a bit far-fetched but who can really rule anything out at this point.

  8. yeah fan has been saying all day that there are 3 tier one coaches up for the job, and jags is one of the 4 tier two coaches being considered. they are saying that he will be interviewed either tomorrow or wednesday (if he shows up).

    the little time that mike francessa spent talking about it today -- "sounds like they wanted to get rid of the coach anyways..." "coach goes 9-5 and loses to vanderbilt in the music city bowl in the season after losing matt ryan, why would the jets even want to hire him..."

    He also said Gene looks silly for being so strict about a contract after we left the big east with that contract issue... and we are only BC after all.

    I know he doesnt have that much knowledge of BC and the whole situation, but sometimes an outsider's take is worth something.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Fatso's take is never worth anything, under any circumstances unless he is talking about horse racing. In that case it is only worth manure. It's too bad the Angry Puppy left. I feel so uninformed when it comes to the San Francisco Giants and U.S. Open tennis.

  11. Globe is reporting that BC is set to fire Jags and tht Coach Spaz is now the front runner to get the job:


  12. HAHA RFH, very true about mike and chris-- just providing a source outside the Boston market to show what most of America is probably thinking right now.

  13. why is everybody under the assumption that it was Gene D who leaked the news about jags and firing him if he interviewed? if jags wants to coach in the NFL (which is a fairly good assumption at this point), and with all of the vacancies in the NFL right now, doesn't it make more sense that Jags' people floated that rumor out there to force Gene D's hand and make jags a more viable candidate for the jets and the rest of the teams with vacancies (the browns come to mind as well). regardless, echoing most sentiments here, i'd rather have a coach who wants to be at BC long term than a guy who wants to move onto bigger things.

  14. I live in Des Moines just down the road from Ames where Gene Chizik recently dumped the Cyclones for Auburn, despite only having 5 wins in 2 years with Iowa State. There was no ultimatum issued by the AD, but once Chizik was gone, the AD held a press conference and a lot of info came out that showed Chizik to be unethical, including lying to the AD when asked if he was interviewing with Auburn.

    If Gene asked Jags point blank if he was going to interview with the Jets, and Jags told him "no," then I would consider that insubordination.

    Once trust is breached, it is almost impossible to build it again. If Jags was on the up and up and told Gene he was going to interview with the Jets, then Gene should have said, "we love you and want you to stay here, but good luck." We shall soon find out what truly happened.

    By the way, don't believe anything the national media reports. They notoriously get the facts wrong even when they are right in front of them on paper. I learned that the hard way in my business.

  15. Gene never again should interview a potential coaching candidate with teeth as perfect as those of Jags. Clearly, Gene was hypnotized by those choppers and was unfairly led to believe that he had a mutual understanding with Jags. For those of you who haven't met Jags in person, those teeth are a 15 on a scale of one to ten. They're like flawless white diamonds. Somehow, Jags' orthodontist turned a chubby balding guy into a big-time game-changer. Go figure.

  16. Also, Mike Francesa sucks the sweet tea from Mike Vick's dong. I'll only be influenced by what he says when he become a restaurant critic.

  17. After seeing what Gene's comments, I really respect his stance on the issue. Sure this is a normal situation in college football; however, there is a reason why we are one of the few Division I-A schools in the top 40 of the U.S. News rankings. We are Boston College, we are different. When you give your word at this school, it is a reasonable expectation that you follow through. Gene said it best, the commitment made between a school and a coach isn't only written on the physical contract, if there is an understanding between the two any breach of that trust is direct insubordination. Jags sold us for two years on "the BC guy", well I'd like to see him stand up and become one himself.

  18. I have a source who said that Jags was sick of recruiting, had recruited poorly, and simply bailed on the whole prsopect of coaching BC. Gene found out about this and was pissed. Obviously, Jags knew he could get a sweet paycheck out the door and back to the NFL if he was fired, and Gene knew that without recruiting, bc is screwed. overall, its a crappy situation.

  19. Here's an interesting column just posted on the Metro Daily West Newspaper's website; the Metro West Daily News is a respected mid level publication and Megliola is a long-time columnist who sometimes cohosts on WEEI's evening program. Interesting to note he is also picking up on Jags tiring of recruiting:



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