BC Fan Resources

Sunday, January 04, 2009


That is the way to start the ACC season. Near perfect game from everyone. I'll have more coherent thoughts on the game and the latest on Jags later tonight.


  1. As Sports Illustrated said in 1993, TAKE THAT TAR HEELS!!!!

  2. That was friggin' awesome

  3. After the BC bowl loss and the Falcons losing, it nice to cap of the weekend with this amazing win. All of my UNC neighbors here in the ATL are speechless. This team looks so much more poised (at least until the last few minutes...) than last years team

  4. Did anyone else have trouble with NESN? My roommates and I had no in game sound the first 4 minutes of the game. and then with 1:41 in the game, it cut to commercial for NO REASON!!! It did not come back until 4 seconds left; luckily I have a radio ready to listen to the development.

    Amazing game though! The team really seams to be developing an identity!

  5. Take that Tar Heels! I love it.

    Can we get a petition Eagle in ATL that forces NESN to replay that game in the New England area because that is a joke that we missed the end of the game.

  6. that was incredible! i've been waiting for a win like this for a long time! go eagles!!!

  7. Let me summarize the end of the game for those that didn't get to see it. BC foul. Tar heel makes first of 2. Misses second. Tar heels rebound. BC Foul. Tar heel makes first of 2. Misses second. Tar heels rebound. Repeat. Repeat. It was tough to watch, but with the smaller lineup on the floor we really had a hard time rebounding at the end of the game. Great job hanging on, now hopefully no letdown against the Crimson.

  8. also missed the end of the game, had to jump on espn. great game, biggest win for bc basketball since...can't remember. you don't beat a #1 team on the road very often. but does this drastically change peoples' opinions of us?

    i say yes. we showed that with great guard play and some hustle on the boards we can hang with anyone.

  9. That was excruciating -- way to go NESN. I really wanted to see all of their commercials twice. What a budget operation.

    With the only exception being that we need another baseline inbounds play besides "everyone jog around," that was pretty much a perfect game. I'm a heavy Skinner critic but I have to give him credit -- the execution was just excellent. And even though UNC came back a bit, it was handed to them by the stripes, rather than because of a let-down on our part. Some really awful calls down the stretch. Hansborough continues to get special treatment. That over-the-back on Southern was especially absurd. I was really pleased to see Al giving the refs the business on a few occasions.

    Great win for the program and to build confidence with all of these younger players. We were all in a need of a little pick-me-up after the bowl game and ACCCG and this was it. Well done.

  10. agreed. hansborough gets every call. always has.

    anyone see a report that bc announced they would fire jags if he interviewed with jets? my dad said he just saw it on espn2.

    interesting way for bc to handle the situation if it is true

  11. I heard the same thing about BC threatening to fire Jags, but can't find it anywhere. I don't understand the logic of that move, unless Gene D has his eye on someone.

  12. And as a one of the few students who goes to games, I am willing to bet this helps with the lousy student attendance!

    Still cannot believe the completer effort. Those last 2 minutes were excruciating and I kept thinking all the sports outlets' headlines would read "Tar Heels Escape Upset." Instead it reads "No. 1 UNC Falls."


  13. I have also been a Skinner critic, but I liked what I saw out of him tonight. He actually showed some passion and chewed out the refs. He called time outs at the right times and he clearly had a great gameplan to beat the Tarheels.

    Where does this rank? Has to be the greatest regular season win in school history. To beat a #1 ranked team at home is one thing, but to do it on the road is amazing.

    They need to work on inbounding the ball and handling the press and double-teams but considering how young they are, they did a decent job down the stretch.

  14. i could see them doing it to make sure he doesn't leave because he wouldn't want to even take a look if he knows he has no job to come back to.

  15. Let's calm down on all of the Jags rumors. This is one thing I despise about the Internet. Rumors fly around 24-7 and they take on a life of their own. Let's stick to legitimate sources that are double-checked before spreading them around on this blog.

  16. Reggie (huge second half) and Rakim (7 steals??!!!) played as well as anyone could have expected them to. Tyrese did his thing as usual, still a few questionable shots on the break but well worth it considering his killer instinct in transition. Really an amazing win considering Trapani didn't play that well, Roche gave us absolutey nothing (not that I expected anything more) and Southern only scored four and wasted two fouls on Lawson. Another positive is the good experience for Dunn, who didn't look too bad in the minutes he got. The thing I really like about this though is the experience it gives some of the younger guys. We clearly tightened up down the stretch a bit, but going into one of the toughest environments in college basketball and survivng is as good a thing as you can get for some young kids who have spent two months playing in front of a couple thousand people.

  17. i thought southern had a really good game besides stupid fouls. he is not a scorer, but he bodied up hansborough very well and made him shoot over him. his size makes him very valuable to the team

  18. Watching ESPN to catch highlights, there was an interesting intro to the game - apparently, Chris Mortensen is reporting that BC has told Jags he'd be fired if he interviewed with the Jets, but that Jags decided to interview with the Jets anyway tomorrow. Don't know if the source is any good, but either way not a good story for our football program.

  19. ESPN2 tells me that Logan will be HC if Jags goes.

    My God.

  20. http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=3810186

  21. So, assuming that eagleboston will allow us to speak about this now, I don't reall get the statement that Gene's making. That we aren't a stepping stone? I mean, Jags isn't talking about interviewing with, say the University of Iowa. It's an NFL job and he's an NFL guy...why wouldn't he interview? Gene's putting himself in a very odd position, and fighting a battle that doesn't need to be fought.

  22. If ESPN2 is correct, that is a horrible job out of DeFilipo. What good can come out of threats like that? What did Gene expect when he hired a young coach? Did he think he would be here for a decade? If Jags accepts Gene's request and does not interview, what does that do for their relationship? Just a really troubling story that I hope is not true.

    I understand Gene being upset as this is devastating for recruiting and Gene did give Jags a shot when no one was looking to him to be a coach. However, making threats only boxes Jags into a corner and puts him on the defensive.

    The BC Soap Opera just never ends!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. So, does anyone think we'll jump to being ranked now? What else would they have to do at 13-2? This is as good a win as anyone in the country has had, maybe in the last few years.

  25. NESN is replaying the game Monday at 1, also if anyone gets Fox College Sports Atlantic (part of the Comcast sports package) they are showing it at 4 Monday.... set your TIVOs.

  26. a- yes they will be ranked
    b- reggie jackson, officially "Mr. January" ???
    c- tyrese rice > ty lawson

  27. CHI_Eagle:

    a-I dunno. I'll bet enough voters already had their ballots filled out before Sunday's games to keep us out. Remember, we had zero (0) votes last week. If we can avoid falling to Harvard or Miami this next week, I'd expect a pretty nice debut (16-20 range).

    b-I like it, but I hope they hold off for two more months. They were calling him Mr. October during the game. I--and I'll bet you'd agree--would love nothing more than for cause for these media guys to ultimately and permanently stick him with a Mr. March label.

    c-Ty Rice >>>>>>>>>>>> Ty Lawson.
    What a game!


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