BC Fan Resources

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Baseball brings a bright spot to the weekend and other links

It wasn't all bad news this weekend. The baseball team captured another ACC series, this time winning two out of three in College Park. Former BC pitcher Joe Martinez is hoping to make the Giants starting rotation.

The late push was not enough for the men's hockey team. They did not get an at-large invite to the NCAA, so Jerry York's current streak of Frozen Fours will come to an end. Like the basketball team's bounce back, I am pretty sure that

Tony Barnhart took an early look at next season's Atlantic Division.

Julian Benbow was a breath of fresh air to the Globe's basketball coverage this season. He filed a final report on Skinner's hopes for next year.


  1. Bill, it's Joey Martinez - not Jon Sanchez - that's trying to make the Giants' rotation. I mean, they both are, but Martinez is the BC guy and - as a Giants' fan - I do hope to see him in orange and black this year.

  2. Thanks. I got another note on that too. Fixed.

  3. I second the applause of Julian Benbow. He and Conroy are the only two readable BC beat guys.

  4. Maybe it's his sophisticated-sounding name or something but I have the idea that Julian Benbow doesn't fit in around the Globe's newsroom. I have this recurring image of Blaudschun and Ryan and Shaughnessy hazing him, giving him wedgies, farting on his PB&Js.

    I imagine that this, in part, is why he writes good articles about BC. He decides to actually go to campus to interview a few people because he knows he ain't gonna run into Blaudschun and the rest of the crew there.

    I nominate Benbow to take over HD's spot blogging the ACC before the old hacks at the Globe ruin him; before they convince him that nobody watches BC games anyway so you might as well go out for a few first and then file your story on the back of a Black Rose bar napkin. If you need a quote just ask someone short, when you're hammered everyone looks like Tyrese Rice. But wait, never mind, why would you need a quote?

  5. Go Baseball Team - can't wait for Clemson to come to Chestnut Hill and play games in colder weather than they had all winter :-).

    What's up with the no basketball recruits coming in next year - we're going to pull a rabbitt or two out of the hat? How many scholarships are there in basketball anyway? We have 10 returning scholarship players, I think.

    Let's get some football talk going.

    Is Hofstra really on our home schedule for 2010? Come on Gene - give us a break - that would have to be a "free" game - absolutely no charge!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Jack, in the current system of college football, the only time an opponent like Hofstra would hurt would be if we were undefeated at the end of the season along with two other teams, and they pitted our OOC schedules against each other.

    We're in a BCS conference...if we win out, we'll be there. While it's fun to watch BC play the USC's of the world once in a while, I'm all too happy to follow the 1 gimmie win/year formula that 99% of CFB teams follow.

    We certainly don't need to further handicap ourselves by playing nothing but stud competition. Voters don't vote for the team that lost to a great team over the team that beat the crappy team.

  8. Reading Barnhart's comments about BC's future next season made me wonder how anyone who gives such a superficial analysis of a college football team can call himself Mr. Football...and then I read the bloggers that follow his prophecies and I could feel my IQ going to 4 figures compared to all those SEC jive maestros who hate the ACC so much and take 8 hours of naps everyday "waitin' fer football t' git in gear"...wow, scary.

  9. Mike - it must be noted that Hofstra beat our first game opponent this September - Northeastern University - 42-14 last November :-). Maybe that's the game for free admission?

    We have 7 home games in 2010 - fans will take note that they have to shell out an extra $50 (per ticket) for Hofstra - no offense. The other home opponents are

    I think this is our last game with Notre Dame for the foreseeable future. We have a lot of bragging rights at stake in our 2009 and 2010 games with ND for sure!!!! We're even at 9 games apiece now.


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