BC Fan Resources

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

atleagle on Twitter

I've joined Twitter. Not sure what sort of staying power I will have there or how I will tweet all summer on BC sports, but I think Twitter will be a cool tool once the games start up again. There are already hundreds of BC folks on there tweeting. I imagine that during big events like graduation, there will be plenty of things to read. If you are reading this blog, you've already embraced one new medium. Why not give Twitter a shot? Join and start following people.


  1. Cool, are you going to post your feed on the blog?

  2. I'm signed up. Other people, feel free to leave your twitter URL's as well....


  3. Now through August, can we expect tweets like:

    "Checked the Herald and Globe, no BC news."

  4. Erik--big assumption that the Globe will even be around in August.

  5. The Globe and NYT seem to have reached a deal.


    Not sure I understand the Globe and Herald bashing. Sure, their coverage of BC sucks, but if those papers disappear, that's one less mainstream media outlet throwing their hat into the ring in terms of reporting on BC. That's only a bad thing (particularly for BC bloggers).

    I too recently succumbed to the Twitter machine as well. @bfavat

  6. You can bash the local papers for the poor coverage while at the same time agree that the loss of their poor coverage would be a bad thing for the coverage of BC sports as a whole. It's two separate issues.

  7. I don't fully understand the Globe bashing, either. I think their coverage of BC sports has been commensurate with the interest of their general readership, which, if you strip out the BC Alum, is minimal. The exceptions are those few seasons when BC is "overachieving", the Flutie years, for example. Otherwise, most of the Globe Sports readers feel more disdain than interest in BC. Eagle coverage only gets in the way of Patriots, Celtics, Bruins, Red Sox coverage.

  8. I'm on twitter.


  9. I'm going to stay away from Twitterville. It's hard enough to keep up with Facebook. Plus, I just don't get Twitter.

    Anyway, we are in the dead zone for the next 90 days. Little to no news until August practices.

  10. Their coverage of BC sucks, but if those papers disappear, that's one less mainstream media outlet throwing their hat into the ring in terms of reporting on BC, if like you take a cup of Viagra


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