BC Fan Resources

Sunday, May 17, 2009

What you can do

I've had a couple people email me with ideas on how to help Herzy or wondering if I knew of anything going on with Mark or his Family. I don't. And with their desire for privacy I don't think they will create anything yet. Plus it is too early. I don't think the opportunities and needs surrounding Mark's illness are even their priority. I imagine his health is.

That said, if Herzy's situation has moved you and you want to do something big or small, here are some ideas.

-- Give blood and/or blood platelets.
Most major cancer centers have donations opportunities. So should your local Red Cross center.

-- Give to the Flynn Fund.
The Flynn Fund is how guys like Mark Herzlich even get a chance to shine and thrive at BC.

-- Give to a cancer center, the American Cancer Society or local hospital. Give in your name. Give in Mark's. It doesn't matter. Your donation will help, especially with non profits struggling in the current economy.

-- Give your time locally. Many BC Alumni chapters groups have been involved in Relay for Life. BC Mike and the Atlanta crew had a good showing just last week at the Atlanta Relay for Life.

-- Give to Penn Health. Based on Mark's statements, it seems like the Philadelphia Health Complex will be where he gets his primary treatment.

-- Give to the Jay Fund Foundation. Different BC player. Different type of cancer. But McGillis and Herzlich embody the good things about BC.

There are hundreds of other things you can do. Post good ideas in the comments section.


  1. Plenty of good events for Boston area charities related to cancer research:

    Pan Mass Challenge
    Race for the Cure
    Fantasy Day at Fenway
    A countless number of golf tournaments
    For the hungry people - SCOOPER BOWL

    Here's a link to all the events that benefit the Jimmy Fund

    There's plenty of fun things to participate in, as well as a million opportunities to financially sponsor an athlete doing a one of the races.

  2. All great and thoughtful ideas. Mark needs our prayers mostly, but I'm sure the BC Football Office won't mind if people send encouraging Get Well cards for Mark to their attention, and they can forward them along.

  3. Yes, there are many ways to get involved. If you haven't been already, then maybe this is your time to start!

    If you're in the Fairfield County area:

    My comedy group is doing a charity show for Relay For Life at the end of May. 100% of the proceeds are donated to Relay For Life. If you're in the area and interested in attending, you can email me.


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