BC Fan Resources

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Lowered expectations and other links

The Sporting News doesn't think much of our chances this season. Both of their experts see BC taking a major step back this year.

The Globe caught up with our "QB of the future." A few interesting points for those who haven't been following Boisture as intensely as some of us have. He still plans on enrolling in January. The good news about that is that it leaves a much smaller window for another team to poach him. Also, he credits his relationship with Mike Siravo as part of his decision. I think too often fans put all the recruiting focus on the head coach, but in reality, the assistants do much of the bonding and salesmanship.

Quinton Porter seems happy and ready to succeed in the CFL.


  1. Jeez - it's so unlike Quinton to say something like "I was the anointed one at Boston College." Turd sandwich.

  2. I'd say the SI guys are optimistic. I won't be surprised if BC ends up with fewer than 4 wins.

  3. Hey campy - Fine, yourself? You'd probably be surprised by a lot of things.

  4. I am not very good at pre-season predictions. Then again, none of the "experts" are either as I believe they have never picked BC to finish higher than 3rd in the Atlantic.

    We have Clemson, Va Tech, Notre Dame, Virginia and Maryland on the road. I would think we could win 2 of those. Northeasteran and Kent State at home better be wins. That leaves Wake, Florida State, NC State, Central Michigan and UNC at home. Not one of these is a gimmee but I'm going to go out on a limb and say we will win two of these. That gives BC a 6-6 record. Disappointing, but I mentioned ealier that I always underestimate BC so pencil in 8-9 wins.

  5. I'll be very (pleasantly) surprised if BC earns a bowl bid, I can tell you that.

  6. Well, we have our work cut out for us, that's for sure. There are timely off weeks during some seasons, but this year is not one of them. This year we have 9 straight games before we get a break, and then 3 straight to finish up.

    We need to factor that into our thinking. While we have some tremendous players on this team, perhaps we are a little weak depth-wise, to say the least. Here's hoping we don't get the kind of injuries our players have experienced in recent seasons. We need some luck in that regard this year.


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