BC Fan Resources

Monday, July 06, 2009

HD gives Herznation some pub and other links

I have the best intentions for some in depth content this week, but today is more links (been very busy).

HD gave the folks at Herz Nation some much needed publicity this afternoon.

Joe Martinez is working his way back to Majors. (Thanks to Alex for the link.)

It is certainly a niche role, but some think the Jack Geiser has potential to long snap in the NFL. (Thanks to Bill for the link.)

Here is more on our Josh Bordner and how he quickly caught BC's attention.

Derrick Rossy is still plugging along with his boxing career.

BCEagles.com posted a Q&A with budding star Charlie Davies.


  1. The plan for Joey is to have him up shortly after the break. I can't wait to see him in orange and black again.

  2. I actually have looked a while ago and couldn't find any email address contact to Herz Nation, so this is as good of a place to ask as any...

    Does anyone know if there is a plan to sell any of those Pray Til It Herz shirts on campus this year -- in the bookstore or somewhere on gameday? It's easier for me to drive to BC than to pay for shipping after ordering online. I might not have the option though.

  3. So, good news about Herzy? Any other details?


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