BC Fan Resources

Friday, September 04, 2009

BC-Northeastern Game Watches

Labor Day weekend and ESPN360 means fewer game watches this week. If I failed to include one or someone puts something together at the last minute, just post it in the comments sections.

Atlanta Game Watch

300 Marietta St

San Francisco Game Watch

Shanghai Kelly's
San Francisco
Polk St at Broadway
**BC Alumni behind the bar and $3 Sam Adams specials

Unofficial Denver Game Watch
The home of two BC guys in Denver (Joe and Frank)
1108 York St
Denver, CO 80206
Phone: 617-417-1218


  1. Just so people know, it appears that Comcast now offers ESPN360 free to anyone who uses their internet service.

  2. Ha, I love the unofficial Denver gamewatch in the home of two guys. I'm just gonna throw it out there...someone should do the same thing in Chicago. I'd do it myself, but I just moved here, so the apartment is not gamewatch ready.

  3. Maybe someone with an iPhone can go to a Panera, get hooked into their WiFi, and have a few peeps sit around watching a phone for 4 hours.

    I'd laugh.

  4. Long shot, but anyone know of a place in Amsterdam? Haha, I doubt it but I'm here randomly and figured I'd check. Would never think I'd actually go out of my way to see a game against Northeastern, but this game could be very interesting.

  5. This is mandatory...

    Boston Game Watch - Alumni Stadium. We will get the audio for the game. BYOB.

  6. Haha, Brez, unfortunately I'm not in Utrecht this weekend or next, but I will be in the future... shoot me a note and maybe we can catch a game together on my Slingbox!

  7. For anyone who doesn't have 360, there's a gamewatch at EagleOutsider.com


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