BC Fan Resources

Monday, September 14, 2009

Blogpoll ballot

It is still very early in the season, so I have a hard time figuring out who belongs where. This upcoming weekend should provide more shake out and might finally provide justification to rank BC.

Games I watched

BC-Kent State 100% (twice)
Michigan-Notre Dame 50%
USC-Ohio State 75%
Wake Forest-Stanford 25%
UConn-UNC 25%
Georgia Tech-Clemson 75%
Toledo-Colorado 25%

1 Florida
2 Southern Cal
3 Texas
4 Penn State
5 LSU 1
6 Miami (Florida) 1
7 Alabama 1
8 Mississippi 1
9 TCU 1
10 Georgia Tech 1
11 California 1
12 Cincinnati 3
13 Brigham Young 3
14 Utah 3
15 North Carolina 3
16 Texas Tech 3
17 Oregon State 3
18 Boise State 3
19 Michigan 6
20 Nebraska 3
21 Auburn
22 Colorado State
23 Houston
24 West Virginia
25 Wisconsin
Last week's ballot

Dropped Out: Oklahoma State (#5), Ohio State (#13), Michigan State (#14), Notre Dame (#22), Missouri (#24).


  1. Ever think of doing an ACC power-ranking? It'd be neat, and I think we could do better than HD's analysis. :)

  2. I was at the uconn-unc game. very unimpressed with north carolina. definitely not the number 15 team in the country. BC should take care of them at home this year.

  3. I have to agree UNC is a little high. UConn is only a half step above Kent St in competition.

    Also, I have to question dropping Ohio St out entirely. After the top thirteen or so teams, there are a bunch who don't stand out much - Ohio St probably belongs in there somewhere.


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