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Thursday, September 03, 2009

Clarifying my Jags stance

I really didn't want to get into a whole Jags rehash and debate this week but Tampa Bay's move, my tendency to be a Jags apologist and some readers inability to step back and read all that I've said on the topics leads me to this post. I will try to keep things as short and clear as possible.

1. I don't feel sorry for Jags. He is an adult and in a high-risk, high-reward profession. He created these circumstances both good and bad. He has to live with his actions and decisions.
2. I don't know Jags well. I spoke with him on a few occasions the last being Rhode Island last year. I have no idea what happened in Tampa beyond the press reports.
3. I feel sorry for his family. The life of a coach is tough and the uncertainty is part of the package. That said, it stinks to move around with kids especially when you have a daughter with special needs.
4. I feel sorry for the Logans. I met and spoke with Logan briefly and he was always very nice. Like the BC situation, he is now caught in the middle.
5. Regardless of what Jags ever did once he left BC, that doesn't mean his firing was handled well. Spaz may turn into the greatest coach in school history. That doesn't mean we handled it well. Regardless, the firing will only be a footnote in BC sports. I have moved on and I implore everyone else to also.


  1. "'This guy was better suited to be a head coach than a coordinator,' the team source said. The source also said Jagodzinski was not calling plays in the preseason. That responsibility fell to running backs coach Steve Logan, who was Jagodzinski's offensive coordinator at Boston College."

    I know we're moving on, but we can take a second or two on this, right?

    Question 1: If he wasn't calling plays, as the OFFENSIVE COORDINATOR, what exactly was he doing?

    Question 2: Can we get Logan to replace Tranquill today and have his offense installed by Clemson? I'm half-kidding.

  2. That's a good idea, and I'm not kidding at all. I would rather have Steve Logan as OC than Gary Tranquill

  3. There has to be something we do not know about him.. I keep seeing hints of character issues., but no real info... Has to be soething

  4. There is no way I want Steve Logan anywhere near the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (Europe would be preferred) when my Eagles are looking at a season where the running game is important and QB is a big question mark.

    But that's just me.

    And I'm at least willing to give Gary a quarter this Saturday to show me something.

  5. ATL,

    out of curiosity, how often do you post something on your blog just to have someone call you out on it? either by email or comments after a post?

  6. This has nothing to do with personality. The articles close to the situation that are popping up are saying it is not about personalities or disagreemnts, but that Jags just wasn't qualified and that he wasn't suited for the job. He wasn't able to handle it. They couldn't let him call plays, he couldn't teach details, and his work ethic was lacking. I for one, am more glad than ever that we got rid of him.

  7. I never understood why people were backing Jags back in January. You have a coach in only his second year who is putting out more applications than a graduating English major and people can't understand why he was fired? It wasn't just the Jets, as I know for a fact he had his agent call an AD of a team that was at the bottom of their conference. Jets or no Jets, Jags was going anyway, so rather than have a disengaged lame duck coach, Gene chose to fire him. Wise move on his part.


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