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Saturday, September 19, 2009

In-game comments post: Clemson

Test day! After this game we should know much more about our team, our coach and our quarterback. The weather is terrible so it will probably be sloppy. (I hope it negates Clemson's speed!)

I will be at the game so I will not be online. Leave your thoughts and comments below.


  1. I agree. I just hope coach Spaz is quick with the hook as you have said. Tuggle definitely deserves to start, but if he starts to struggle I hope they sit him down. Otherwise I feel pretty confident we can win this game.

  2. Let's crank it up, fellas. Go Eagles!

  3. very tough start...BC seem like a deer in the headlights...but i see glimmers...our o-line seem outmatched at this point..

  4. the offense is really struggling right now... might be time for a QB change? not much of a running game either

  5. i love the commentary ..guy is a fun announcer...forgot his name..remember him from last year..

  6. I agree. Our O-Line is getting pushed back on every play.

    And I'd like to see our wideouts help tuggle out a little a catch some of those off center balls.

    The D is keeping us in the game though.

  7. Our BC defensive line is impressive--the Dbacks are stopping the run with authority, those 2 INT's are beauty to see--but our O side needs a gut check and some breaks.
    When is Raycom gonna be HD?

  8. we had 1 yard rushing in the first quarter....

  9. Not to be hard on Tuggle, because he has not dont anything terrible in there (INT not his fault), but I would like to see Shinski given a shot. Our offense needs to do SOMETHING to help out our D, even if its just getting a couple of first downs, and right now thats not happening.

  10. Defense good, offense bad. The O is making me cringe.

  11. looks like shinskie was getting ready on the sidelines

  12. Raycom's not HD in L.A.--It looks like soft focus polaroid out here. And so does our offense. We're getting schooled up front and Tuggle looks unsettled and freaked out by the speed of the game. They know they can tee up for our run game 'cause there's no passing. The O line just collapsed on Shinskie's first snap...downer...and now a fumble. #4@&%

  13. The TV picture is very blurry...second-rate raycom cameras!

    I think the D just stepped it up and realizes they must be the force that wins the game...Offense line and offense schemes are beyond horrendous

  14. i guess we can add that special teams is horrible too...flagged on our returns, unable to stop their returns...

  15. the SD cameras might suck but the HD seems to be better than the ESPN signal. looks like herzy is making an impact on the bench as an assistant coach

  16. do we have a first down yet? last 11 plays, -25 yards

  17. o-line sucks. tranquil sucks.

  18. Everyone in the building knows BC will run on first down. The playcalling is awful.

  19. PJ--good question: Do we have a first down yet? And what's next? Shinskie needs a quick release--and our D can't hold us up forever.

  20. This is some of the worst offensive football I have ever seen. Horrible play calling. No variance, everything is short, and there is no imagination whatsoever. This is even worse than the TOB 3 and out days. The execution of these plays are even worse. This so-called vaunted offensive line is getting its ass handed to them. -5 yards in total offense this late in the first half. You gotta feel sorry for the defense which has been pretty dominate but has been screwed consistently.

  21. bc needs to throw downfield for once... the defense is just waiting to pounce on anything under 5 yards

  22. shinksie really lacks confidence...quite surprising. we are not out of it yet...

  23. You have to have more than 2 seconds to throw down field. Sapp is living in our backfield.

  24. They will FG us to death if we can't give our D some field position after we score--if we score. Well--we got our answers in this first half. We have a great D and an Offensive line that can't bring it. Who'd a thunk it?

  25. Criticize Logan all you want (there was a lot of it last year) at least he had a game plan. This play calling is just pathetic. Expect to see more of this with Spaz at the helm.

  26. yikes...we suck!!

  27. Don't think we should be fragging Spaz for this yet. We've been wondering what we have and what we need to do--like Dabo said--"Nothin's less important than the score at half time." (I promise I'll never quote that dude again.) But this halftime is going to be a test,too. The play calling may suck, but we don't have any time after the snap to really run a play in this game. Where are our TE's? Are they open but not gettin' the ball fast enough? If Clemson's looking run every time and we're not throwing screens or quick outs to the TE's we'll get hammered for another half. Time for the QB's and the OC to answer the bell.

  28. Anonymous1:44 PM

    This offense is Dan Henning bad. And he had Matt Hasselbeck at QB....

  29. I'm not blaming Spaz for the specific play-calling per se, rather for the entire uber-conservative mindset of the offense. We have already seen this crap under TOB, and it didn't work at all.

  30. Just announced in stadium - BC 25 playes, minus 2 yards. Clemson fans are laughing

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. point of contrast: When they played Clemson two games ago, Middle Tenn. gained 299 yards in offense for the game...we have -4 for a half..

    Spaz's comments at half seem very weak..."it might get ugly" WTF???

  33. Christ, another run on first down. What a surprise.

  34. here comes the rain... hopefully it can slow clemson down!

  35. Rain can't help our Offense if they can't block people. Tuggle aired out that pass and it was pretty. If only...But there's time and rain can change everything, plus or minus.Do you think Jeff Smith will ever break another kick return EVER?

  36. the skittles came out of that rainbow throw

  37. This has to be a big joke. The offense can't be this bad can it? They wouldn't even be able to put points up against Temple the way they are playing now.

  38. huge 4th down stop. let's get some points with this field position!

  39. this is just pathetic

  40. sadly, except for the ND game, this will be our last TV appearacne for the season

  41. time for Shinskie to return...Tuggle can't throw, and can;t run..he does take snaps well.

  42. Offense is hooooorrrrriblllleeeee. How can we look this bad against a real team? Flabergasted.

  43. Why not go for it on 4th and 2 from midfield? It's not like they have anything to lose. Oh wait, Spaz is the coach. Never mind.

  44. We Knew tranquill was shit. But he has been worse than expected. Run run pass on every series. We have no chance with this guy. As for Spaz giving up at half time, he is right I guess it will get ugly.

  45. This rain delay can only be good. We can't get any worse. Is 30 minutes enough time to fire Tranquill and install Day as OC?

  46. I think this rain delay is God taking pity on a Jesuit school, lol. (Some time to re-group and at least figure out how to get ONE first down.) This is beyond pathetic. We know we have serious problems when the only offensive plays of note we've seen all day were Matty Ice clips from PAST games during the pre-game show.

  47. yay lightning break! Time to go mow the lawn...

  48. Only one first down? Say it ain't so. Who's calling these TOB run plays on every snap? Our best offensive down was an offsides penalty...and now we've got lightning? Man, we need lightning--hell, anything that has some pop in it. Maybe Tuggle can practice throwin' a quick release ball to a TE in the tunnel while we wait for the thunder...Did you all hear that ESPN radio guy totally dis BC during halftime--calling the Eagles "pretenders?" Even his partner told him to back off. Man, that was not cool at all.

  49. The television announcers were laughing at the BC offense at one point too. Who can blame them though?

  50. so let me ask about perhaps the only potentially well-executed (sort of) play. On the Gunnel drop, there was good pass protection, and Tuggle did throw a good ball. Did Gunnel just drop it? or did the Clemson guy knock the ball?

  51. I only saw the play once, and Gunny was played tight by the defender--it looked like it could have been an interference call if it had been at BC--but at Clemson, we won't get a call that close. Gunny didn't drop it, though, and it was a well-thrown pass. We need a few more of those and some short pass plays--Tuggle should be given the green light to just toss it around and take some shots.

  52. another comparison. Our O-Line is basically the same as last year. Last year we had 236 yardds (not great) against Clemson. This year, we'll be lucky to get 100 yards. Difference: Logan out, Tranquil in. So, we can all draw the obvious conclusion. ....

  53. I just returned from my son's cross country meet. Based on the comments and the XM play-by-play on the way back, it sounds as if the offense is anemic but the defense is playing very well. Is Tuggle having a rough day? Did Shinskie get any reps?

  54. shinskie had two series, Fumbled and lost ball on the first; second Shinskie series: he fumbled and we recovered the ball , then punted. Shinkie has not been seen since...Tuggle ok..main issue is O-line; totally outclassed in way not seen in years (decades?)

  55. Cleary just let his man wreck the drive...FUMBLE!!!! Alright! We're back!

  56. I was afraid of this happening. Very few good teams lose with their backs against the wall at home. Clemson does not want to go 0-2 in conference.

    Again, I did not see the first 3 quarters, but just going by the offensive statistics, the BC defense must be playing very, very well.

  57. SCORE!!! Yay.. No shut out!! and Tuggle handled the blitz with great aplomb!

  58. Hey, hey, BC is on the scoreboard! Now let's make sure Spiller does not run this thing back for a TD.

  59. Wow! Tuggle hung in there and the pas was a beauty under pressure. Could be just what the kid needs--he can run and throw and he's done both in the last 4 minutes. Tranquil just has to be aggressive and not go TOB on us.

  60. Yay,, another lightening break....this is happening....maybe hope is returning...

  61. Lightning strikes and we get some Mo! Act of God or no, Tuggle needed this and if he pulls the run and pass threat together we have a shot here...You can't run if you can't pass, right? Stranger things have happened and we do have a rookie here, do we not? I do love our defense--tough and no quit with these guys. The O line needs to step up now and stuff these Clemson dudes.

  62. Poor, poor coaching not going for 2 points after the TD then going for the panic onside kick. To me, that is on Spaz, not paying attention to details. Someone needs to tell him that 8 pts + 8 pts + 3 pts = 19 pts. The onside kick also killed momentum with the D playing well.

  63. poor coaching...r u kidding!! ..have you been watching the game?...the odds of BC getting 2 point conversion were very very low.

    7 + 7 + 7 = 21

    6 + 6 + 6 = 18

    but I think you are right about the poor choice with the onside's kick (or whatever that actually was) could it have been a muff by the kicker?? A muffed squibb kick??

  64. The good news is that BC has a shot in the 4th. I still think it is a long shot to beat this team in Death Valley, but with such a young team, you want them to get the score close and take away a few good things should they lose.

    Clearly, the defense has created turnovers and kept a potent offense out of the endzone. Even GT could not do that. That is impressive in my book.

    There has been a lot of complaining about the play calling, but from what I have seen, the O-line is just not blocking. I saw this last week against Kent State. They need to get better if we want to win games in the ACC.

    I asked about Shinskie's play and if he fumbled twice, he is just not ready for prime time. Tuggle is the horse we need to ride. And, keep in mind, he is just a freshman.

  65. if it was a muffed squibb kick then there's no way anyone would have been offsides because they wouldnt need to have the urgency to recover it. it was definitely an onside kick in my opinion...

  66. I think you're right, PJs,--It looked like a muffed kick to me, too. Had it worked , though, it would have been seen as gutsy and genius. Atleast a sign that we're going to gamble--and that's what we need to do.
    Special teams tackling and muffed kicks are a big concern in these remaining minutes--Quigley's kicks are dangerously close to being blocked on punts--he kicks a lower ball--and we know what Spiller can do to our kick return defense. If we are successful in scoring now we gotta hope our special teams play meets the moment well. Go Eagles--we're still in this thing, so roll the dice.

  67. Is McLaughlin playing today?

  68. That poor kick-off was costly. Now BC needs 2 scores and a 2 point conversion. This means they have to throw on every down and Clemson can just sit back in nickle coverage.

  69. Anyone think BC should have gone for it on 4th down there?

  70. Tuggle..boy he can't throw the ball..he has poise, and he has great running ability...but he does not have a QB's touch with needed regularity...

  71. my blood boils thinking of the crap we have had to put up with the last two years at QB because of TOB and then Jags inability to recruit a single damn capable qb.

  72. The clock is killing us and our D is just not stopping these guys now--who can blame'em--they're tapped out. We truly have been FG'd to death...Where are the turnovers? That last Tuggle pass was a sad end to our chances--but he didn't get it anywhere near where it had to be...The score will never tell the story here. Jackson hits another FG or worse, if they punch it in at the end, then we have ourselves a hurt put on us. The D should be met at the airport with a standing O--they are MEN.

  73. Well, BC played like a young team today. They need to grow up fast or they are looking at the first losing season in years. I do think this team will get better as the season goes on and Tuggle gets more experience.

    The big take away is that Clemson was unable to score a TD on offense. Hats off BC D. We are going to have to ride you for a few weeks.

  74. Bet that WR recruit is rethinking his decision now ...

  75. Tuggle was 4 for 19 with 3 pics... I can't beleive he is the GUY we want to go with....he's not good, let's face it.

  76. Bottom line: You must score more than 7 points to win an ACC game. The offense owes a major apology to the defense, a defense that lost 8 players from last year and could have made excuses but instead has played like warriors.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. Mod34B,

    Matt Ryan looked just as bad his first season (remember the Syracuse game). Tuggle is the best we have. We're going to lose some games in the short term but we will be better for it in the long run. It is just a shame for our defense.

  79. Was that game televised in New Jersey? Too bad. Let's hope we don't have a decommit in the next hour.

    Quigley for MVP! 10 punts! Somebody get the man an ice pack.

    Um, still believe in the 2 QB situation? Wait, still believe in any QB situation? This indecisiveness was a catastrophe waiting to happen. It happened.

    If the OLine couldn't block Kent State--and they really didn't move them around much at all--how would they block Clemson? Was that 51 total yards?? Yikes. I think the lightening was God's disapproval of our offense. He had seen enough.

    Let's hope we PICK A QB this week.

    Gotta learn from it and move on. Like I and some others said, this is probably a 6 or 7 win team dressed up in a 9 or 10 win defense. Too bad.

  80. Tuggle will be great some day, with more reps and knowing he has the job now--hopefully sooner than later--but he won't do it without an offensive line. All day it looked like they had their butts handed to 'em--drawers shook and money took. That is not an easy thing to remedy, but can be done. It was good to see Tuggle throw at the end, though. Can't wait to hear ATL's comments tonight. It was fun, Eagle Nation. Catch you next week--Are we on ESPN360?

  81. Why not let Tuggle run with the ball more often? His two keepers were our two best offensive plays all day.

  82. I disagree with you mmason..I don't think that Tuggle will be "great" with time, maybe decent...He showed no touch or accuracy...was poor in reading the defense...was hesitant to pull the trigger and run...Grated the O line was terrible, but I just don't see any glimpse that he could be an above avg. D I QB..Chase Retting will be the starter the second he arrives at Chestnut Hill

  83. The Clemson Defense took great advantage of our inexperience on the offensive line--particularly our blocking scheme.

    Albeit there were occasions when our o-line players were beat one-on-one, there were many more times when Sapp and others came in totally unblocked. It looked like they found the gaps in the blocking scheme and no -one was able to recognize what they were doing to try to pick them up.

    More disturbing is that there were few adjustments in the blocking after half time. Failure to recognize assignments continued. Even the Raycom announcers picked up the fact that BC o-line guys were releasing to backups who weren't there.

    There was no protection in the backfield whatsoever. Tuggle and Shineski were under pressure on every passing situation. Picking up the blitz was not happening.

    Our o-line scheme needs reworking asap or this is going to be a very long season, in which we will be thankful that Flip scheduled those two cupcakes early for our only wins.


  84. I can't see any comparison of Tuggle to Ryan. No way. 4 completions, 3 pics...but he is just not an accurate passer in game situations.

    I hope we can get the lead out and fright out of Shinskie.. BC brass must know he has abilities that Tuggle lacks or they would never platoon them. I hope they have not given up on Shinskie and we are not stuck with Tuggle.

    Its the old story, if we can't pass down field, we can't run. But everyone know that and every opponent knows we can't yet pass well. I am sure Harris and Haden know that too.


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