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Saturday, September 12, 2009

In-game comments post: Kent State

With weather like this, I don't mind being in Atlanta watching on the laptop. Let's hope Spaz continues his perfection.

I will be online during the game but will probably not be making comments. Leave your thoughts and reactions below.


  1. Any update on a stream/feed of the game for those of us that don't have ESPN360? My ISP didn't seem too concerned when I called to complain and threatened to switch providers.

  2. The D is getting slowly picked apart right now. Not good to see them coming out flat-footed.

  3. You can listen to the game on WEEI. I'm watching on 360. BC stalled on the 1st offensive possession and the BC defense gave up a couple first downs but stiffened and forced a punt. I would like to see us score here.

    Good to see Fla State and Clemson begin ACC play 0-1.

  4. "Nightmares are dreams that have gone sour."

    Brilliant observation Mr. Chopra.

    Can't they bring back the toy helicopter commercial?

  5. WOOH! Tuggle to Larmond!

  6. Larmond is the game breaking receiver weve been waiting for

  7. Listening to the game on WEEI-AM on iTunes Radio from Los Angeles. It's free and it feels like I'm right there. Go Eagles!

  8. anybody find a video stream online?

  9. Sorta OT, but is the BC Football Weekly TV show gone?

  10. god i wish this was a game i could actually watch

  11. There's the first INT of the year! Clancy!

  12. TJ Yates looks like hes struggling alot this year without Tate and Nicks...in other news...BC touchdown...shinsk to gunnel

  13. TD Shinskie to Gunnell! Who plays at Clemson????

  14. YES!!!! Clancy with the pic and then Gunnell with his first big grab of the year!

  15. Am I wrong or are both of these QB's better than Crane at this point in the season?

  16. Kevin: TJ Yates didn't look good last year with Tate and Nicks. I was really surprised they decided to go with him again. I wonder how long it will be until Butch decides to go with Paulus the Younger.

  17. i think it's great we have two good qb's. can't we run some handy wildcat and option plays?

  18. True freshman Luke looking good again this week.

    Kent State with 16 yards rushing in the first quarter

  19. Absolutely terrible fan support by the local alumni yet again. Shameful!

  20. How is the weather up in Boston?

  21. What happened on that punt?

  22. Tuggle to Gunnell! These deep balls remind me of the Ryan years. Who said Tranquill was too conservative?

  23. We scored? That sequence of events was the most confusing thing I've ever seen on Gameday.

  24. Bad weather is a lame excuse. All of the Big Ten schools manage to fill the stadiums in November.

  25. That wasn't a particularly good throw, but it got the job done.

    Did BC fans dress as empty seats today?

  26. eagleboston: I wasn't asking if the weather was affecting the attendance and I would never use that as an excuse unless the conditions duplicated those from the Buffalo game a couple years ago (it was ghastly). However, I would be curious to know if the weather is affecting the play on the field.

  27. BCNorCal,

    I agree, these 360 announcers are not ready for prime time. I want to turn the Weei guys on but they are 3 plays behind the 360 feed.

    Harris scored the 2 yard TD set up by the Gunnell bomb.

  28. Eagleboston, you are correct. I am embarrassed to see the turnout we had. At kickoff it looked like a bad high school team's crowd. Its not raining and a 2pm kick-off. There is no reason why the stadium is so empty. I find it hard to believe that the Boston crowd is surprised that its cold. In Boston.

  29. we beat kent state 21-0 last year... got that in the second quarter this year.

  30. I think it has rained but it does not appear to be raining now and the players are clearly not affected by the current conditions.

  31. Cool. Thanks eagleboston. And if it's just "cold", that's pathetic.

  32. Even though we got points, Shinskie really struggled on that drive.

  33. 2Q - at this ppoint I'd call it Tuggle for #1.

  34. The current temp in Boston is 64.

  35. And Wake just got into the endzone to win with two seconds left. My Cardinal go down. Damn. UNC is somehow holding on up two with thirty seconds left.

  36. And UNC won . . . somehow.

  37. nobody posting on this board has the right to complain about empty seats. period.

  38. A 3rd QB comes in on 3rd down and throws a 4 yd out pattern on 3rd and 13?

    What is the deal with this QB race?

  39. Good half. Wish they'd been a little more efficient and polished but I will certainly take the results.

  40. nobody posting on this board has the right to complain about empty seats. period.

    What if they were posting wirelessly from the stands?

  41. I'm at game and posting

  42. Future BC opponent Central Michigan just upset Michigan State. That's karma for stealing our recruit.

  43. LA Eagle,

    C'mon, most of us live too far away to attend the games. I fly to 1 game a year. The least the local alumni could do is show up 6 Saturdays a year. Every other university in the ACC manages to fill the stands (except for Duke).

  44. Why can't I complain about empty seats?

    I went to every game for four years. I wonder how many students do that. I currently live 1,000 miles from Boston. Of course I can complain...b/c I don't live in Boston. It looks bad. Not every game is an FSU, but so what?

    Sadly, it's not that atypical.


  45. Did anyone see the end of that Michigan St. game? CMU scored with 30 secs and went for two for the win. Incomplete. Perfect onside kick that CMU ran down to the MSU 35. FG from 47 was missed, but MSU was offsides. FG from 42 with 3 secs left scraped the paint on the upright and was good. Wow.

  46. Bad local attendance on any media, espn360 or whatever, makes us look weak in the eyes of prospective out of state students, recruits and bowl commitees. That's more than a shame--it's destructive. Maybe those of us who are alums from out-of-state should just fly in as a crowd during one of these games and raise some hell with our local bros/sis'at that game. Time to wake some people up. First we don't travel well and now we can't make it across town for a home game? Damn. And this team looks good--why is this happening?

  47. Great start to the second half. Also, GO BLUE! BEAT THE DOMERS!

  48. Gunnell and Tuggle having a big day! I wonder how long it will be until we see the second-string QB platoon.

  49. Touchdown! Tuggle to Gunnell. I think Tuggle is playing himself into the #1 position. I love how he stands in the pocket until the last possible second to allow his receivers to break open.

  50. I think Tuggle looks pretty good. Two nice 3rd down throws on that drive. Blitz recognition.

    Gunnell looks terrific and Larmond fast.

    The Junior Hammer looks like the #1.

  51. Young Luke Skybacker with the fumble recovery!

  52. Worst. Nickname. Ever.

  53. Update: Michigan scored on an impressive - if lucky - early drive. ND has already missed a FG and had a TD called back. 7-3 Michigan.

  54. are we supposed to root for ND? for SOS schedule purposes? it kills me to root for them.

  55. And Michigan returns the kick-off for a TD.

  56. No way am I rooting for ND. No way.

  57. After that Shinskie pick, it really looks like Tuggle is going to be the starter for the near future. Shinskie has struggled today, while Tuggle has shined.

  58. Shinskie has s-tuggled and Tuggle has shin[ski]ed

    but one pic does not tell the story..c'mon now

  59. mod34b:

    I don't think the pick tells the whole story. However, Shinskie clearly is having a worse day than Tuggle after maybe being even (or better or worse) with the younger freshman a week ago. Maybe that will change against better defenses. Maybe not. Who knows. But for the next week, Tuggle has earned the #1 job with a very impressive game.

  60. Gotta root for Notre Dame. It is much more fun to beat them when they are ranked.

    John Q, I'm just having a little fun on a great day by Luke. Have one of Mmason's margaritas. You're a little too high strung right now.

  61. I think that pick isn't the whole story, but its indicative of a game long trend. Shinskie has been making iffy decisions every drive and has struggled with his execution. The pass that was picked off was a poorly thrown pass into triple coverage.

    At this point, I'd like to see Tuggle in for the rest of the game, just to get some experience. Even if it is just handing the ball off, it'll help.

  62. Danny,

    I agree. Tuggle has earned the start next week. However, Spaz is right to take him out of the game. It is the classy thing to do and you do not want him to get hurt late.

    ND just scored. Down 14-10.

  63. Looks like the defensive scrubs are going to blow the shutout.

  64. Notre Dame's receivers are very good. They just scored to take the lead, mainly through a dominating air game. We need to get a lot better in the next few weeks to beat the Irish.

  65. Great game on both sides of the ball. I kind of wish that they'd been a little more aggressive on offense in the second half, but a dominant win is a dominant win. They'll have to play better next week, but Spaz, Tranq, and McG have a whole week to prepare for Clemson. Go Eagles!

  66. EB,

    Just makin' a Comic Book Guy reference from the Simpson's(or, a joke). Didn't know we got so sensitive.

    But Tuggle looked Peterson-esque (or to have that type of potential this season with more snaps). I like it!

  67. I felt the O-line play needs to improve dramatically by next week. The BC qb's were under pressure all day. They gave up 3 sacks and did a poor job of blitz pick-up. If they play like that against Clemson, we better pray for a solid defensive effort.

    QB's and receivers played well. Running backs were decent. I felt all of the defense played well and had the starters been in at the end, we would have shut them out.

    2-0! Big win but now it's time to get ready for Clemson, a team that has its back against the wall at home and will be extremely tough to beat.

  68. Good win. We looked pretty good. I know Kent State is not very good, but I think that our offense is looking better than it was last year at this point. I wish we got that shutout though!

  69. Both QBs played better than Crane did against GT last year

  70. Well,this is a shine and a sparkle better 'n last year, now. (And I'm not talkin' about certain celebratory bevs you might be toastin' with in the various pubs o' yer choice!) But, seriously, folks--BC looks darn good right now--and yes, it's going to get way speedy next week and comparing us to ND anytime now is just premature--let's stop this ND/BC comparison right now, okay? Those punks call US "Fredo"!? I can't wait to watch 'em panic and fumble and freak out 'cause they can't control our BC defense swarming on Clausen & The No Names. (We'll leave 'em sleepin' with the fishes.) As for today...and this is not salted in any way--Tuggle rocks and looks better today than any rookie QB you or I have seen in a long time. Shinskie is an ace in the hole--any time we want to, we can walk him out and he'll gut it out and move the ball. I agree that Tuggle shows smarts and has Peterson-esque moves. He's our #1 and I think BC is a scary team. Our O-Line is pretty dominant. Big and young...but BIG. Yeah, late in the game Kent got through, but check the personnel on those plays. Spaz used these two intro games like preseason clinics and learned a ton. Is Keuchly (spellcheck?) a monster weapon or what? Some day the Duece will be a BC saint, I declare. And the D is still kicking butt as they learn to swarm and deny. Then we have Larmond the Great and The G (Gunnell, of course...). Montel is marvelous and wonders will never cease. C'mon, I know you know. We are about to learn something new and great, My Eagle Nation. Pundits may suck, and ESPN may err, but We Are BC and no one can predict us or explain our "ever presence" in D1 ball.We are the mystery that won't go away...I just wish we'd go back to the all gold helmets when we kick ND's butt and hand it back to them in a bucket of Fettucine El Fredo!
    MMason Out. Go Eagles! Beat Clemson!

  71. Maybe if they sold Budweisers inside Alumni Stadium it would make people more likely to sit through miserable weather and games against boring opponents with predictable outcomes.

  72. That's an excuse.

    BC always seems to have those at the ready when there's poor support. It's unconscionable in nearly every major program.

    Team looked pretty good, but beating up on 245lb nose tackles isn't exactly a rah-rah moment.

    The OLine didn't dominate the way I thought they would, given their size advantage.

    Tuggle made some nice throws and I like that he doesn't have happy feet.

    I'm concerned about inserting the 3rd stringer in the 2nd quarter to throw one pass on 3rd down. No point in doing that. If you have three QBs, you have none.

    We need to pick a guy this week and let him try to get some rythym next week before putting the next guy in. If today was about getting that in order for next week...fine. But pick a guy and get on with it. The future is now.

  73. Hey guys I wouldn't be ragging on our fans too much...I'm watching FSU against Jacksonville State right now late in the 4th quarter with FSU losing 9-7 and i just saw a shot showing a LOT of empty seats at Doak...I mean granted their stadium is a lot larger than ours...but still, I guess it's not just us that can't fill up these garbage games. I know this sounds like excuse making (I wasn't happy with our crowd turnout either) but it's interesting that this even happens at a prestigious program such as FSU.

  74. Anonymous10:48 PM

    I find it hilarious that people posting on this board are complaining about attendance and saying it's not their fault because they don't live near Boston. Well, that's exactly the problem! BC attracts a national student body and everybody moves away after their four years. Move back to Boston.

  75. Folks, there was no reason WHATSOEVER you did not see the game on ESPN360.

    Go to EagleOutsider. Look up the game stream thread. The EASY instructions are there.

    Doesn't matter if your cable system refuses to pay a modicum amount for your pleasure.

  76. EagleFan5, we can't get enough people to show up in a 44,000 seat stadium? B/c we have a national student body? Well, that's partly true, but we don't have a 75,000 seat stadium, either. I think we compensate for a diverse alumni w/ such a small stadium.

    I'm tired of excuses. I'm not moving back to Boston. The weather sucks. But I do travel to road games. So, uh, let's stop putting the blame anywhere else than where it belongs. It's ok, you can still be a BC fan, even with a legitimate complaint.


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