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Saturday, September 26, 2009

In-game comments post: Wake Forest

Will this be a rebound game or ACC Meltdown Part II? Wake and BC have produced memorable games for six years running. Let's hope this is another exciting day with BC coming out on top.

I will be online during the game but will probably not post much. Leave your thoughts and comments below.


  1. Very nice first drive (even if I didn't see it). Already more yards of offense than last week and both Montel and Shiskie look to be playing well.

  2. That a boy Apo! Drive looked great and I think we can move the ball on this defense. Also, our D looked very strong on Wake's first drive. We desperately need a win here.

  3. Oh man. ESPN 360 just crashed! I feel like I'm watching TV circa 1977 when the "technical difficulties" screen popped up. Back to the wrko radio feed.

  4. Pass defense seems to be a mite charitable here.

  5. Dodged a bullet there. Whew.

  6. Fumble!!!! Another turnover by the defense. Great pressure on Skinner. I really need to question why in the world Grobe would go for it on 4th and 25.

  7. Ridiculous catch!

  8. McMichael finally fulfills his great promise! Great play action by Shinskie, passed about 25 yards down the middle before taking a huge hit, and McMichael made a great catch (the pass was high) and showed some great speed for a big man, running about 30 yards for the TD!! Best catch of the year.

  9. Great TD there! But good lord what is going on with our pass D?

  10. Skinner is eating up the BC defense. Over 100 yards in the 1st quarter. Thank God Swank graduated as the long bomb play did not hurt us and the frosh missed a 51 yard field goal.

  11. OK, can we just get 1 week where both the offense and the defense play well? Our defense is getting torched by big plays. Inexcusable. Now, instead of putting this team away, they have all the momentum.

  12. McMichael's catch was SICK!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. What a horrible pass by Shinskie.

  15. This announcer is terrible on ESPN360!

  16. Pathetic game so far for the pass-rush and secondary.

  17. MMason, I need a margarita. I think being a BC fan this year is going to be very frustrating.

  18. Shiskie has been solid in this game, but has certainly not been great. Why no PT for Tuggle?

  19. Oh, and great day for the ACC. Two more ranked teams look to be losers.

  20. My, my, my Mr Hayden!

  21. BC needs to be careful here with clock management. They let 12 seconds go off the clock before calling the timeout there.

  22. Either Clemson has a great defense or WF's is terrible

  23. WOOH! Great drive! What a statement at the end of the half! Shinskie looks to be playing with a little confidence. Of course, it helps when Josh is lugging the rock like that.

  24. We may have a quarterback! Great drive by the O-line and Hayden, and good decision making by Shinskie. I really hope they make a decision here on a QB. This back and forth must be driving the O-Lineman crazy with two different cadence rhythms.

  25. Pantale!! Are we see the emergence of a new star Tight End fro BC?

    Nice answer and great drive by BC. We needed that.

    Shinskie is a little shaky, but he seems to be getting better as he gains confidence.

  26. BC gets the ball to start the 2nd half correct?

  27. Scoreboard watching. USF beating Florida State 17-7. We don't want a mad Seminole team in town next week.

  28. Did you see one of the announcers? He is the brother of the lead of Smashing Pumpkins. Amazing.

  29. Eagleboston and y'all--Though it's way too early for margaritaville-time, the mix is chillin' and the fans in Cali are thrillin'. (It's 105 degrees in my backyard!) It sure is great to see the Eagles workin' the ball--Haden is a joy to watch--breaking those speedy cutbacks, and the O line has manned-up for this one--but it's Wake and nothin's in the bag here. We've been burned before by these guys--their QB is playing the way a vet QB should. He's beaten us deep, and short, so this week our Dbacks and coverage are really being tested.
    Shinskie is a pleasant surprise,yet every down he throws on is still a little scary, he flies the ball some, and has a last second release that freaks me out--but he has some good moves for a rookie & the TD was sweet so, Go Eagles!

  30. Where the L did this announcer come from?

  31. One of my biggest pet peeves is when receivers run a route short of the 1st down marker on 3rd down. Drives me nuts. But, this drive was essentially killed on the holding penalty on 2nd and 1.

  32. Why the hell did Gunnell fair catch there? No one near him!

  33. Does anyone remember Gunnell getting viciously hit while returning a punt? I certainly dont, but there has to be a reason his timidness. He isn't exactly timid while running routes, why when he's receiving punts?

  34. And the terrible pass D is back. Groan. Would love to see some pass-rush or a turnover here to jumpstart the D.

  35. There was absolute, blatant holding on that first down play by Skinner. We got screwed on that play!

  36. 1 of 6 on third down conversions by the BC offense. Must do better than that to win in the ACC.

  37. I'm loving Hayden's work today, but he appears to have a tendency to lose his balance at the end of runs. Anyone else notice that?

  38. well, foodie, falling down is what ends most runs. :)

  39. Boy, I could see that holding penalty a mile away. Costanzo pushed his guy right in the back. They will call that every single time. That's a drive killer.

  40. Wow, killing ourselves with these penalties.

  41. Big call there. Keeps us alive.

  42. Well put Boyd! I meant he stumbles at the end of runs and just misses open opportunities, as opposed to Harris' ability to catch his feet and get a couple extra yards. But I'll take whatever he's been giving us today for the rest of the season!

  43. That was some kind of sweet!

  44. Folks, we've found ourselves a starting quarterback. He threw a perfect pass in double coverage for a TD.

  45. shinskie's ribs look fine

  46. INT!!!!! That could not have come at a better time. Now, offense, let's do a nice 8 minute drive a la Florida State 2008.

  47. It was 4th down. He should have just knocked the ball down and gotten us an extra 20 yards of field position.

  48. OK, Haden has the hot hand and now you slot Harris in the game. I don't get it.

  49. What the hell is our defense doing? They've been playing so well this half until now!

  50. What a HORRIBLE call! Leads directly to the TD.

  51. game on espnnews channel as look in. 360 feed is about 45 seconds at least behind

  52. Crap, a minute 25 second to go 70 yards. Horrible job by the defense, but that penalty of going to the head was complete bullshit!

  53. Way to go Montel! Big first down!

  54. No matter how this turns out, after a boneheaded play by Harris staying in bounds, I'm pretty unimpressed with this team.

    Shinskie is coming around. That's the good news.

    No pass rush. Stupid penalties. Prevent defense that's too porous.

    Did I mention the pass rush?

    The OLine, while better than they were at Clemson, looks undisciplined.

    The whole team does.

  55. I'm irate. To blow a 2 touchdown lead with 7:54 is inexcusable. We lose this in overtime, we're going 0-4 in the ACC.

  56. Oh terrible pass defense.

  57. The last 7 minutes has shown our defense to be a real liability. Little to no pass pressure, and a clueless secondary that doesn't keep track of receivers.

  58. Overtime, BC defense resembling swiss cheese

  59. Well, OT at home, we've got to have a pretty decent chance at this. However, I just don't trust this defense to stop RILEY SKINNER. Seriously, RILEY SKINNER. Ridiculous. Dude shouldn't be throwing for 350 against anyone, let alone a defense that wants to be dominant.

  60. Also, Harris's truly idiotic decision to run out of bounds with the ball comes back to bite us.

  61. How do you keep letting them get out of bounds. PATHETIC.

  62. We had both starting corners out of the game. I think that is a huge reason for the porous pass defense. That and the lack of pressure on Skinner. The front line is plain getting out-muscled. Do they quit lifting weights when the season starts?

    In my opinion, getting backed up due to penalties after the INT was huge. That killed us.

  63. That's atrocious defense.

    You might want to blitz after Skinner proved he could stand back there all day and hit the right guy.

    And Harris running out of bounds wound up hurting, huh? Nice.

    You still think I was being too pessimistic with 6 wins?

  64. Can't settle for a field goal here.

  65. I'm glad we won the toss as it gives our D some time to gather themselves.

  66. Christ. 1st and goal at the 7 and we don't gain a friggin' yard? Seriously. Predictable 1st down run and then two poor pass plays. We do not deserve to win with the way we've played since the middle of the 4th.

  67. Well, that was not good just getting the field goal. Skinner will most likely score a TD here with our corners out.

  68. Alright boys. Gotta stand strong here. Can't let them get a yard! DEFENSE!

  69. Holy shit...I'd left us for dead!!


  71. What is it with our games against WF??

  72. Better lucky than good, I guess.

    Off to drink and celebrate.

    Nothing like giving up 500 yds to Wake Forest, blowing a two TD lead in 8 mins, and knowing the game was in the bag the whole time.

  73. Act of God fumble recovery!

  74. NO WAY! EAGLES!!!!! How does that happen?!

  75. Unreal. How do you fumble the ball there??? Way to go BC!!!

  76. Final thoughts:

    Skinner won the position today. He's just going to get better.

    Our defense is porous, but has big play capabilities. Not sure when each corner went out, which may mitigate how awful they looked.

    We won because Wake acutally made more mistakes than we did. We made lots, they made more. We'll win 1 out of our next 5 if we don't play a LOT better.

    Ugly wins count, and are also worth enjoying. :)

  77. Spaz and his ridiculously conservative defensive play-calling late in the 4th almost killed BC. A prevent defense prevents you from winning. I hate that zone coverage nonsense. Put damn pressure on the QB.

    P.S. It looks like BC has found its QB for the next 4 years.

  78. So lucky! But I'll take the W!

    I agree with some of the conservative play calling comments here. Here I thought TOB was NC State's coach!

  79. Wow, it's never over until it is over. We got big time lucky today. We absolutely must play better against FSU and Va Tech.

    The D gave up 500 yards of offense. Ouch. What we need is for both the offense and the defense to play well in the same game. Also, the D needs to be aware of the game situation. The INT occurred on 4th down. The BC defender should have knocked the ball down. BC would have had the ball in Wake territory and could have scored a game-killing field goal.

    Great game by Skinner. The scary thing is we have Tyrod Taylor and Claussen who are both as good as Skinner coming up. The defense needs to learn how to contain these great players. BC clearly did not do a good job of that today.

  80. I meant Shinskie for the starter position of course. Though Skinner did win the position today, as that final fumble was not really his fault.

  81. GO EAGLES! Atlast it's us with a break at the end of the game--a fumble recovery near the goal in sudden death? Are you kidding me?
    YEAH--IT'S HOT HERE IN SOCAL BUT WAY HOTTER IN CHESTNUT HILL! Man, I love BC Football. I think we've got ourselves a team with a rookie QB who just learned a whole bunch about what it takes to win. Hope the coaches learned some stuff,too. We're Q'ing up for margaritas in the land o'Too Hot and Eagle Happy! Ain't Life Grand?


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