BC Fan Resources

Monday, October 19, 2009

Dinich takes a cheap shot at BC

From her chat today:

Brody (Miami)

What would be your ideal (plausible) matchup in the ACCCG?

Heather Dinich
(1:06 PM)

Miami and anyone besides Boston College.

I am sure that she was trying to be funny, but most Eagle fans will miss any humor. This just confirms to BC fans that the media is rooting against us.


  1. she's a binich ...

  2. It's one thing for her to say her ideal matchup is "Miami and X." Obviously "X" can't be every team in the ACC. But to say it is "Miami and ANYONE BUT Boston College" is a step too far.

    When she takes cheap shots like this, she's *just* a "blogger." But when she writes articles about BC and the ACC for ESPN.com she's a "journalist." You can't hide behind the former while trying to be respected as the latter.

  3. what will the thrill said...second.

  4. I'm as diehard a fan as anyone, and the first to claim that BC is chronically disrespected by, well, just about everyone outside of this little corner of the sports world.

    Take this for what it is, a tongue in cheek response. It was made shortly after she placed us as the 4th best team in the ACC (behind the obvious 3) and the best in our division.

    Think of the comment as something akin to people bellyaching about the Yankees being a perpetual contender for the world series or Tim Tebow being on the tip of every sports pundit's tongues. Variety is the spice of life, and for those with no dog in the race, I can see why they dont want to see BC there again.

    Hell, god knows I'd rather not see VT in the other side of the ACCCG this year.

  5. "she's a binich ..."


    F that skank right in her painfully long neck.

  6. I also think sometimes a lack of ability to analyze comes into play. In the same chat she was called out for picking Miami and Clemson as the likely ACCCG teams, when they face each other this week and the loser will almost certainly be knocked out of contention.

    Come on guys, we can all fairly and respectfully criticize HD professionally without stooping to misogyny. That's a poor reflection on BC fans.

  7. I agree with morrina.

    On an unrelated note, I was at the BC-UVM hockey game in Burlington last night and was NOT terribly impressed by their student fans. On at least three separate occaisions, they started chanting "F--- Y-- BC" and had to be drowned out by the band to stop. Also, I generally won't fault sports fans for enthusiasm, but they treated the game like it was the Frozen Four and, as weird as this sounds, were a little too excited to beat BC considering it was only their third and BC's first game of the year. I wouldn't want to see BC fans over-celebrating for beating BU in October or November. The non-student fans were great though and Gutterson was a very cool place to see a game. Highly recommended for college hockey fans.

  8. I agree with Danny Boy. I'm not hurt by Dinich's comment. No neutral observer wants VT back either. Did it really deserve its own post by ATL? Can we get down to the business of mocking the Irish now? Thanks.

  9. we can all fairly and respectfully criticize HD professionally without stooping to misogyny

    Do you really find it better for me to use "asshole" and "dick" instead of "bitch" and "skank"?

    I don't care what sex that thing is, it's got a long neck.

    Misogyny has nothing to do with it. I love women...but just because she is one, that doesn't automatically afford her protection...sorry Charlie.

  10. BCMike said... "Do you really find it better for me to use "asshole" and "dick" instead of "bitch" and "skank"?

    I don't care what sex that thing is, it's got a long neck.

    Misogyny has nothing to do with it. I love women...but just because she is one, that doesn't automatically afford her protection...sorry Charlie."

    I never said that she should not be criticized because she is a woman. The words that you chose to use are offensive and ones that are used to degrade women. I'm sure that the women that you "love" would object, as well.

  11. ATL,
    Please post something - - ANYTHING -- new. Anytime a thread deteriorates into this politicallly in/correct back-and-forth nonsense it's time to move on.

    Also, I agree w/ Danny Boy and almost_paul. Let's move on.

  12. I'm sure that the women that you "love" would object, as well.

    My girlfriend hates Heather Dinich as well....so I'm sure she's fine with it, actually.

  13. Agreed. It's a simple as posting a link to Harris' National Player of the Week selection.


  14. reading between the lines, it seems the only thing HD cares about is having an ACC team in national title contention. she might have been hoping that every team play dead and let VT win out, because her knee jerk reaction to the GaTech win on saturday was "well there goes the ACC's national title hopes, time to pack it in, see you next season." is she being picked on by SEC bloggers for blogging an inferior conference? i for one think its exciting to play in a conference where any team can win on any given saturday.

  15. I'd still bang her

  16. Notre Dame sucks

  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHO0J75iUSY

  18. she's a binich...that's funny.

    oh, by the way, WHO CARES what some ESPN blogger/journalist says about our fine and dandy little school?

    okay, the press disrespects. and we use it to bash the press. it's the circle of life, simba.

    all we can do is win. that'll take care of them, no?

    i don't think we'll win our division, but where were we prognosticated again?

    the sports "analysts," an oxymoron for sure, are so wrong so often that i'm getting tired of listening to them. college. pro. whatever. they fill time with hot air. besides, most sportswriters thought they'd be combat correspondents and instead wound up staring at naked men in locker rooms half their adult lives. we shouldn't go too hard on them. besides, they didn't go to bc.

    oh, i just remembered something...

    notre dame still sucks.

  19. Heather, BC recruits/parents, etc...On behalf of 99.9%+ of all BC alumni & students,I want to apologize for the nastiness of a few. Their classless & crude comments are sickening.

    I feel sorry for BC Mike's poor so-called girlfriend ("I'm sure she's fine with it, actually") Yea sure. Give me a break! It's either birds of a feather...or run as fast as you can young lady.

  20. ATL-
    Love your blog, but please...


  21. Ha! That's funny Joe. It's fine to disparage a fellow passionate alum and tell his girlfriend to run from him, but please, by all means don't insult a sports writer that mails it in.

    When it comes to fellow BC folks, I'll take the high road.

    You can just assume that I didn't care for your personal attack.

  22. BC Mike...re: "you did not care for my personal attacks". Good. Maybe it's healthy for you to know how personal "disparagment & insults" feel. Thanks in advance for "taking the high road".

    I very much have enjoyed your football related opinions & analysis...& your enthusiasm for BC sports. Keep it up.

  23. Anonymous1:44 PM

    This site is so cool, love reading all the blog and postings, hope to chat with you soon... :)

    Mandie Reed

  24. I think she was referencing the relatively small presence of BC fans at the last two ACCCG's.


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