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Saturday, October 17, 2009

In-game comments post: NC State

Another TOB game only now with a Spaz twist. Both teams need to win to stay in the division race and just to stop the bleeding. Will familiarity make for an exciting day? I just want to see BC move the ball in the first half.

I will not be online during the game, so leave your comments and thoughts below.


  1. anyone in New England know what chanell the game is on? Its supposed to be on ABC (9), but the Texas Okla gaem is one and will not be done by 3:30

  2. ugggg its on espn360!!

  3. Those of us who haven't got ESPN360, will have to wait for Texas/OK.

  4. Let's go Eagles! All the ACC games are must-wins now.

  5. OMG, another half-empty stadium.

  6. Tigers maul Wake Forest 38–3!

  7. espn says reginal blackout for BC here inthe greter boston area

  8. Can't believe Alumni Stadium is so vacant...great sack, though--this is a bigger deal now because WF got clocked by Clemson. Nice pass to Gunny, too. Go Eagles! (We've got the game on ESPN ppv.in L.A. and a lovely 100+ degrees...ouch.)

  9. Darn, Gunnell did step out before the catch.

  10. espn360 is blacked out here in atlanta...gotta wait for the ok/tex game to end?

    anyone keep us posted on game?

  11. 1st-10, BC35 13:35 D. Shinskie incomplete pass to the right
    2nd-10, BC35 13:30 M. Harris rushed up the middle for 1 yard gain
    3rd-9, BC36 13:05 D. Shinskie incomplete pass to the right

  12. Blackout in DC too.

  13. Why are we always lookin' at bad punts? Where's the coach up on that constant problem?

  14. McLaughlin needs to NOT use his head. That's a good way to get paralyzed.

  15. thanks mod34b...

  16. 1st-10, NCSt32 12:32 R. Wilson passed to G. Bryan down the middle for 3 yard gain
    2nd-7, NCSt35 12:25 R. Wilson passed to J. Williams down the middle for 6 yard gain

  17. 1st-10, NCSt32 12:32 R. Wilson passed to G. Bryan down the middle for 3 yard gain
    2nd-7, NCSt35 12:25 R. Wilson passed to J. Williams down the middle for 6 yard gain. BC committed 15 yard penalty

  18. 1st-10, BC44 11:45 R. Wilson sacked by M. Bowman

  19. Nice dose of M1H1 for the TD!

  20. 1st-10, BC44 11:45 R. Wilson sacked by M. Bowman
    2nd-17, NCSt49 11:04 J. Eugene rushed up the middle for 1 yard gain
    3rd-16, 50 10:40 R. Wilson passed to J. Williams down the middle for 8 yard gain

  21. Boston Coll. - 12:30
    1st-10, BC8 12:30 D. Shinskie passed to J. Jarvis to the right for 17 yard gain
    1st-10, BC25 12:00 M. Harris rushed to the right for 70 yard gain
    1st-2, NCSt2 12:00 M. Harris rushed to the left for 2 yard touchdown. S. Aponavicius made PAT

    Boston Coll. - 8:28
    BC kicked off, T. Graham returned kickoff for 21 yards

  22. This BC pass defense is just not that good. And we thought that would be a strength this season.

  23. 1st-10, NCSt27 8:20 T. Baker rushed to the left for 5 yard gain
    2nd-5, NCSt32 8:20 R. Wilson passed to J. Williams to the left for 1 yard gain
    3rd-4, NCSt33 8:00 R. Wilson passed to O. Spencer to the left for 35 yard gain
    1st-10, BC32 8:00 T. Baker rushed to the left for 2 yard gain
    2nd-8, BC30 7:00 R. Wilson incomplete pass to the right
    3rd-4, BC30 6:30 R. Wilson passed to D. Davis down the middle for 29 yard gain

  24. nice!

    are we lining up in multiple wr sets or doing the traditional?

  25. 1st-1, BC1 6:30 R. Wilson rushed up the middle for 1 yard touchdown. J. Czajkowski made PAT

  26. Harris' run and TD run were both direct snaps to him. The 70 yarder was Wildcat, with Haden to his left.

  27. another bomb.. another TD laramond

  28. ok, it's on abc down here...many thanks mod34b...

  29. Larmond, bomb from Shinksie! This game is going to be a shoot-out. We may be looking at 70 total points in this one.

  30. sure..not sure i was that helpful...you probaly saw same stuff on Yahoo...

    but its on here too.

    guess its going to be one bad secondardy agaisnt another

  31. kicking of kickoff really improved

  32. If this turns into a comedy of errors starring both teams and the refs, it could be a very long show...except for Montel, who looks like he's going to break a few.

    In some ways this is playing like TOB playing against his once and future clone. Wilson is another dangerous QB with pop...Our pass coverage is getting exposed...NCState knows us too well...on both sides of the ball. And there's a surprise on every snap.

    And then Shinskie to Larmond shows us what could be possible when everybody's on the same page.
    Go BC!

  33. Wow -- BC's first decent kickoff all season.

  34. A vlittle late, I know, but even those of us with espn360 in the broadcast area had to wait. The game's blacked out.

  35. Scoreboard watching - Notre Dame getting man-handled early.

  36. We've got to get some kind of pass rush.

    Man, just missed an INT

  37. Should have picked that ball, but the 3-and-out is nice. I don't want to be trading TDs all day.

  38. somebody missed the blitz. that looked painful

  39. How did we miss that blitz that just creamed Shinskie? It's a miracle he didn't fumble...

  40. How is it that the Wolfpack defensive ends are getting into the backfield untouched?

  41. shinskie has to identify that end and get rid of the ball...

  42. No BC pass rush again. Shocker. We will get picked apart all day.

  43. Can anyone tackle on this team?

  44. good coverage...our 225lb freshman LB has to make that tackle, no?

    well, no playmakers in the front 7...good thing wilson is a little off so far...gotta keep scoring...never a good thing to say w/ this team...what's even more disconcerting is that our blitzes are being picked up pretty well.

    go offense go...

  45. Is Will Thompson out for the season?

  46. We finally have decent announcers on 360. I think Brian Griese is doing a great job.

  47. well, one announcer commented on chris simms doing well in the NFL as of late.... and they just called our RB Montel 'Williams'

    SO I dunno......

  48. is our punter on scholarship?

  49. we seem to do so well vs. qbs that buy time

  50. and by well, i mean 'not so much'

  51. Gunny drops a sure TD pass? Is this game kind of twilight zone weird? We look flat and unfocused...bad tackles, dropped balls, 3 and outs, where's the passion? Wilson should be on his back...and the broken play is killing us deep.

  52. Montel Williams? How do you screw up Montel Harris?

  53. F-ing arm-tackling is killing us.

  54. Brian Griese did point out that BC's play calling is consistently putting their inexperienced QB in terrible positions (3rd and 10 usually). If he can see this, why can't Tranquil or Spaz? And BC's defense is brutal so far. Someone has to tackle Wilson.

  55. The BC defense blitzing on nearly every play now, although they shifted into a 2-man rush on 3rd down.

  56. Montel Williams.... I guess they watch a lot of daytime television.

    If we could only get Maury Povich and Jerry Springer out there on our D-line, we would be set.

  57. So much for my 70 point prediction.

  58. since bc's defense makes me sad, i see on foxsports south they're replaying midnight madness at kentucky. not an empty seat in rupp.

    i feel better.

  59. That's Smith's first return over 15 yards in like a thousand years! And Shinskie goes long on 1st down! Go Eagles! Let's wakeup and play ball!

  60. maury and jerry would provide an equally inept pass rush.

  61. Touchdown Montel Williams errr Harris!

  62. I want to be the guy in the red shorts in the AXE commercial.

  63. So I can't tell. Is our offense playing well or is NC State's defense just really bad?

    Either way a few good BC drives and Montel looks great!

  64. tough run by montel williams down around the 10...and then the cutback for the td. i think he's a keeper.

    if nothing else, at least the ohio state univ. is out of the nat'l champ. race, and for that we should all be thankful.

  65. Do we have the worst kickoff distance in all of NCAA football? If not, it's gotta be close.

  66. If Montel were to run a naked bootleg, would that qualify as a full Monty? Just askin'...can yo tell it's getting near the offramp for half time in margaritaville? I mean, we're up at the half if we tackle some people, and that is no lock 'cause Wilson has all week to throw on every play...my nerves are on edge and it's not just this 100 degree heat. We need to crush NCState--enough of this trading scores, right?

  67. Wilson should just bring a LazyBoy out onto the field, open up a good book, and see how long it takes for the D to get to him. My guess is that he could get through half of War and Peace.

  68. yo can tell it's near halftime in lalaland.

    i'd settle for a 1 pt win. we're not good enough for "crushing" anyone that doesn't play div 1aa football.

    nice int! thank goodness wilson is off.

  69. At last, a break on defense! Can we convert the turnover? A one minute drill?

  70. These frigging receivers couldn't catch a cold. Mother effer.

  71. Larmond sucks. Same kid who quit on the long Shinskie pass against VTech.

  72. Eagle1, I'm still laughin' at the Tolstoy gag...perfect. Also funny is that ND is hanging with USC...What's next? Sid Vicious kicks a field goal over 35 yards? We should just go for it.

  73. come on...a flag pattern for a td...let's go...

  74. Horrible play call. A run with 20 seconds left with only 1 TO left? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? And another one? Are you fricking kidding me?

  75. I don't like the settling for the field goal here. Bad time management by The Plumber. Why run on first down when you are out of Apo's range? Now they have no timeouts left.

  76. just scrapes the crossbar from a mile away! or 37 yds. whatever.

  77. Somebody get Larmond some baby powder for his hands during halftime, and keep him away from greasy finger food. Jesus Christ.

  78. Two runs!!??? Horrible!

    I guess it worked out but you can't rely on Sid Vicious to make it.

  79. Well, all in all a good half. The defense gave up a lot of yards but not a lot of points. The offense moved the ball well and Harris is having a career day. Wish we could have got a TD on the last drive as I think we will need as many points as possible in order to come away with a win.

  80. OK--if the Vicious One can hit a 37 yarder at the gun, I'm cutting limes and watching ND attempt the improbable during our halftime--Here's to y'all. 11 point lead (as vulnerable as that may be) and a Big Heat Wave Go BC Eagles!...

  81. Just tuned in in the middle of the second quarter. Defense cannot get to Wilson, but he's having trouble getting the ball downfield for once. On the other hand, Harris looks good and Shinskie does not. And the offensive playcalling is seriously meh.

    Overall impression: MEH.

  82. Why on earth would you root for Notre Dame or Charlie Weis for that matter? Go Trojans!

  83. as i sit here drinking and ruminating, i'm thinking that the nc state blogger was pretty wrong.

    we're running right at them and throwing deep.

    in fact, shinskie throws a pretty good deep ball and a mediocre everything else. let's just throw deep. it's fun. next sammy adams is for our compatriots suffering through the heat wave out west. or, as we say in atlanta, may.

  84. APO is 6-6 on FG and 24-24 on PAT

    so, he's doing his job well

  85. Shinskie is playing well.. Gunny and Larmond dropped several very good throws -- ut tehy are getting open.. So a few too many drops is a fixable problem..

    Wilson is really unimpresssive. Our secondary is really playing resonably well given who we are playing and our past secondary efforts . . . so things are going more or less right

    Let's hope we come out with some fire in 3Q

  86. Brian Griese sounds exactly like his dad.

  87. Jeff Smith is not what he used to be. What happened?

  88. Oh, BravesB, I'm not rooting for ND--that would never happen--I said "watch them attempt the improbable"--I firmly believe that the Trojans should kick their butts by at least 3 TD's...our meeting with them next week does make me nervous, though. Our pass D sucks today and we make too many mistakes. Montel is making us look good, but if we don't tackle people from here on out, I've got some doubts about our resolve. As for ND/USC it's Go Trojans!(Even though I did grad school at UCLA!)

  89. hey mod34b, the run up the middle on the first play of the 2nd half...you're nostradamus, am i right?

  90. Great third down throw there from Uncle Dave!

  91. Yes, Yes, The Harris up the middle to start the second half streak continues

  92. his brain is probably twice the size it used to be.

  93. White guys can catch.

  94. Dude, our tight ends are pretty good.

  95. Ugly? It's okay to say they can't jump, but not ok to say they can catch. Easy PC.

  96. who needds it eagle1...

  97. ALLLRIGHT.....31-13...team looked great on that drive.

  98. It's all Harris today!!!

  99. Wooh! MONTEL! That was an awesome drive, a great mix of run and pass. I especially liked using the tight ends to split the safeties and run under the linebackers. Great start to the half!

  100. OK, can we now keep the pressure on with our offense? I know Tranq likes to go into the prevent right about now.

  101. The line is manhandling a supposedly good NC State D-Line. Great Drive!

    We are actually mixing up the run and pass well. Do I dare say we learned from the FSU and Wake Forest games?

  102. I actually want Notre Dame to win. That will set-up the classic let-down for next week. Also, if we were to miraculously tighten our pass defense and somehow get a win on the road (not likely), the victory will look even more impressive.

  103. eagleboston, the thing that has me less worried is that its prevent-style offense that's winning this game right now. What do I mean? We're succeeding with a steady diet of simple runs and easy reads off of hard play-fakes. Take out the go routes we've been throwing and that's basically a prevent offense.

  104. BCNorCal,

    True, but they are at least going downfield with a few passes instead of running each and every play.

  105. Montel is a classic...Has McGovern made some adjustments on D? We actually stopped NCState with authority and blitzed 'em and covered deep...I hope we're learning from this, and won't go into our prevent mode...we need to score at least three more TD's to get this done...
    Man, is Montel the real deal or what?

  106. I would say there has been a lot more play action and first down pass plays today. Which is good to see!

    But you know that everything is going your way when the wildcat is working.

    Epic Day for Harris!

  107. Well, I guess my days of criticizing BC's wildcat plays are over.

  108. That is the key, EB, they've got to keep going to the play-pass with regularity. The TEs are doing a great job getting up the seam.

    Also, Montel is awesome!

  109. 38-13! I'm going to mass. Although Dana Bible may call a major comeback.

    Good night everyone!

    Mmason, mass ends in an hour so I'll have my margarita then.

  110. no need to do anything special against this defense. run, play action. win.

    we are one schizophrenic team. holy cow.

    can we convince the team that the rest of our schedule is at home? no, seriously guys, we painted a big picture of jesus on the plex.

  111. Yes, yes, yes, oh yeah! Go BC! The O-line just gave Montel a lane, but Montel the Man cleared the traffic with some pop! Lord, I hope he brings these moves to ND next week... we need his magic to show up on the road.

  112. Kickoff team still sucks.

  113. how many gret draws did we do today? That and wildcat show some creativity

  114. Number five for number two!!!

  115. Wow, BC actually got a sack. Miracles do happen. Wow, BC is going crazy with that Wildcat offense. Keep going to it if it works. It also is nice to see NCST suffering under TOB, like all BC fans said they would. It looks like NCST and Wilson in particular have regressed quite a bit the past year or so.

  116. no creativity needed when they can't stop it.

    5 tds...wow.

    nat'l player of the week?

  117. CT: Montel has got to be in the discussion. 250+ yards and 5 TDs. Of course, it'll probably be Tim Tebow or the winning QB from the game in South Bend.

  118. I don't wish TOB ill at all. He was very good for BC and i appreciate that

    "It also is nice to see NCST suffering under TOB"

  119. Wow! 5 TD's for Montelanimus Rex! What kind of koolaid was served at halftime? Gimme some!

  120. Both Clausen and Barkeley have looked terrible this game. Tebow hasn't done much better either, so no worries there.

  121. Wow, so Jimmy Claussen is good.

  122. I particularly relish in watching TOB not do so well. At least it keeps the media from proclaiming how great and awesome of a coach he is. He is at best mediocre and that's what many BC fans had a problem with.

  123. Bravesbill, I was more commenting on the type of "reporting" now emanating from Bristol. In college football, just like in baseball, if you don't play for a blue-blood, you need not apply for plaudits.

  124. BravesB--Is Pat Haden the most ironic, tripped out SC turned ND homer off-the-chart paradox of all time? He's hyping Clausen for the Heisman...wassupwidat? According to what? Next wesk shall be a Momentous Occasion.

  125. I know, however I was just mentioning both were looking particularly bad, up until Claussen's TD pass.

  126. Claussen has been "Mr. Clutch "although ND has faced crap teams week after week that have no business being ahead in the 4th quarter. Great way to build a fraudulent case for the Heisman.

  127. ND is frankly lucky to only have loss coming into this week against a garbage schedule. Their D is terrible and Claussen has been quite inconsistent early in games.

  128. I believe I attended the 1972 Temple game in which the record MH just broke was set.

    VW: fight (really!)

  129. BravesB--absolutely true--The Fraud Abides! And SC just went up by two TD's...but the whole ND myth really tweaks the SC kids when they're at the Dome. Our kids have had a different response to the ND game away...and Spaz has been there and done that. Montel just keeps rollin'and thunderin'! He just broke the all-time rushing record at BC!
    Holy Canolli! (The wife is Sicilian, capiche?)

  130. careful how much glee you take in nd losing to a top 5 team...the week before we play them. you know, on the road.

    don't look now...arkansas up on florida 20-13 w/ 9 mins left. on the road.

  131. Oh crap, I hate hearing Tranquil or for that matter Spaz being touted for such a great job they're doing at BC just based on one game. And quite frankly, Tranquil has not done much this game. Give Harris all the credit in the world for making Tranquil seem like a "genius."

  132. I take great glee in watching USC beat the snot out of ND. I love USC because Pete Carroll is their coach. He is not afraid to take a chance in any given situation, makes a great game plan week after week, and actually has faith in his players.

  133. you dig meyer, saban, and brian kelly, too? carroll also has the best talent. sorta how harris made tranq look good today. i dig the gambling philosophy, too. but i also think it's a tad overblown when you are head and shoulders above everyone in talent. recruiting guru? absolutely. i'm not arguing this, though.

    play-action on 4th down. are the complainers from last week's va tech 4th down run complaining about our play call there?

  134. Bravebill -- Even in victory, and a very solid victory, you find reason to complain..

    c'mon tell us now, are you putting us on?

  135. It's the attitude of Pete Carroll that is great. He expects to win every game and as a result, is not worried about taking risks. Plus, he plays into the strengths of his players. And let's not forget, he loses assistance coaches year after year as well as a majority of his starting team and he is always able to field a great team. He adjusts his game plans to reflect his new players from Carson Palmer down to Barkeley. Jags had the same attitude as Carroll which is why I loved him and which is why he found a ton of success, with not the best talent (esp. last year). This is the same reasons why I cannot stand TOB or Spaz. They play games not to lose, instead of win.

  136. What in the heck am I complaining about Mod? You really are a moron who just loves to look for trouble.

  137. Tough Arkansas FG miss by the way.

  138. ND is who we know they are. BC and SC have exposed the Domers for ten years. It's not that they suck, so much as that they have this endless reserve of unearned arrogance that transcends tragedy. When they lose to us a beautiful truth is validated, which is, BS can't beat BC...'nuff said. Love those Eagles!

  139. i agree with the spirit of your argument bbill. he wasn't lauded in new england, though. there's an obvious symbiosis b/t talent and a sudden ability to coach at the top of his profession.

    i'd also argue, and you'd probably disagree, that spaz's body of work needs some building before we draw any conclusions.

    okay, so, brilliant offensive performance today! go montel williams go! propers to him.

    defense played better in the 2nd half.

    however, and here's where i'm accused of being a doom and gloomer...that inept pass rush, which hasn't improved, is going to prevent this team from better things, imho.

    i'm not hating today, though.

    outta here! go bc!

  140. Great win chaps! Montel and the O-line really showed up and took it right at NCState. Shin did enough and the front seven actually made a fewp lays. FOR BOSTON!

  141. unBRavebill --

    Consider your venom: "I hate hearing Tranquil or for that matter Spaz being touted for such a great job they're doing . . . And quite frankly, Tranquil has not done much this game"

    Is that not a stupid baseless complaint by you??

    And your resort to insults is pretty weak.

    Keep your wicked complaining going... its quite entertaining

  142. How is saying that Tranquil has not done much this game complaining and who am I insulting by saying that? This is comical.

  143. All this intrafamilial BC tension is not productive--the post isn't a reenactment of "Long Day's Journey into BC Football"--we've got ND next week and our pass D in stanzas 1 and 2 just blew--and, yes, in the 2nd half, (Lord, the whole game!) Montel lit up NCState for historic numbers. (All love to Montel because he did what no one has done EVER at BC and for that there should be fireworks in your houses and mine tonight) but...next week we get angry Domers from Hell, who think they should have beaten SC. Clausen put up numbers vs. the Trojans and beat their pass D with some ferocity. We can party on this NCState win for about 8 hours and then better hope our Coaches learned enough in their rookie year to be better prepped vs. ND in the 1st half or we are blued screwed 'n tattoed next week. Hey, BC Nation--Love Each Other...and Love Those Eagles! Go BC!


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