BC Fan Resources

Saturday, October 17, 2009

One man gang

You probably realized this but I wanted to point out that BC had two scoring drives where all we did was hand off to Harris. Check out the play-by-play chart:

Boston Coll. - 7:06
1st-10, BC47 7:06 M. Harris rushed to the left for 46 yard gain
1st-7, NCSt7 7:06 M. Harris rushed up the middle for 6 yard gain
2nd-1, NCSt1 6:00 M. Harris rushed to the right for 1 yard touchdown. S. Aponavicius made PAT

Boston Coll. - 2:00
1st-10, NCSt29 2:00 M. Harris rushed to the left for 29 yard touchdown. S. Aponavicius made PAT


  1. How we going to spin this one?

  2. What do you mean spin? I've already given my first reactions:


  3. haha I meant how TOB is going to spin it. Sorry I just got home after a long day when I typed it. meant to write How is he going to spin this one? My bad

  4. I was at the game and have a few observations:

    1.) I have complained about this before but something needs to be done about the tailgating situation at BC - yesterday was a nice fall day (a bit cold) and the rain held off and the parking lots were still more than 50% empty (Edmunds, Robsham, Plex, etc.) before the game. Because you need to give $5,000 to park at a game are we basically saying that only the rich can tailgate? Even 4 or 5 years ago the cost was closer to $2,000 and they were full before every game.

    2.) During the national anthem Rush Limbaugh was blasting over the loud speaker in the concourse area (thought that was kinda funny given the all the hubbub over the NFL bid this week - maybe he is trying to take over college football).

    3.) Students broke out the "Tom O'Brien, Tom O'Brien" chant early in the third quarter (don't worry they still sang build me up buttercup, ugh!).

    4.) The field goal before the half was huge (and well planned - didn't like that the fans booed, just shows sometimes even "smart" fans don't get it) - those last two runs to set up the field goal were conservative for sure but we knew we needed another 6-8 yards for a FG so took it and Aponavicius made the kick by about 2 yards.

    5.) Speaking of Aponavicius, he remained perfect for the season. No one is talking about what a great year he is having (given his range limitations) – can’t do better than 100% (and the snap on the first extra point was basically a ground ball that screwed up the timing and he still drilled it).

    6.) Favorite T-shirt of the day was a group of guys that had shirts which read on the front “Pack is Whack” and on the back had TOB with a ghostbusters type circle and line through his name.

    Tampa here we come!


  5. Great post!! Love the positivity! I agree TAMPA HERE WE COME!!! It's in our hands!


  6. i also was at the game and concur with customerservice , great observations ... being an alum and 32 year season ticket holder i am getting more frustrated with every visit to chesnut hill on gameday... it seems with every game a new rule or restriction is put in place to make it more and more difficult for the average fan to attend and enjoy , e.g. we walked to shea from the reservoir side to meet friends tailgating on shea and were told we had to go around shea through the garage to get there , we had to go 800 yards to get to 50 yards ... we've gone from free parking to outrageous fees , i understand the need to pay for parking but it could be more reasonable ... many empty spaces on campus ... i stopped paying 3 years ago when the fee went to $2,000 that started at $500 for commonwealth garage ... now we pay nothing and walk about 1.5 miles ...all that being said , i was glad to be there and see the single best performance by an eagle since doug flutie , congrats to montel harris and continued success ...

  7. We need Clemson to lose 1 of 4 games and we need to win 3 or 3 to take the division title.

    Looks very doable given that Clemson is playing Miami at Miami this weekend and FSU just might be a tough game for Clemson

    Here are the remaining games:

    BC (3-2)

    3 games left

    away at UVA Nov 14
    home v UNC Nov 21
    home v. Maryland Nov 28

    Clemson (2-2)

    4 games left

    away at Miami Oct 24
    home v FSU Nov. 7
    away at NC State Nov. 14
    home v. UVA Nov. 21

  8. Kuechly's tackling technique is a thing of beauty (the big miss on Wilson notwithstanding). He tackles with his legs and drives the ball carrier into the ground. Like a good running back, he keeps his legs churning until the player is down. His highlight reel should be required viewing or every high school player in the country.

  9. I know it's a "chicken or egg" thing, but the play-calling looked really good this week -- much less predictable and, obviously, BC's success throwing the ball (even on first down!) had a lot to do with the success of the running game. Nice job by Tranquill; the O-line, Shinskie and especially Harris' remarkable vision made him look like a genius.

  10. I'm imploring local alumni to get out and support this team. No one expected BC to be in the running for the Atlantic and yet, here the Eagles are in contention for the 4th year in a row.

    I'm flying 1300 miles to see BC vs. Central MI, so I would think the local alumni could drive 10 miles. I'm bringing my 10 year old son who is used to crowds at Big Ten and Big 12 games so I would hope the stands are not as bare as they were yesterday. Granted, it sounds as if BC is placing way too many restrictions for fans to get to the games, but many SEC schools have the same ridiculous rules and fees and yet the fans still show up.

    Central Michigan is a very, very good MAC team (they nearly beat us when we had Matt Ryan!) so the Eagles need as much support as possible. Let's fill Alumni on Halloween!!!

  11. FWIW, and that might not be very much, SEC teams don't have to deal with the one-two combo of sub-40 degree temperatures and the threat of rain. I wish we'd fill the place and I'll be there rain or shine but I can understand some of the old faithful opting not to sit around in those conditions for 3+ hours.

  12. Interesting rankings in the just released coaches poll.

    29. Central Michigan(6-1)
    30. Notre Dame(4-2)
    31. Boston College(5-2)

    we'll find out in the next two weeks if this is right! I think it's close to being right, but just not in the right order.

    And to get way ahead of ourselves, BC actually has a chance to finish the season as a top 25 team! (Blacksburg and Death Valley were just aberations!! lol)

  13. Luke Kuechly: 14 Tackles, 10 Solo.

  14. CT maybe your healthy skepticism of the Sagarin Rankings is right.

    Consider that we dropped -- significantly -- in his rankings despite a very convincing win.

    Sagarin Rankings 10/11

    39 Boston College
    42 Clemson
    45 Florida State
    50 Wake Forest
    55 North Carolina
    58 Virginia
    64 Duke

    Sagarin Rankings 10/18

    41 Clemson
    44 Florida State
    47 Boston College
    54 Virginia
    56 North Carolina
    68 Wake Forest
    69 Duke

  15. I always imagine Sagarin to be sorta like the US News and World Report rankings. Because they get the top 5 right, and everyone agrees that Harvard and Yale, Berkeley, MIT, and Stanford are top of the line, people assume the rest must be right, too. So too with college football.

    Shinskie's stats:

    Home Games (5)
    59-101 801 yds 9 TD 2 INT

    Away Games (2)
    2-13 6 yds 0 TD 2 INT

  16. CT , interesting.

    Home QB rating 105

    Away QB rating 0

    ND loves it home games; plays 8 home games and only 4 away games; The pressure of being on TV against ND might just cause Shinskie to become unglued ... But ND's defense is NOT in league with VT's or really Clemson's (if Dabo gets them to show up), so maybe Shinskie will do well ... he's better or we are toast! Harris' peformance should help loosen up the passing lanes.


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