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Saturday, November 07, 2009

Friday to forget and other links

The women's soccer team took a game into OT again. This time they were on the wrong end of the game that ended with BC scoring an "own goal."

The men's hockey team also had a rough Friday. Up 4-1 in the 3rd period, the let the game slip away and had to settle for a tie.

Skinner picked up his latest commitment in Papa Samba Ndao. Ndao is a 6'8 wing player who is expected to contribute right away.

Anthony Castonzo made ESPN The Magazine Academic All-District 1 First Team. Is it too early to start thinking Rhodes Scholarship?

With a 2-0 win over Virginia Tech, the men's soccer team concluded their regular season and finished 3rd in the ACC.

Here is a Q&A with former BC catcher Tony Sanchez.


  1. That hockey game was disappointing. Tom Caron & Company made the point that they stopped playing the style of hockey that got them their lead.

    It actually took some amazing saves by Muse to avoid the loss.

  2. http://rivals.yahoo.com/ncaa/football/news?slug=dw-boise110709&prov=yhoo&type=lgns

    Anyone else see Boise trying to get a date on 9/3/11? They'll go to any BCS school and not have to return the game to Idaho. I'd say, hell yeah take it, expect we already scheduled Northwestern on that date, which I'm not about to complain about.

  3. Anybody watching Navy beat ND in the 4th qtr. Clausen was just called for cheapshot personal after throwing an INT to a 5'9" middie who returned it 30plus yards...it was classic.

  4. in all fairness, that pick wasn't his fault. and claussen looks really good.

    more importantly, though, navy is doing what many others this year, including us, have tried to do and failed.

    how can anyone root against navy?

    go fsu.

  5. Claussen and Tate had huge games, but ND just couldn't stop the wishbone. God, that was satisfying to see the return of The Jimmy Claussen Face. And The Charlie Weis Face. I like those.

  6. Clausen and ND crash to earth .... they are officially mediocre...and not going to a BCS bowl.

    Those ND announcers are tough to listen to...Jimmy this, Jimmy that

    What a winner, err, ah, gamer, err ah,, mediocre guy Jimmy is. But to give Jimmy credit, he did have some nice stats today, including an "L"

  7. claussen may be an ass, but he's a top 10 pick.

    i thank the lord that notre dame won't besmirch a bcs game this year. go tcu.

    notre dame may be mediocre...what does that make us?

    watching ga. tech run that same offense is more fun. love the 4th down call in ot by paul johnson. wish more people lived/coached like that.

  8. Jimmy Clausen is good but by no means as good as people think. Did anybody actually look at the Navy D-Line? They looked like JV high school sized. ND's oline basically put their hands on their foreheads McFly style and gave Clausen about 5 minutes to throw the ball to oh yea two of the best receivers in the country and his grizzly bear Tight End.
    The 4th quarter TD was the best because it was a good throw but an amazing catch and effort by the WR with a middie literally climbing his back. Im not even sure which WR it was because the anouncers spent so much time professing their love for Jimmy. He will be a top pick because people are dumb and then be the next Brady Quinn.

  9. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Boise caught enough of a beatdown the last time they played BC. They don't need another one from us. Let them get it from someone else.

  10. The Noles 'n Clemson are competing for most turnovers before winning a game...it's got some appeal, though, since we're going to have a shot if Poner can throw some TD passes and Spiller doesn't ramble.

  11. ...By "Poner" I meant Ponder--almost an X rated typo. Apologies to all...

  12. I say bring Boise State on! It would be a great non-conference, high-profile game for us. And unlike the Northwestern game, it's guaranteed to be televised.

  13. Ok, right, were we saying the same thing against every other opponent ND has played this year, including USC? Of course not. If he were our guy, we'd all be over the moon for him.

    These are his stats...http://espn.go.com/ncf/player/profile?playerId=231813

    67% comp., 20/3 TD-Int ratio (today's pick wasn't even his fault). In fact, I'd argue that b/c he plays for ND, he has actually hurt his own chances for a Heisman since the media is off the ND bandwagon (for good reason).

    The stats are good b/c he's good. I squirm while I type that, though. But I'm sure there are BC guys who are smarmier. Yes? No? Maybe not? I mean, I'm sure Marscovetra showed up to his first BC press conference in a limo, right?

    He'll be a top pick b/c he's good. And he's only a junior.
    His throws are on the right shoulder or in stride. I hope Shinskie is 2/3 the QB Claussen is in two years. W/o a doubt.

    Chicagofire brought up a really good article. This is exactly what a team like BC needs to do. Get some testicles and seek exposure against a media darling and milk it.

    What's the difference b/t doing this and playing in the Kickoff Classic here in Atlanta, a game that Clemson and Va. Tech have played in the last two yrs?

    And by '11, Shinskie might be 2/3 the QB that Claussen is today. I'd rather a home-and-home with an SEC or a Pac-10 team, but this would work. Or we could stick with New Hampshire. My $.02.

  14. the man-crush on Jimmy is so out of character for the cynical CT. (e.g., rah)

    So it must be genuine. I'll have suspend my contempt for Jimmy and re think this.

    ps I clicked thru your name to your blog link to your NZ pics. beautiful pics.

  15. CT--did you see the stats Spiller has put down compared to Reggie Bush? The Clemson back is a Heisman candidate beyond Clausen now...but FSU is trying to contain the Tigers tonight--and right now it's Noles by 3 in the 4th...Spiller playing hurt but dangerous.

  16. Hope you all are watchin' this FSU/Clemson game...it's getting into important places...

  17. Clemson wins! darn. FSU was looking good for a while.

    BC looks to be going to the Emerald Bowl on Dec. 26 to play PAC-10 #6 -- Oregon State?


    This whole Orange Bowl or Bust way of the ACC for BC, and getting "Bust" every year is tiresome.

  18. Please don't hate on Uncle Dave in favor of Kimmy Clausen.
    Once again, I'm not sayin Kimmy is bad but that he is a slightly above average QB that will suck in the NFL.

    Let's compare his 10 game Freshman year stats to Shinskie's through our first 9 some of which he only played part of.

    Clausen- 56%, 1250yds, 7 TD 6 INT
    Shinskie- 54%, 1348yds, 11 TD 7 INT

    Leave Uncle Dave alone

  19. Actually, CBSsports does not even give us the Emerald Bowl

    Instead they have BC as the lowest ACC selection, no.8, and going to EagleBank Bowl, Dec. 29 Washington D.C. ESPN 4:30 p.m. vs. Northern Illinois

    Northern Ill -- who I have never heard of before today -- is MAC #4

    December 29 is a Tuesday.

    So we would be playing a crappy MAC team at 4:30 in the afternoon in Washington DC -- maybe be about 35 degrees and cloudy. Nice.

    This is truly pathetic if this is what goes down

  20. I was saying the other day I think that while technically a slap in the face, Eaglebank may actually be a blessing in disguise for a few reasons.

    1) It's in D.C. so we could probably actually fill it up with alumni/students and chip away at our no travel image.
    2) It has Eagle in the name
    3) After what we did to #1 MAC I think we might be able to set some sort of bowl record for points scored against MAC #4.
    4) EagleBank sounds better that Gaylord Hotels, Meineke Carcare or Emerald Nuts

  21. Bowling on a Tuesday in December in Washington DC?

    and agaisnt an no-luster opponent?

    Can't imagine that will bring out the fans??? avg high temp in DC in December 47!

  22. It's definitely not the ideal location for most people to go in December but I'd say DC is within a few hours driving distance of 70% of BC alums and the thousands of students who will be home doing nothing on Dec 29th.
    A game against a really crappy team in DC will definitely draw a bigger BC crowd than a modestly crappy team in San Francisco or North Carolina.

  23. Did Shinskie just get compared to Jimmy Claussen? In any capacity? WOW

    The only thing that I hate more than Notre Dame is Jimmy Claussen.... but the guy throws a great ball. And, it's tough to say he's not going to succeed at the next level because his WRs are NFL caliber. You also get NFL caliber receivers in the NFL. It's tough to say what he would do with worse receivers, the world may never know.

    I'm not saying he's going to be a good NFL quarterback, but he's a very good college QB.

  24. Instead [CBS Sports] have BC as the lowest ACC selection, no.8

    They really think 8 ACC teams will be bowling? Six sounds more likely.

  25. For those who watched Clemson-FSU, I found it intersting that Tiger LB DeAndre McDaniel basically said that his team was gunning for FSU hurting QB Christian Ponder.

    Noting that the QB was nursing sore ribs, McDaniel stated that the Tigers were going to try to get some good licks on him as part of their game strategy.

    With only a short time remaining in the game and the Tigers in command, McDaniels got his chance when he intercepted a Ponder pass and streaked towards the endzone. The only player trying to prevent the TD was Ponder. Instead of trying to elude Ponder for a few more yards, McDaniel elected to take that lick and blasted the QB - separating his shoulder and probably ending his season.

    Great job, McDaniel - Clemson nation can be proud of you. The ACC can be proud that the Atlantic Division is lead by such a good sportsmanship team - NOT.

  26. Assuming that Clemson wins out and goes to the ACCCG - what would the ACC do if BC also were fortunate to win out and finish 9-3?

    It was one thing to send a 9-3 BC to Boise in 2005, our first year in the league - but sending an over-achieving 9-3 BC team in 2009 to Washington, DC or SF is unacceptable - pure ad simple. We would finish 6-2 in the league, for crying out loud.

    I'm not counting my chickens before they are hatched by any means - indeed we could lose all 3 (but you've got to root for our never-say-die players) - but I am watching this very closely.

  27. Yes, he will have NFL caliber receivers. He will also be going up against NFL caliber defenses who will put real pressure on him.

    The comparison to Shinskie was to illustrate two points.

    1) Someone on here said that at best Shinskie will one day be 2/3 the QB Clausen is which is funny because with less tools and one less game, Shinskie's freshman numbers are actually better than Clausen's freshman numbers.
    2) If Shinskie is equal to or slightly better than Clausen and a lot of people seem to think Shinskie will end up average to slightly above average... see where we're going with this one?

  28. Dan, I hate to break it to you, but our offense is MUCH better in all aspects than ND's offense two years ago. That team was terrible. Absolutely terrible. Worst in the country terrible. The only good player on that offense was TE John Carlson. In contrast, our O-line is good, we have an outstanding tail-back in Montel, and we have some weapons at WR. No disservice to Uncle Dave, who has exceeded expectations, but he actually has talent to work with.

  29. BJK -- actually, as you know, the problem is not the ACC, it is the bowls - nobody wants us (and with understandable reason)

    While we all hope NCSU knocks off Clemson, no one is holding their breath. But we still do have something to play for becuase if we win it out under the "BC Rule" the lowest we can fall is to #5 (ok, its not that great to be #5, but it beats pre-season expectations by a mile).

    If we win out and we make a few other reasonable assumptions, here are the likely final conference records for the ACC bowl eligible teams:

    1. Georgia Tech 7-1
    2. Clemson 6-2
    3. Miami 6-2
    4. V Tech 6-2
    5. BC 6-2
    6. UNC 3-5
    7. Wake 4-4
    8. NCSU 3-5

    Maybe we'll play the Music City Bowl -- again, to the Bowl's horror. At least its an evening game and it will be easier to watch the game on TV

    Of course, if UNC beats us, they will go to the Music City and we will go to Emerald, I guess.

    UNC may turn out to be a pivitol game and its also looking like a tough game for us.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. BJK -- as for the McDaniel hit, originaly when I watched the play it seemed like a clean hit.

    but I just rewatched the hit, and there was some ugly tauntuing by McDaniel just as Ponder stepped into his field of vision. McDaniel was seemingly gunning for Ponder for bragging rights Ugly. So I agree it was poor sportsmanship

    Also, McDaniel & Co clearly had Ponder scared. That is pretty much why he uncharacteristicly threw 4 pics. Intimidation works and it worked for Clemson last night.

  32. Yea I would agree Shinskie walked into a more experienced offense but it's not like the cupboards were bare for Clausen.

    Him- 5star all everything recruit coming directly from playing football.
    Coach- 3rd year "Offensive Genius"
    Cohort- Nine 4-star offensive players as well as Ten 4-5star offensive players the year prior.

    They both walked into a situation with considerable strengths and weaknesses that pretty much even out and that's why I feel the comparison was fair.

  33. On a different note what's with Central Michigan getting more votes than us in the polls this week?

  34. BCNorCal is right. Claussen's first offense as a frosh was really really bad.

    I haven't preordained Shinskie to be good or bad. I never said he'd be 2/3 the QB Claussen is. I said I'd take it. No more mischaracterizations, please.

    And, I promise, no more Claussen talk.

    Thanks, Mod34B. Appreciate that. It's a gorgeous country. Good times.

  35. Looks like BC got a verbal today from Jarett Darmstatter, tight end from New Jersey. Sounds pretty good.

  36. Anonymous8:54 PM

    For those curious, should BC end up at 9-3 (6-2), there is a rule in place to prevent the bowl selection committee's from doing what they do (namely telling BC to bend over).

    If they finish 6-2 in conference, no ACC team with a 4-4 record can be taken ahead of them in the selection process. Looking at the standings, we can safely assume GT, VT, and Miami, and Clemson finish ahead of or with the same record as BC and will be picked ahead of them.

    After that, only 1 team has a realistic chance to finish better than 4-4 and be picked ahead of BC. That would be *drum roll* North Carolina. And a win over the 'Heels next week would take care of that. BC will probably be in the Car Care Bowl for the 37th time this decade.

    See you in Charlotte!

  37. Eagle Dave - I'd like to see you in Charlotte for sure - but in December 2010 for the ACC Championship. I think CLT is a much better fit for that game.

    Let's lower the boom on Virginia - and then I'm flying up to Beantown for the UNC game. I've had that game circled since the schedule was released - or, in truth, since the thrashing we took in Chapel Hill last year.

    Let's go coaches and players - bring on something real speacial for the Tar Heels and Butch (BC has never beaten) Davis.

    Go Eagles - let's finish in style. If we beat Virginia, maybe we can fill the stands for UNC.

  38. Mod34B - playing in the Music City Bowl again against Tennessee would be pretty cool - versus against Vanderbilt.

    I would definitrly travel to Nashville for that - or against Georgia, for example.

  39. Dan - I agree. It is ridiculous that Central Michigan has more votes than BC. They haven't beaten anyone, and BC beat them by 21! It just goes to show that the polls are stupid.

  40. Mischaracterization?

    Sooommebooody neeeeds a chiiill piiill

  41. Dan, whatever, dude. You misspoke about what I said. But whatever. I don't care all that much.

    A lot of assumptions about going 6-2 all of a sudden. Go Central Michigan optimism. I'm feelin' it.

  42. Unless the only reason you'd rather be in the Car Care bowl is because you live close enough to attend, is there any reason why the Emerald Bowl isn't more attrative to BC? Big East or PAC-10? Come on now, Nut bowl > Car Bowl


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